100字范文 > 生态文明传播 ecological civilization communication英语短句 例句大全

生态文明传播 ecological civilization communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-23 06:39:22


生态文明传播 ecological civilization communication英语短句 例句大全

生态文明传播,ecological civilization communication

1)ecological civilization communication生态文明传播


1.The Application of Agenda-setting Theory in the Ecological Civilization Civilization Communication议程设置理论在生态文明传播中的应用

2.Reconsidering the Practice and Importance of Constructing Eco-civilization;对生态文明建设实践和意义的再思考——以禽流感的暴发与传播为例

3.A Porbe into the Popularity of "Changjin"in China from the Cultural Factor of the Communication Environment;从传播生态中文化因素看中国“长今”热

4.On the Influences of Dissemination Ecology on the Rise and Fall of Jianyang Bookshop in the Ming Dynasty论明代传播生态对建阳书坊盛衰的影响

5.News Media Require Rationalism and a Consciousness of Harmony;和谐传媒、传播理性与绿色传播生态

6.Cyber-Eco-ethics vs.Internet Culture Transmission;网络生态伦理观与网络文化传播之适切性

7.A Study on China s Traditional Eco-ethical Thoughts and the Building of Ecological Civilization;中国传统生态伦理思想与生态文明建设研究

8.Uygur Traditional Ecological Ethics and Establishment of Ecological Civilization in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region维吾尔族传统生态伦理与新疆生态文明建设

9.Missionaries plant civilization among the savages.传教士在野蛮人中间传播文明。

10.On the Spreading of Chuanqi Anthologies during the Wan Li Era of the Ming Dynasty;试论明万历年间传奇选本的文本传播

11.Spreading Science and Culture Speeding Social Civilization;加强科学文化传播 促进社会文明和谐

12.The Formation of Cultural Transmission Network and Role of Literati;晚明文化传播网的形成与文人的作用

13.The Departure of Transmission and Contemporary Cultural Crisis;文明传播的偏向与当代文明的危机——伊尼斯传播哲学中的历史智慧

14.Looking at the Situation of Multicultural Amalgamation from Cultural Dissemination;从文化的传播看多元文化交融的态势

15.Diffusion and Fusion of Civilizations:On Communication of the Ancient World Civilizations;文明的汇聚与传播——古代世界文明之交流

16.The Countermeasures of the Uneven Development of Communication of Current Minority Nationality Culture --from the Angle of Media Ecology;当前民族文化传播失衡的对策探讨——以媒介生态为视角

17.Ecoloy of Literature Communication in Media Changes;媒介变局中的文学传播生态——以报纸和互联网为例

18.This great civilization was propagated throughout the land.伟大的文明在整个国土上不断地传播。


Civilization Spreading传播文明

3)cultural spread文明传播

1.As the representation of human s material creation and spiritual thinking, a city s existence and construction should symbolize the order of humancultural spread.作为人类生产生活的物质载体和思想文化的精神载体,城市的建立和存在都应当体现出一种人类文明传播的秩序,这种秩序遵循的是“尊崇爱护自然、力行道德教化、追求精神提升、万物和谐”的文明传播模式,城市也应该在这种传播秩序下发挥它所应发挥的功能,这是人们适应深邃未来的要求。

4)cross-civilization transmission跨文明传播

5)Communication ecology传播生态

munication format always interferes with communication ecology.传播生态的基本框架是信息技术、传播范式和社会行为。

6)the publicity strategy of ecological culture生态文化传播战略


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
