100字范文 > 媒体话语权 Discourse power of media英语短句 例句大全

媒体话语权 Discourse power of media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 04:18:19


媒体话语权 Discourse power of media英语短句 例句大全

媒体话语权,Discourse power of media

1)Discourse power of media媒体话语权


1.Ponder on the Construction of Media-Speaking-Right System through the Phenomenon of "Coax-off"从网络“哄客”现象看媒体话语权力体系的构建

2.On the Contention for the Discourse between Chinese Media and Western Media from Wenchuan Earthquake Report;从汶川大地震报道看我国与西方的媒体话语权争夺

3.On the Feminine Image in Ad Media and Their Discourse Right;浅析广告媒体中的女性形象及话语权

4.Discussion on the Ruling Party s Dominant Role in Control of Network Opinions;执政党掌握网络媒体话语主导权刍议

5.Remolding the Discourse Power:the Developing Strategies of the TV Media in the Internet Age;重塑话语权:网络时代电视媒体的发展策略

6.The Chinese folk games:incarnate Cultural Diversity in leisure development;当代传媒话语权下对女性体育文化的思考

7.New-Media Events:the Reconstruction of the Right-to-Speak and the Transformation of Public Governance新媒体事件:话语权重构与公共治理的转型

8.An analysis of the discourse right in sports dissemination--With TV sports dissemination as example;体育传播中的媒介话语权分析——以电视体育传播为例

9.The Media Function of Terminal and the Terminal Function of Media:the Two Fold Distribute of Marketing Power under the Background of the New Media Marketing;媒介终端化与终端媒介化——新媒体营销背景下市场话语权的双重分配

10.Research on Problems and Solutions of Medium Speaking Rights in Condition of Diverse Interests Groups;利益群体多元化背景下媒介话语权发展存在的问题及对策研究

11.Inconsistent Expression of Marginal Groups Discourse Right in Mass Communication;大众传播媒介下城市边缘群体话语权的矛盾表达

12.Ambiguity of Power,Knowledge and Discourse;含蓄中的权力、知识与话语——试析中国媒体对萨达姆被捕事件的报道

13.The Lack and Reconstruction about Peasants Discourse Right in TV Media;电视媒介中农民话语权的缺失与重建

14.On the Alteration of the Discourse Power for Female Chinese Media Staff;中国女性传媒工作者话语权变迁探讨

15.Loss of Female Discourse Right of Media Based on Chongqing Newspaper;从重庆报纸看女性媒介话语权的缺失

16.The Integratation of Medium Discourse in the Global Context;论全球化语境下电视媒体话语的整合

17.Human Flesh Search:the Word Game in the Mainstream Media Context“人肉搜索”:主流媒体语境下的话语博弈

18.A Study on the Changes and Tendency of the Medical Disputes Report Discourses;我国媒体医疗纠纷报道的话语变迁与话语倾向


media discourse power媒体话语权力

1.Before the Beijing Olympic Games, the worldmedia discourse power was in the dominance of the Western media.奥运会媒体话语权力竞争中取得的胜利开启了中国国际公关的新阶段,也为中国争夺更大的世界媒体话语权力奠定了基础。

3)medium speaking rights媒介话语权

1.Themedium speaking rights is citizens fundamental rights and request.发展媒介话语权,使社会公众可以平等的接近和享用大众媒介资源,是现代社会公民的基本权利和自由,它体现了人类最基本的需要。

4)words right of the media传媒话语权

5)mediated political discourse媒体政治话语

1.The thesis is an issue oriented study onmediated political discourse analysis.本文是由“问题话语”展开的媒体政治话语研究。

6)Multi-media Discourse Form多媒体话语形式


