100字范文 > 网络话语权 The right of discourse in network英语短句 例句大全

网络话语权 The right of discourse in network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 11:23:54


网络话语权 The right of discourse in network英语短句 例句大全

网络话语权,The right of discourse in network

1)The right of discourse in network网络话语权

2)discursive network话语网络

3)Internet Discourse网络话语


1.Internet Event,Internet Discourse and the Reconstruction of the Public Sphere网络事件、网络话语与公共领域的重建

2.The Application of Metamessage and Optimal Relevance in Web Discourse Communication;元信息与最佳关联性在网络话语交际中的应用

3.Substantial Results of Thought and Politics Education of Network Words Difference In Information Age;信息时代网络话语差异之下的思想政治教育的实效性

4.Analysis of Turn and Turn-taking of Chatting-room Conversations;网络聊天室会话话轮和话轮转换的语用分析

5.The Telephony Communication in Windows NT在Windows nt网络中实现电话语音通信

6.Discussion on the Ruling Party s Dominant Role in Control of Network Opinions;执政党掌握网络媒体话语主导权刍议

7.Gender-Related Differences in Conversational Style for Online Chatting;大学生网络聊天会话中话语风格的性别差异

8.An analysis on English turn-taking system and its characteristics of webchat conversations;网络聊天室英语会话的话轮系统及其特点

9.Spoof:Revelry voice in consumption-entertainment,network-image era;恶搞:娱乐消费、网络影像时代下的话语狂欢

10.Instructional Design of Online Collaborative English Learning Environment Based on a Dialogue Model;基于对话的英语网络协作学习的教学设计

11.Remolding the Discourse Power:the Developing Strategies of the TV Media in the Internet Age;重塑话语权:网络时代电视媒体的发展策略

12.A Study on Online Dialogue from Chinese English Learners中国英语学习者参与下的网络对话研究

13.Ponder on the Construction of Media-Speaking-Right System through the Phenomenon of "Coax-off"从网络“哄客”现象看媒体话语权力体系的构建

14.Internet Video Communication and Discourse Analysis in the Critical Incident危机事件中的网络视频传播与话语分析

15.A Method for Enhancing the Capacity of VoIP in Wireless LANs一种提高无线网络语音通话数量的方法

16.A Study on Internet Misunderstanding: Discourse Relevance,Context Explicitness and Language Features;网络聊天的误解研究:话语关联、语境明晰度及语言特征

17.Internet Public Relations:Speech Right Contest and Internet Public Opinion Guidance--Taking Obama"s Internet Public Relations in American President Election for Example网络公关:话语权争夺和网络舆论引导——以美国总统大选中奥巴马的网络公关为例

18.On the Pragmatic Characters of the Parallel Development of Double-Topic in Cyber Communication and it s Models of Conversational Turn;网络交际中双话题平行推进的语用特征与话轮结构


discursive network话语网络

3)Internet Discourse网络话语

4)The Research on the Discourse in the Internet网络空间话语探析

5)Discourse Studies on Net-conversations网络会话语篇研究

6)Internet and Discourse of the Senior Citizens网络与老年人话语


