100字范文 > 定价话语权 discourse of list price英语短句 例句大全

定价话语权 discourse of list price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-27 06:10:25


定价话语权 discourse of list price英语短句 例句大全

定价话语权,discourse of list price

1)discourse of list price定价话语权

1.Energy supply and demand in China is not only faced with contradictory situation,but in want of adiscourse of list price in international oil market.现阶段我国的能源资源供需不仅面临着“峰值相逼”的威胁,而且缺乏国际油品市场的定价话语权,也严重制约了缓解能源问题压力的能力和规避能源问题风险的能力。

2)discourse right of international pricing国际定价话语权

3)Discourse right话语权

1.Inconsistent Expression of Marginal Groups Discourse Right in Mass Communication;大众传播媒介下城市边缘群体话语权的矛盾表达

2.Who move the discourse right of problem students——Talking about the communication with problem students谁动了问题大学生的话语权

3.Analysis of Chi Dawei"s Losing Discourse Right in "Canglangzhishui"《沧浪之水》中池大为丢失话语权之剖析


1.Discourse power and discourse right are two sides of one fact.话语权包括话语权利和话语权力两个方面。

2.Silence and Voice: An Analysis of Female Discourse in The Woman Warrior;沉默与话语——谈《女勇士》中的女性话语权

3.Discourse Right and Discourse: the Role of Male and Female;话语权和话语:两性角色的“在场”姿态

4.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Discourse Power of College English Teacher;从批评话语分析角度看大学英语教师话语权

5.Discourse Power Dialogue between Feminism Translation Thought and Variation Translation Theory;女性主义译论与变译论:话语权力的对话

6.Construction Principles of Student"s Discourse Right in the View of Dialogue Theory对话理论视野下学生课堂话语权的构建原则

7.In vying for influence in Asia, China has many competitors.在争夺亚洲话语权方面,中国敌手众多。

8.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language and Power;从批判的话语分析角度看话语与权利

9.Discourse,Power and Truth:Social Justice and "Ethics of Discourse";话语·权力·真理——社会正义与“话语的伦理”

10.Misreading and Theory of Dialogue,Hermeneutics Theory and Theory of Power and Discourse;误读与对话理论、阐释学和权力话语

11.Powering and Empowering Through Discursive Structures in Therapeutic Conversations;心理咨询话语结构分析:控权与赋权

12.Minben and Civil Rights:Historical Foundation of Discourse on Rights in China;民本与民权——中国权利话语的历史基础

13.Analysis on "sez and power" in pub service language;酒店服务语言的“话语和权力”分析

14.Register and the Lexical Choice in Discourse in the Story of the Stone;语域与《红楼梦》中权势话语的词汇选择

15.Stylistic Interpretation of Language Hegemony in English Law Texts;法律英语文本中话语霸权的文体解读

16.The Analysis on the Monologue in Chinese Teaching;语文讲读教学中话语霸权的成因分析

17.The Plight of Professional Women in the Male-dominated Cultural Discourse Context男权文化话语语境下职业女性的困境

18.Overthrowing of Male Discourse and Establishment of Female Discourse System;也论男权话语的颠覆和女性话语系统的建立


discourse right of international pricing国际定价话语权

3)Discourse right话语权

1.Inconsistent Expression of Marginal Groups Discourse Right in Mass Communication;大众传播媒介下城市边缘群体话语权的矛盾表达

2.Who move the discourse right of problem students——Talking about the communication with problem students谁动了问题大学生的话语权

3.Analysis of Chi Dawei"s Losing Discourse Right in "Canglangzhishui"《沧浪之水》中池大为丢失话语权之剖析

4)discourse hegemony话语霸权

1.The experience and lessons from the dissemination of Western learning in China:the issue ofdiscourse hegemony and "aphasia";关于西学东渐的经验教训——兼论话语霸权与“失语症”问题

2.It s essential to create the national image of China under the western televisiondiscourse hegemony.随着全球化趋势的加强,国家形象在国际交往中的作用日渐突出,在西方电视话语霸权下如何塑造中国的国际形象成为一个关系国家利益的重要问题。

3.Thediscourse hegemony of teachers in classroom not only prevents the students from their individual understandings and pursuits of the world,but also controls the thoughts and speeches of the students.话语霸权表现为语言的专制与保守。

5)power discourse权力话语

1.Power Discourse,Meaning Export and National Public Relations;权力话语、意义输出与国家公共关系的基本问题——从北京奥运会、拉萨“3·14”事件看中国国家公关战略的建构

2.Translation - Re-creation Manipulated and Dominated by Dual Influence of Power Discourse;翻译—一种双重权力话语制约下的再创造活动

3.On thepower discourse and sex role of actors and actresses论权力话语和优伶性别角色

6)Power of Discourse话语权

paring thePower of Discourse of Overseas Chinese Newspapers in Singapore and Malaysia;新马华文报纸话语权比较研究


