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助攻 assist英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-29 00:55:41


助攻 assist英语短句 例句大全



1.In basketball the most important of the center players is the receiving skill, which is not only the pre-condition for the center s shot andassist, but also the comprehensive representation of the center s individual attacking ability.篮球中锋的接球技术是中锋最重要的进攻技术 ,它不仅是中锋投篮和助攻的前提条件 ,还是中锋个人攻击能力的综合体现。


1.The position played by such a back.边卫助攻边卫的位置

2.A back positioned on offense behind or outside of an end.助攻边卫在边锋后边或以外采取进攻的后卫

3.Syracase attacks and Wallace slams,Sims with the assist.锡拉丘兹队进攻,沃伦斯扣篮,西姆斯助攻。

4.The Experiment Study of the Interface between the Bone Tissues and Self-drilling/self-tapping Microimplant Anchorage;自攻/助攻支抗微植体骨界面的实验研究

5.Bombing forward down the left, he collected Cristiano Ronaldo"s pass and crossed for Rooney to head the opener.他在左路助攻接到罗那尔多的传球之后助攻鲁尼得分。

6.The action of a soccer player who enables a teammate to score by presenting the ball for a goal.助杀,助攻把足球踢给同队伙伴以射门的行为

7.(football) the person who plays wingback.(足球)打足球助攻边卫位置的人。

8.also registering one assist, one steal and one block in China"s 133-70 loss.并有一次助攻,一次抢断和一次盖帽。

9.Pires" invention and selflessness also saw him rack up nine assists in the League, the most from an Arsenal player last season.皮雷的创造性和无私体现在他在联赛中的9次助攻,这是上赛季阿森纳的最高助攻次数。

10.We should use our secondary forces to pin down several enemy columns.我们应当用助攻部队来牵制住敌军的几个纵队。

11.The game was in Slovakia, the goal a header from a left-wing cross.比赛在斯洛伐克进行,助攻来自左边路的传中。

12.Rodney Billups, who averaged 10.2 points and 6.4 assists for the 20-11 Denver team last year, is thrilled with the opportunity.罗德尼,去年平均10.2分6.4助攻,面对机会激动不已。

13.His tenth goal in 37 caps came from a Michael Owen chip.37次出场的第十个进球来自迈克欧文的助攻。

14.A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.助杀,助攻能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出

15.A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分

16.Damn, Yao running the break and handing off the assist to Howard. He"s doing everything tonight.该死,姚明发动了那个快攻,并且助攻霍华德,今天晚上他在做所有的工作。

17.Or they might help the Ma to siege the Chun"s castle.或他们可能帮助魔界围攻天界的城堡。

18.Simulation and Analysis for Attack-Defense Measures of Ballistic Missile during Boost Phase;弹道导弹助推段攻防效能的仿真分析



3)assistant attack协助进攻

4)secondary attack grouping助攻集团

5)a holding element助攻部队

6)helping the runner助攻犯规


