100字范文 > 副集 assistant sets英语短句 例句大全

副集 assistant sets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-02 20:57:58


副集 assistant sets英语短句 例句大全

副集,assistant sets

1)assistant sets副集

1.Embedded granulation ofassistant sets on s-rough sets;S-粗集副集的嵌入粒度

2.α-Generation granulation degree ofassistant sets of S-rough sets;S-粗集的副集α-生成粒度

3.α-Generation and α-generation theorem ofassistant sets of S-rough sets;S-粗集的副集α-生成与α-生成定理


1.The Generation of Assistant Sets of Function S-rough Sets and their Characterization;函数S-粗集的副集生成及其性态刻画

2.Embedding and Embedding Characteristics of Assistant Sets of Function S-rough Sets;函数S-粗集的副集嵌入及嵌入特性

3.α-generation Law of Assistant Sets of Function Two Direction S-rough Sets;函数双向S-粗集的副集的α-生成规律及其应用

4.Target Gregariousness Algorithm Based on Assistant Set of Intuitionistic Fuzzy S-rough-set基于直觉模糊S-粗集副集的目标合群算法

5.The two replicas are from different replica sets and cannot be synchronized.两个来自不同副本集的副本不能同步。

6.Name:Media Master Description:Capacity:Free Space:Status:Media Copy Set 1:Media Copy Set 2:Media Copy Set 3名称:媒体原件描述:容量:自由空间:状态:媒体副本集 1:媒体副本集 2:媒体副本集 3

7.%9 can"t designate "%1" as the Design Master for the replica set.%9 不能将“%1”指定为副本集的“设计母版”。

8."You have chosen to synchronize media copy set %1.%2"您已经选择同步媒体副本集 %1.%2

9.Please enter number of media copy sets between %1 and %2.输入的媒体副本集数量在%1和%2之间。

10.He is the vice - chairman of an Industrial group .他是工业集团公司的副董事长。

11.The mate mustered the ship"s company.大副召集船上全体人员点名。

12.SCADA substation监控及资料收集系统副控站

13.An Analysis of the Usage of Degree Adverb in Yeji Dialect of Anhui;安徽叶集话的程度副词及其用法初探

14.An Analysis on the Usage of Degree Adverbs in Anhui Yeji Dialect;安徽叶集话的程度副词及其用法探析

15.A Latex Agglutination Test for Detection of Haemophilus Parasuis乳胶凝集试验快速检测副猪嗜血杆菌

16."Which media copy set do you want to synchronize with the media master set?"您想将哪个媒体副本集与媒体原件集同步?

17.You can synchronize only one media copy set at a time. If you want to synchronize another media copy set, run this wizard again.一次只能同步一个媒体副本集。如果要同步另一个媒体副本集,请再次运行这个向导。

18.Store this document centrally, enabling members to keep their copies synchronized.集中存储此文档,使各成员的副本保持同步。


assistant set副集

1.Two direction rough decision-making and decision discernment onassistant set;副集上的双向粗决策与决策识别

2.This paper expatiates the mathematics structures and characteristics of intuitionistic fuzzy S-rough-set and theassistant set of intuitionistic fuzzy S-rough-set.阐述直觉模糊S-粗集和直觉模糊S-粗集副集的数学结构与特性。

3)random assistants随机副集



6)one direction assistant sets单向副集

1.According to the concept ofone direction assistant sets,the concepts of one direction internal assistant sets and one direction rough assistant sets and the concepts of their eigenvalue are proposed.根据单向副集的概念,提出单向内副集与单向粗副集的概念,单向副集、单向内副集与单向粗副集特征值的概念;提出单向副集与单向粗副集关于单向S-集合与单向S-粗集的迁移度的概念,基于这些概念给出相关的定理;最后以实例分析单向粗副集的特征值与迁移度的存在背景与应用。


