100字范文 > 助教 assistant英语短句 例句大全

助教 assistant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-14 06:07:32


助教 assistant英语短句 例句大全



1.Graduate students usually teach curricula to undergraduate in medical university as anassistant for the first time.在医科院校 ,研究生作为助教参加大量的教学工作 ,初为人师 ,要取得良好的教学效果 ,不仅要做到思想重视 ,备课熟练 ,还要有较强的表达能力和使讲课充满趣味

2.Youngassistants at colleges and universities must acknowledge their shortcoming and optimize their teaching methods in the respect of teaching.年轻的大学助教教师 ,在大学教学方面 ,必须正视自身现有的欠缺 ,努力优化自己的教学方法 ,这样才有可能使自己尽快成为某一学科的专家学者。


1.Interships are made up of three types: teaching, rearch, and graduate.助教薪金有三种:助教,助研和助学。

2.An assistant teacher in a school.助教学校中的助理教员

3.(US)assistant lecturer in a college(大专院校的)助教.

4.A teaching assistant who reads and grades examination papers.助教阅读并评改试卷的助教

5.Function of Courseware;对教学辅助“课件”辅助教学作用的分析

6.A faculty member ranking below an assistant professor.比助教职务低的系教员

7.Teachers use them to help teaching.教师用电脑来帮助教学,

8.A cleric who assists a rector or vicar.助理牧师协助教区长或教区牧师的教职人员

9.I was appointed as assistant in English.我被聘为英语助教。

puter assisted instruction programs计算机辅助教学程序

11.teaching auxiliary教师助手,教学辅助人员

12.Assistant Officer [Correctional Services Department]惩教助理〔惩教署〕

13.a senior assistant master,ie in a school(男)高级助理教师.

14.day orderly officer assistant [Correctional Services Department]值日助理〔惩教署〕

15.school aide[美]教学辅助人员

16.The Aid Effect of Government-subsidized Student Loan’s Subsidies;论国家助学贷款补贴的教育资助效应

17.Recruit Assistant Officer Training Course [Correctional Services Department]惩教助理入职训练课程

18.he goes to professor Smith for suggestions.他求助于史密斯教授。


teaching assistant助教

1.Since the graduate students do the part-time work ofteaching assistant at colleges and universities,there are many disadvantages besides the advantages.高校中研究生兼助教工作自执行以来,取得一些成果的同时也存在着一些问题,作者根据助教实践中的体会,深入剖析了当前高校中研究生兼助教工作中存在的几个问题,进而提出相关解决方案。

2.It is graduate s important component of "teaching assistant, research assistant, management assistant" that the graduate holdsteaching assistant s work concurrently, andteaching assistant s work is still the part of the course teaching, it influences students atmosphere and results of learning directly.研究生兼任助教工作是研究生“三助”(助教、助研、助管)工作的重要组成部分,助教工作是课程教学工作的一部分,助教工作质量在很大程度上影响了本科生的教育质量。



5)Teaching assistants教学助理

1.Teaching assistants(TA) play a major role in the educational process in the universities in the United States.教学助理制度在美国的大学教育中起着重要的作用。

6)auxiliary teaching辅助教学

1.On some issues in the computer multimediaauxiliary teaching;开展计算机多媒体辅助教学应注意的几个问题

2.Make rational use of computers toauxiliary teaching and improve teaching quality of tourist geography;合理利用计算机辅助教学 提高旅游地理教学质量

puter networkauxiliary teaching system based on B/S offers a systematic,overall and highly effective WEBauxiliary teaching platform to teachers and students which incorporating lots of functions into an organic whole,such as system,user management,relevant educational resource,user intercommunion and examination management and so on.基于B/S模式的计算机网络辅助教学系统是集系统、用户管理、相关教学资源、用户交互和考试管理等功能于一体,为教师及学生提供了一个系统、全面而高效的WEB辅助教学平台。


