100字范文 > 大负荷训练 heavy load training英语短句 例句大全

大负荷训练 heavy load training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-31 07:19:01


大负荷训练 heavy load training英语短句 例句大全

大负荷训练,heavy load training

1)heavy load training大负荷训练

1.A study on the affection of Wusuheavy load training to the national traditional sports undergraduates lactate and blood urea nitrogen;武术大负荷训练对民族传统体育大学生血乳酸和血尿素氮影响的研究

2.The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 3-weekheavy load training on some biochemical indexes of 14 elite man Sanda athletes who prepared for City Games in order to monitor their training.研究14名备战广东城运会的优秀男子散打运动员大负荷训练3周后,运动训练对其部分血液生化指标的影响,以监控运动训练。

3.The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 4-week winterheavy load training on some biochemical and immune indexes of 8 elite Greco-Roman wrestlers who prepared for the 10 th National Games in order to monitor their training.研究8名备战十运会的优秀男子古典式摔跤运动员进入冬训大负荷训练期4周后,运动训练对其部分血液生化及免疫指标的影响,以监控运动训练。


1.Research on the Effect of Konjac-Oligosaccharides on SIgA of Trained Rats;魔芋甘露聚糖对大负荷训练大鼠粘膜SIgA的影响

2.The Research of Heavy Load Training on the Gait Influence of the Wu Shu Athletes;大负荷训练对武术运动员步态影响的研究

3.Monitoring biochemistry indexes of North lion-athlets during pre-competion training load;北狮运动员大负荷训练期间生化指标的监测

4.Big work-load training of U-15 juvenile football teams in Henan province;河南U-15少年足球队大负荷训练课的实施状况

5.Cognitive Appraising and characteristic of Elite Athletes for the Intensive Training;优秀运动员大负荷训练的认知评价特征

6.Emotion and Coping Way of Female Swimming during Intensive Training;女游泳运动员大负荷训练中的情绪和应对方式

7.The Effects of High-intensity Intermittent Exercise on Immunoglobulin;运动员大负荷训练后免疫球蛋白动态变化

8.Experimental Study on High Intensity Training With Balls of our Men s Soccer Players;本院男足代表队有球大负荷训练的实验研究

9.Research on High Work-Load Training of Chinese Excellent Men s Football Teams and Chinese Excellent Women s Football Teams;我国优秀足球队有球大负荷训练课的比较分析

10.Monitoring on Some Biochemical and Immune Indexes of Wrestlers during Winter Heavy Load Training;摔跤运动员冬训大负荷训练期间若干生化及免疫指标的监测研究

11.Change of Renal Tissue Micro-structure in Rats Resulted from Load Training and Mechanisms of Molecule Regulation;大负荷训练导致大鼠肾组织微细结构变化和分子调控机理的探讨

12.Alteration of RBC Morphology and Morphological Indexes after High Intensity Training and During Recovery in Rats and Effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on RBC Morphology and Morphological Indexes during Recovery in Rats;大负荷训练后大鼠红细胞形态学的变化及针灸的促恢复作用

13.Effects of Carbohydrate Supplement on Serum Amino Acids Concentrations in Heavy-load Training Rats;糖的补充对大负荷训练大鼠血清氨基酸水平的影响

14.The Change of Bone Relevant Factors of Female Rats Mechanical Signal Transductions by Long-term Incremental Load Training长期递增大负荷训练对雌性大鼠相关力学转导信号因子的影响

15.On the Loading Ability Training of Soldiers;从美国陆军作战负荷看士兵负荷训练

16.Study on Aerobic Ability of Weight Lifters during High Load Resistance Training;大负荷力量训练对举重运动员有氧能力的影响

17.Effects of differently-loaded swim training in the RBCM of rats;不同负荷游泳训练对大鼠红细胞膜的影响

18.Characteristics of the Specific Training Load in Preparations for Major Archery Competitions;射箭备战重大比赛期专项训练负荷的特点


intensive training大负荷训练

1.Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training (IHT) on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during theintensive training.目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。

2.Used the opened-questionnaire,the author investigated 101 athletes in the track and field; swimming; bicycle; table tennis; tennis; martial arts about the cognitive appraising and characteristic onintensive training.采用开放式问卷调查法调查了田径、游泳、自行车、乒乓球、网球、武术套路等6个运动项目101名国家一级以上运动员对大负荷训练的认知评价,旨在为研究优秀运动员大负荷训练中的心理疲劳提供心理依据。

3.This study examined the psychological and physiological fatigue and their coping style duringintensive training of33swimming athletes and found that theintensive training had a great influence on the psychological conditions,heart and lung system,muscular system and metabolic system.采用问卷调查法和测量法跟踪调查了33名游泳运动员6周大负荷训练中的心理、生理疲劳和应对方式,目的是为教练员科学进行大负荷训练提供心理和生理依据。

3)intense-load training大负荷训练

1.Research on the metabolic characteristics duringintense-load training for male Ping-Pong athletes;大负荷训练期男子乒乓球运动员身体机能变化特点的研究

4)Out-load training大负荷运动训练

5)intensive and specialized training大负荷专项训练

1.Influence ofintensive and specialized training on immunity enginery for men Sanda-athletes in pre-comptetion training;赛前大负荷专项训练对男子散打运动员免疫机能的影响研究

2.Purpose: The study is to observe the influence ofintensive and specialized training on oxidation respond of different level men Sanda players.目的:分析探讨一次大负荷专项训练对不同运动水平男子散打运动员氧化应激的影响。

6)training under big load大负荷训练期

1.Humoral Immunity changes of female athletes duringtraining under big load;女子运动员大负荷训练期体液免疫能力变化的研究


