100字范文 > 递增大负荷训练 Increasing load movement英语短句 例句大全

递增大负荷训练 Increasing load movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-18 04:34:54


递增大负荷训练 Increasing load movement英语短句 例句大全

递增大负荷训练,Increasing load movement

1)Increasing load movement递增大负荷训练


1.The Change of Bone Relevant Factors of Female Rats Mechanical Signal Transductions by Long-term Incremental Load Training长期递增大负荷训练对雌性大鼠相关力学转导信号因子的影响

2.Research for Female Rats Load on BMD、IGF-Ⅰand IL-6 in Progressive Increasing Load Volume Training递增大负荷训练对雌性大鼠骨密度、IGF-Ⅰ和IL-6等指标影响的研究

3.The Study about the Effect of Coliagen Type Ⅰ and Matrix Metal Loproteinase in Long-time Increasingly Training Female Rat长期递增大负荷训练对雌性大鼠骨Ⅰ型胶原和基质金属蛋白酶影响的研究

4.Effects of Incremental Load Treadmill Overtraining on Transcription Factors递增负荷过度训练对转录因子的影响

5.The Effect of Supplying Soybean Peptide on the Serum CK Isoenzymes of the Rats after Incremental Load Training;补充大豆多肽对递增负荷训练后大鼠血清CK同工酶活性的影响

6.The Proteomic Research of Auricular Muscle after Progressive Increasing Load Volume Training on Rats;递增运动负荷训练对大鼠心房肌蛋白质组影响的研究

7.Effect of Incremental Exercise on Red Blood Cell and Hemoglobin of Rats;递增负荷运动训练对大鼠红细胞及血红蛋白的影响

8.Expression of GnRH R in Progressive Load Trainingfor Rats and Its Relation with Sex Hormone;GnRH-R在大鼠递增负荷训练中的表达及与性激素的关系

9.Indentation Test to Study the Effect on Biomechanical Property of Spongy Bone in Rats Under Progressively Increasing Load Training压痕试验法研究递增负荷训练对大鼠松质骨生物力学性能的影响

10.Hyperbaric oxygen effects on the expression of P53 and Bcl-2 protein of gastrocnemius muscle in rats following incremental training高压氧对递增负荷训练大鼠腓肠肌P53、Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响

11.Research on Incremental Load Training-induced Changes on Ultrastructure and Function of Thyroidal Gland in Estrum Restrain of Rats;递增负荷训练诱导的动情周期抑制大鼠甲状腺超微结构与功能变化的研究

12.Effect of Incremental Exercise on Free Radical Metabolism in Skeletal Muscles of Mice ofDifferent Months Old and Its Immune System;递增性负荷训练对不同月龄大鼠骨骼肌组织自由基代谢及其防御系统影响

13.A Study on Skeletal Muscle IGF-I and Serum GH and IGF-I in Rats for Six-Week Incremental Exercise;6周递增负荷训练对大鼠骨骼肌IGF-Ⅰ及血清GH、IGF-Ⅰ水平影响的研究

14.A study on skeletal muscle IGF-I and serum GH and IGF-Iin rats for six-week incremental exercise;6周递增负荷训练对大鼠骨骼肌IGF-I及血清GH、IGF-I水平影响的研究

15.ELISPOT Detection of Cell Immunity in Over-Loaded Rats with Incremental Exercise固相酶联免疫斑点技术检测递增负荷过度训练大鼠细胞免疫机能变化研究

16.Effects of 5-weeks Gradual Load Training on Endocrine and Immune Function;5周递增负荷训练对内分泌免疫机能影响的研究

17.Effects of Progressive Loading Exercise on the Bone and Skeletal Muscle Properties of Rats with Osteoporosis递增负荷练习对骨质疏松大鼠骨骼和骨骼肌特性的影响

18.Research on Results of Progressively Increasing Training Load Method,Applied by Zhou Wei;对周伟采用“递进负荷”训练法的效果研究


incremental exercise递增负荷训练

1.A study on skeletal muscle IGF-I and serum GH and IGF-Iin rats for six-weekincremental exercise;6周递增负荷训练对大鼠骨骼肌IGF-I及血清GH、IGF-I水平影响的研究

3)incremental load training递增运动负荷训练

4)progressive training递增负荷运动训练

5)Incremental load treadmill overtraining递增负荷过度训练

6)intensive training大负荷训练

1.Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training (IHT) on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during theintensive training.目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。

2.Used the opened-questionnaire,the author investigated 101 athletes in the track and field; swimming; bicycle; table tennis; tennis; martial arts about the cognitive appraising and characteristic onintensive training.采用开放式问卷调查法调查了田径、游泳、自行车、乒乓球、网球、武术套路等6个运动项目101名国家一级以上运动员对大负荷训练的认知评价,旨在为研究优秀运动员大负荷训练中的心理疲劳提供心理依据。

3.This study examined the psychological and physiological fatigue and their coping style duringintensive training of33swimming athletes and found that theintensive training had a great influence on the psychological conditions,heart and lung system,muscular system and metabolic system.采用问卷调查法和测量法跟踪调查了33名游泳运动员6周大负荷训练中的心理、生理疲劳和应对方式,目的是为教练员科学进行大负荷训练提供心理和生理依据。


