100字范文 > 递增负荷 incremental load英语短句 例句大全

递增负荷 incremental load英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-08 04:57:41


递增负荷 incremental load英语短句 例句大全

递增负荷,incremental load

1)incremental load递增负荷

1.The study made an experiment in the effects ofincremental load on the construction and function of left ventride of the heart of 12 speed skaters.递增负荷对12名速滑运动员左心室结构功能试验表明:递增负荷前速滑运动员左心室WTd、LVDd、LVDs、EVD及EVS均明显高于对照组;CO、CI、HR、EF、△%D组间比较均无显著性差异;而SV、SI则明显高于对照组,说明SV、SI是评定心功能的敏感指标。


1.A comparative study of AT determination in running withprogressive and unprogressive increasing loads;无累进递增负荷与有累进递增负荷测定无氧阈结果的对比研究

2.Effects of Incremental Load Treadmill Overtraining on Transcription Factors递增负荷过度训练对转录因子的影响

3.Herba Epimedii Effects on the Ability of Exercise of Wistar Mice;淫羊藿对大鼠递增负荷运动后机能变化的影响

4.Effect of HiHiLo on Left Ventricular Function during Incremental Exercise of Student-Athletes in Our University;HiHiLo对运动员递增负荷运动中左心室功能的影响

5.The Relationship between sEMG Parameters and Force Levels during Step Contraction of Biceps Brachii;间断递增负荷条件下肌肉活动的力-电关系

6.Effects of Incremental Exhausting Exercise on the Activity of CK and CK-MB in Serum;递增负荷力竭运动对血清CK、CK-MB活性的影响

7.Effects of progressive increasing load training on signaling factors of mechanotransduction递增负荷运动对力学信号转导因子的影响效应

8.Effect of Prolonged Endurance Training on Amino Acids Neurotransmitters in SD Rats;长期递增负荷运动对大鼠氨基酸类神经递质的影响

9.Analysis of the Dynamic Change in Rats CSF after Additive Loading Exercises;递增负荷运动后大鼠CSF中单胺类神经递质的动态变化分析

10.Effect of Acute Incremental Exercise and Hyperoxia Intake on Immune Function;急性递增负荷运动后免疫机能的变化特征及吸氧的影响

11.Effect of O_2 Intake on Free Radicals、Erythrocyte Antioxidant System after Incremental Exercise;吸氧对递增负荷运动后自由基,红细胞抗氧化系统的影响

12.Responsive and Adaptive Characteristics of Cellular Immunity during Six Weeks Incremental Exercise in Rats;大鼠细胞免疫功能对六周递增负荷运动的应答性和适应性特征

13.The Effect of Supplying Soybean Peptide on the Serum CK Isoenzymes of the Rats after Incremental Load Training;补充大豆多肽对递增负荷训练后大鼠血清CK同工酶活性的影响

14.Dynamic Change of Blood Pyruvate, Lactate during the Male s Treadmill Increase Progressively Load Exercise;青年男子跑台递增负荷运动中血液丙酮酸、乳酸动态变化

15.Changes of RBC FR and Membrane Protein after Incremental Exercise to Exhaustion;递增负荷力竭运动后红细胞自由基与膜蛋白的变化

16.Response and Adaptation of Blood Cell and Hemoglobin under the Condition of Long Term Incremental Exercises;血细胞和血红蛋白对长期递增负荷运动的反应与适应特征

17.Effects of Incremental-load Exhaustive Exercise on Free Radical Metabolism;对逐级递增负荷力竭性运动前后自由基代谢的研究

18.sEMG Signal Changes and Its Physiological Significance on Musculus Quadriceps Femoris during Incremental Exercise;递增负荷运动中股四头肌表面肌电信号变化特征及其生理学意义


incremental exercise递增负荷运动

1.sEMG Signal Changes and Its Physiological Significance on Musculus Quadriceps Femoris during Incremental Exercise;递增负荷运动中股四头肌表面肌电信号变化特征及其生理学意义

2.Method: 10 subjects performedincremental exercise on bicycle before and after entering oxygen-enriched room, and their blood lactic acid,ammonia and myoglobin contents were determined.方法 :对海拔 370 0m高原的 10名健康青年在进入富氧室前后分别进行功率自行车递增负荷运动 ,检测血乳酸、氨、肌红蛋白含量 ,并以安静时作对照。

3.The subjects of the study performedincremental exercises on treadmill and their heart rate at each stage was measured.受试者在跑台上进行递增负荷运动,并测量每级运动的心率。

3)exhaustive exercise递增大负荷运动

1.Objective Effect of spirulina s complex preparation(SACP) on morphologies and protein expression of HSP70 in myocardium, skeletal muscle and liver tissue were investigated in the mice during 4-week prolongedexhaustive exercise .目的:研究螺旋藻复方对递增大负荷运动小鼠肝脏、心肌和骨骼肌的保护作用及对HSP70表达的影响。

2.To investigate the effect of spirulina s complex prescriptions(SACP)in 4 weeks on cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and liver tissue s morphologies and protein expression of HSP70 in these tissues in the mice during prolongedexhaustive exercise.目的:研究螺旋藻复方对递增大负荷运动小鼠肝脏、心肌、骨骼肌的保护作用和HSP70表达的关系。

4)incremental exercise递增负荷训练

1.A study on skeletal muscle IGF-I and serum GH and IGF-Iin rats for six-weekincremental exercise;6周递增负荷训练对大鼠骨骼肌IGF-I及血清GH、IGF-I水平影响的研究

5)progressive increasing load volume training递增负荷运动

1.Changes of ultrastructure of hypothalamus and pituitary in rats duringprogressive increasing load volume training and recovery courses;递增负荷运动大鼠下丘脑-垂体超微结构变化及其恢复过程观察

6)step contraction间断递增负荷


成本递增的产业成本递增的产业(Increasing-cost industry) 是指具有向上倾斜的长期供给曲线的行业,它的扩大会引起投入品价格的上升。
