100字范文 > 中等负荷训练 moderate-load platform-running training英语短句 例句大全

中等负荷训练 moderate-load platform-running training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-10 00:01:41


中等负荷训练 moderate-load platform-running training英语短句 例句大全

中等负荷训练,moderate-load platform-running training

1)moderate-load platform-running training中等负荷训练

1.This experiment is aimed to exam the effect of themoderate-load platform-running training on the free radical metabolism of the aging D-galactose and rat-model forebrain cortex by observing the thirty SD rats,which are randomly divided into three groups: nomal one,aging-model one and the aging-modelmoderate-load platform-running training one,and each group has 10 of them.方法:将30只大鼠随机分为正常对照组、衰老模型对照组和衰老模型中等负荷训练组,每组10只,6周后,用Morris水迷宫试验进行学习记忆能力的测定,然后检测基底前脑、海马结构和大脑皮质NO、丙二醛(MDA)的含量,同时测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。

2)The moderate exercise中等负荷运动训练


1.The effect of moderate exercise on the behaviors and the free radical in peripheral blood of SD rats after being received noise stress;中等负荷运动训练对心理应激大鼠行为和氧自由基的影响

2.Medium load sports training effects on psychological stressed rat apotosis stress mechanism;中等负荷运动训练对心理应激大鼠淋巴细胞凋亡氧化应激机制的研究

3.Effect and Mechanism of Moderate Exercise on Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Apoptosis and Bcl-2,Bax Gene Expression of Mental Stress Rats;中等负荷运动训练对心理应激大鼠淋巴细胞凋亡的影响及其机制的研究

4.Investigation on the Urine Abnormity of Middle-distance Runner during the Training Before Competition;中长跑运动员赛前训练不同负荷下尿异常研究

5.Analysis on Successful Case of Excellent Marathon Athlete Training;对中国优秀马拉松运动员训练负荷个案分析

6.Emotion and Coping Way of Female Swimming during Intensive Training;女游泳运动员大负荷训练中的情绪和应对方式

7.A Study of Elite 400m Runners Effective Training Load--With Similarity and Difference in Training Concepts of China and USA;高水平400m运动员有效训练负荷研究——兼论中美400m训练理念之异同

8.The controlling of rowersmin pre-competitive condition forming load intensity;赛艇运动员赛前训练负荷强度的控制

9.Monitoring the Biochemical Norms of Load during the Basketball Players Training;足球运动员训练负荷的生化指标监测

10.Study of Multi-Sets Strength Training Intensity with Same Load on Lower Limbs of Athletic and Rowing Athletes;对田径、赛艇运动员下肢等负荷多组力量训练强度的研究

11.The Training Load Sensitive Index before the Competition of Elite Athletes of Middle-Distance Race;优秀中长跑运动员赛前训练运动负荷敏感指标特征分析

12.Effects of Moderate Load Training with Restricting the Flowing Volume of Muscle Blood on the Anti-oxide Capacity of Skeletal Muscles of Speed Skating Athletes;限制肌血流量中等强度负荷训练对速度滑冰运动员骨骼肌抗氧化能力的影响

13.Analyzing and Evaluating Character of Altitude Training Load about Chinese Elite Swimmers before Competition;中国高水平游泳运动员赛前高原训练负荷特征分析及评定

14.The Effect and Impact of Recovery in Intense Loads Sprint Training;谈高运动负荷状态下短跑训练中恢复的效用与影响

15.Analysis on Feature of Main Factors in Exercise Load Control on High Level Sport Training;高级竞技训练运动负荷控制中主导因素特征分析

16.Study on Changing Pattern of Immune and Endocrine Function of Athletes during Heavy Load Weight Training;运动员大负荷力量训练中免疫及内分泌机能变化规律的研究

17.A Study on the Characteristics of Training load Control of Elite Athletes of Long and Middle Distance Running;世界优秀中长跑运动员训练负荷控制特征的研究

18.Psychological and Physiological Fatigue of the Swimming Athletes During Intensive Training and Their Coping Ways;游泳运动员大负荷训练中心理、生理疲劳和应对方式


The moderate exercise中等负荷运动训练

3)Training load训练负荷

1.Features of pre-competition training load of National Men Trampoline Team for Beijing Olympic Games中国男子蹦床队备战北京奥运会赛前训练负荷特征分析

2.It argues that training load should be treated in three aspects: sports training, psychology and physiology, thus we can logically exert load to ensure the systematic training and consecutive effect.从多个方面论述了负荷的综合性、累进效应及其恢复,认为要从训练学、心理学、生理学三个层面来看待训练负荷,才能合理地施加负荷,保证训练的系统和连贯效应。

3.Characteristics and regularity of changes in the content of lactic acid in human urine by different training load are discussed.探讨不同训练负荷引起的尿乳酸变化的特点和规律,为评定女足训练强度、掌握运动量以及进行体能恢复提供科学依据。

4)training with a concentrated load effect集中负荷效应训练

5)intensive training大负荷训练

1.Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training (IHT) on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during theintensive training.目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。

2.Used the opened-questionnaire,the author investigated 101 athletes in the track and field; swimming; bicycle; table tennis; tennis; martial arts about the cognitive appraising and characteristic onintensive training.采用开放式问卷调查法调查了田径、游泳、自行车、乒乓球、网球、武术套路等6个运动项目101名国家一级以上运动员对大负荷训练的认知评价,旨在为研究优秀运动员大负荷训练中的心理疲劳提供心理依据。

3.This study examined the psychological and physiological fatigue and their coping style duringintensive training of33swimming athletes and found that theintensive training had a great influence on the psychological conditions,heart and lung system,muscular system and metabolic system.采用问卷调查法和测量法跟踪调查了33名游泳运动员6周大负荷训练中的心理、生理疲劳和应对方式,目的是为教练员科学进行大负荷训练提供心理和生理依据。

6)overload training超负荷训练

1.The experiment was made in SD rats, which performedoverload training.结果表明 ,超负荷训练对大鼠的心血管系统影响较大。


中等1.介于上等与下等或高等与初等之间的等级。 2.形容(身材)不高不矮。
