100字范文 > 人文价值体系 humane value system英语短句 例句大全

人文价值体系 humane value system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-25 08:30:33


人文价值体系 humane value system英语短句 例句大全

人文价值体系,humane value system

1)humane value system人文价值体系

2)cultural value systems文化价值体系


1.Study on University-Industry Interactions and Reconstruction of Innovative Culture;推进“大学-产业”互动,重构创新文化价值体系

2.the philosophy of a culture.某文化的价值体系原

3.On the Dynamic Features of Value System in Intercultural Communication;论跨文化交际中价值体系的动态特征

4.Construction of Harmonious Culture and Reconstruction of China s Jurisprudential Value System;和谐文化建设与法律价值体系的重构

5.Establishment of Karst Cave Cultural System and Evaluation of Karst Tourism Values喀斯特洞穴文化体系构建及旅游开发价值评价

6.Research on Evaluation System of Exploitation Value of Intangible Culture Heritage Resource;非物质文化遗产旅游资源价值评价体系初探

7.Ecological heath systems, leisure vacation systems, regional value systems, life culture systems, villas quality systems. All together brings the noble values of these villas.生态健康体系、闲度假体系、域价值体系、活文化体系、墅素质体系,成就别墅高尚价值论。

8.Analyzing the Relationship between the Core Socialist Value System and Harmonious Culture;论和谐文化与社会主义核心价值体系的关系

9.Talking about the Relation between Socialist Core Value System and Harmonious Culture;浅谈社会主义核心价值体系与和谐文化的关系

10.Socialist Kernel Values and Cultivation of Values in Multicultural Era;社会主义核心价值体系与多元文化时代价值观培育

11.The Thinking on Taking Socialist Core Value System as the Foundation to Construct Harmonious Culture;以社会主义核心价值体系为根本的和谐文化

12.To Lead the Construction of Campus Culture with the System of Socialist Core Values;以社会主义核心价值体系引领校园文化建设

13.Defining of socialist core value system by harmonious culture;社会主义核心价值体系的和谐文化诉求

14.Guiding the Building of Harmonious Culture with the Core Value System of Socialistm;以社会主义核心价值体系统领和谐文化建设

15.A Study on the Cultural Consciousness and the Construction of Core Value System;论文化自觉与社会主义核心价值体系的构建

16.On the Central Value System of Socialism and the Construction of Campus Culture;社会主义核心价值体系与高校文化建设

17.The Socialist Core Value System and Harmonious Culture Construction;社会主义核心价值体系与和谐文化建设

18.A Study on Construction of Harmonious Campus Culture under the Guidance of Core Value System of Socialism;用社会主义核心价值体系建设和谐校园文化


cultural value systems文化价值体系

3)White Value System白人价值体系

4)human value人文价值

1.Both the rich base of human idea and the distinct orientation ofhuman value implicated in the theory of sustainable development have been analyzed and described.分析了可持续发展理论蕴涵的丰富的人文思想基础,阐述了可持续发展理论具有的鲜明人文价值取向:体现人的发展和社会文明进步,呼唤有节制的发展,强调公平发展和生态文明建

2.While affirming positively this trend, the article also analyzes the misunderstood points and the problem of neglecting landscape shuman value, to highlight the advocate of contention of a hundred schools of thought in study.对目前景观形态学研究中追求自然的倾向作出辩证的思考,从正面加以肯定分析的同时,对其中的误区及忽视景观的人文价值的问题加以分析,强调研究设计中应该提倡百家争鸣、百花齐放,景观设计中除了形态、色彩、材质等外部特征外,还应对思想形态风俗习惯、政治因素、生产关系等文化特征作出深层次的考虑。

3.Base on the analyzing the humanites value of Olympic movement,the article gives deeply analysis of effect on the Olympic s humanities value of technology and the embody of hi-tech Olympicshuman value.在分析现代奥林匹克运动人文价值的基础上,深入分析科技对奥林匹克运动人文价值的影响,以及科技奥运人文价值体现。

5)humanity value人文价值

1.Onhumanity value of Olympic Games;试论奥林匹克运动的人文价值

2.The conformity of science value andhumanity value in the mathematics education is the requirement of knowledge and economic times; the requirement of one s all-round development for suiting the society.数学教育的科学价值与人文价值整合是知识经济时代的要求;是人全面发展,更好适应社会的需要;是数学教育发展的必然趋势。

6)humanistic value人文价值

1.Inspiration of thehumanistic value of Olympic spirit for humanistic capacities education for contemporary college students;奥林匹克精神人文价值对当代大学生人文素质教育的启示

2.The interpretation of “humanism” and thehumanistic value of traditional national sport of China;“人文”释义和我国民族传统体育的人文价值

3.On Humanistic Value of Xueji (Learnig);试论《学记》的人文价值


人文1.指礼乐教化。。 2.泛指各种文化现象。 3.人事。指人世间事。 4.习俗,人情。
