100字范文 > 价值观念体系 value concept system英语短句 例句大全

价值观念体系 value concept system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-29 23:44:08


价值观念体系 value concept system英语短句 例句大全

价值观念体系,value concept system

1)value concept system价值观念体系

1.Water conservancy investment benefit evaluation is researched in theory, the characters of water conservancy investment benefit evaluation are stated, and knowledge structure of water conservancy investment benefit evaluation subject and itsvalue concept system are introduced.着重介绍了目前水利投资建设项目的社会评价常用的3种方法:定量定性分析法、有无对比分析法和多目标综合分析评价方法,并从信息经济学的角度出发提出了对评价主体知识框架的要求;同时介绍了水利投资效益评价的价值观念体系。


1.The Contemporary College Students Value Orientation and Rebuilding of Concept System of Value;当代大学生价值取向及其价值观念体系重建

2.Contenplatation over the Construction of the Contemporary College Students Values System;当代大学生价值观念体系构建的思考

3.Formation of Cultural Value Sense System From Subjective View;论主体观照下的文学价值观念体系构成

4.The stratrgy of building up new Concept system of value during the transitional period;转型期新价值观念体系建构之理念策略

5.The Value System of the Yao Nationality Ancestors in the light of the Emperor Praise Certificate;从《评皇券牒》看瑶族先民的价值观念体系

6.Buiding Advanced Culture Value Concept System of College and Boosting the Construction of Solialistic Spiritual Civilization;构建高校先进文化价值观念体系 推进社会主义精神文明建设

7.Value,value system and value transfer under the evolution concept--concurrent discussionon the limitation of mathematic solution to the transformation problem演化观念下的价值、价值体系与价值转移——兼论转形问题数学解法的局限性

8.Dialectical Thinking of Corpus Idea of Research Value of Art Anthropology;艺术人类学研究价值主体观念的思辩

9.Factually,Indian caste system is a system of value growing from the cleaning conceptions of Hinduism.从根本上说,种姓制度是一种根植于印度教洁净观念的价值体系。

10.Several Kelalions in The Development of The Ethics Value Concept;伦理价值观念发展中的几个关系问题

11.Innovating value system and realizing people s development in an All-round Ways;创新价值观念系统,实现人的全面发展

12.Brief Analysis on Social Core Values and the Popular Value Idea Group s Relations in Harmonious Society Construction;和谐社会构建中社会核心价值观与大众价值观念群关系探析

13.Deepen the Studies of Value and Build the Value System of the Contemporary China;深化价值观研究与构建当代中国价值观体系

14.Sports Value Concept and Sports Behavior of the Professional Women in Shanghai;上海市职业妇女体育价值观念与体育行为

15.Decoding the Concept of Socialist Nuclear Value System;对社会主义核心价值体系概念的解析

16.The Theory System of Cash Value Added;现金价值增加CVA理论的理念体系

17.It is a long study subject to study the sports value conception.对体育价值观念问题的研究,是一个长久的课题。

18.Sociological research of female sports value formation in urban areas in China;我国城市女性体育价值观念形成的社会学分析


value system价值观念系统

1.Innovatingvalue system and realizing people s development in an All-round Ways;创新价值观念系统,实现人的全面发展

3)sports value体育价值观念

1.Sociological research of femalesports value formation in urban areas in China;我国城市女性体育价值观念形成的社会学分析

4)value system价值观体系

1.The virtue-emphasizingvalue system of Confucianism has a powerful holding and integrating force to push forward the steady development and positive running of traditional Chinese societies.儒家贵德价值观体系以“良知之心”为根源,以合智与德的“道”为最高价值规范,以“仁爱”为价值原则和价值核心,以“义利之辨”为主题体现并展开,以强大的支撑力和整合力推动了中国传统社会的稳定发展和运行秩序,对进一步完善转型期社会主义道德价值观有借鉴意义。


1.The possibility and reality of constructing newvalues during social transformation;社会转型时期价值观念作用的可能与现实

2.Investigation and Analysis of Suanling Villagers Values Vicissitudes;蒜岭村村民价值观念变迁的考察与分析

6)Concept of value价值观念

1.The rich intension of enterprise is analysed,and it is pointed out that enterprise culture is the key to the rise and fall of an enterprise,and the concept of value is the core of enterprise culture,and enterpr.分析了企业文化的丰富内涵,指出企业文化是企业兴衰的关键因素,价值观念是企业文化的核心,而企业文化体现企业的行为方式和经营风格。

2.The news media plays great role in establishing the concept of value and moral criterion of a society or a nation .新闻传媒对一个社会、一个民族的价值观念、道德准绳的确立作用巨大,就观念参照来讲,其主流媒体所起到的社会心理定位的坐标功能是不容忽视的。

3.The main content of national cultural securities consists of four aspects, spoken and written language security, custom and habit security, concept of value security and ways of life security.国家文化安全的主要内容包括语言文字安全、风俗习惯安全、价值观念安全和生活方式安全四个方面。


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
