100字范文 > 韩美 Korea-US英语短句 例句大全

韩美 Korea-US英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-29 06:08:51


韩美 Korea-US英语短句 例句大全




1.US-Korea FTA Negoatioations and Its Influence on China-Korea FTA韩美FTA谈判及对中韩FTA的影响

2.The Adjustments of Foreign Strategy of Republic of Korea after the Cold War--From the Standpoint of Korea--America Relationship;冷战后韩国对外战略的调整——以韩美关系为视角

3.South Korea-US Agriculture Free Trade Agreement(FTA)"s and Impact on Korea"s Agriculture论韩美农业自由贸易协议(FTA)对韩国农业影响

4.The Korea-U.S. Trade Frictions in the 1980s and the Koreans" Anti-Americanism20世纪80年代韩美贸易摩擦与韩国人的反美主义

5.SK - US naval amphibious mobile exercise韩美水陆两栖联合机动演习

6.Observing the Alliance of America and Korea through America s Economic Aid to Korea;从美国对韩经济援助看美韩同盟关系

7.On the Unique Aesthetic Characteristics of Han Yu s Proses--“Han Ru Chao”;从“韩如潮”看韩愈散文的审美特质

8.Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement(美韩)共同防御援助协定

9.Maga Kuk Je Artglass韩国美家艺术装饰玻璃

10.Mutual Defence Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea《美韩共同防御条约》

11.United States Korean Military Advisory Group美国驻韩国军事顾问团

12.Herald: Brian, as a Korean-American, how was it assimilating to Korean culture?作为一个美籍韩国人,你对韩国文化怎么看?

13."U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement"and textile apparel industry competition of South Korea;《美-韩自由贸易协定》与韩国纺织服装产业竞争力

14.The Position of the Military Alliance between USA and ROK in America s Security Strategy of Asia-Pacific Region;美国亚太安全战略中的美韩军事同盟

15.American Influence on Korean Political and Economic Development and Korean Anti-Americanism;美国对韩国政治经济发展的影响与韩国的反美主义

16.OK. What currency would you like, wons or US dollars?好的,您要寄哪种,是韩元呢,还是美元?

17.South Korea also expressed its support for the joint air strikes conducted by the U.S. and Britain.韩国也表示支持美英的联合空袭行动 。

18.to the Republic of Korea 15.5 billion US dollars, up 23.8 percent;对韩国出口155亿美元,增长23.8%;


US-Korea alliance美韩联盟

1.Since their coming into being in the Cold War,US-Japan andUS-Korea alliances had possessed imbalanced status in American Asia-Pacific alliance strategy.美日、美韩联盟自其在冷战中形成以来,便在美国的亚太联盟战略考量中具有不均衡的地位。

3)the USFK驻韩美军

1.Newly Changed Security Environment Surrounding the Korean Peninsula and the Future ofthe USFK;冷战以来朝鲜半岛局势的演变与驻韩美军的未来

4)American-Korean Relationship美韩关系

5)U.S.-ROK alliance美韩同盟

1.On the other hand, the U.美韩同盟经历多次风波,但是总的关系仍旧紧密。

2.-ROK nuclear relations is a dramatic and distinct part of U.美韩核关系是美韩同盟关系中的一部分,而且是其中表现较为剧烈、特征较为明显的一部分,所以本文希望从美韩核关系的特征中抽取出同盟矛盾性的一些特质。

6)ROK-US Relations韩美关系


国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)standards of ITU: see International Telecommunication Union; ITU切网1 Ulan欠jnL心n厅泊ngb泊。zhun国际电伯联盟标准(,tan由Ids际电信联盈。of TYLJ)见国
