100字范文 > 盛京 Shengjing英语短句 例句大全

盛京 Shengjing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-21 08:11:09


盛京 Shengjing英语短句 例句大全



1.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet ofShengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kang xi Reign(3rd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(三)

2.From the Baqi Garrison to the Local Administrative System:The evolution of the Baqi Garrison inShengjing;从八旗驻防到地方行政制度——以清代盛京八旗驻防制度的嬗变为中心

3.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet ofShengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(2nd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(二)


1.Shengjing Times and Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末宪政(1906——1911)

2.Propagating of Shengjing Times and the Chinese Revolution of 1911;《盛京时报》的舆论宣传与辛亥革命

3.Proof-reading and Revising the Final Version of Ren Jian Ci Hua in ShengJing Times;《盛京时报》本《人间词话》校订并跋

4.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kang xi Reign(3rd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(三)

5.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(2nd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(二)

6.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet of Shengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(1 st);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(一)

7.Shengjing Times" and the Reform of Local Government in the Northeast in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末东三省官制改革

8.The Advertisement in Shengjing Times and Japanese Economic Aggression to Northeast China;《盛京时报》广告与日本对中国东北的侵略

9.An Interpretation of Colonial Culture Reflected by the Advertisements for Foreign Goods in Shengjing Times;关于《盛京时报》洋货广告的殖民文化解读

10.Shengjing Immigrant and Duality of Administration in Qing Dynasty;清代盛京移民与二元行政管理体制的变迁

11.At Peking was the Great Khan, and they were hospitably entertained.忽必烈汗在北京,他们受到了盛情款待。

12.Beijing Xingshengwang Flavors Co., Ltd.北京兴盛旺香料有限公司

13.Party A: Beijing Phoenix Asset Management Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter “Phoenix”).甲方:北京凤凰盛世资产管理有限公司。

14.A Comparison between "Washington Consensus" and "Beijing Consensus"“华盛顿共识”与“北京共识”比较

15.By way of Tokyo,we reached Washington at last.经由东京,我们最终到达了华盛顿。

16.Beijing is about twelve hours ahead of Washington D.C.北京比华盛顿特区早了12小时左右。

17.A Study of Professor Stephen Owen"s Research of Capital Poetry in High Tang宇文所安盛唐“京城诗”研究之研究

18.Investment Risk Management of Bi Sheng Garden Project北京碧盛花园项目投资风险管理研究


Shengjing Town盛京城

1.Frame structure and culture image ofShengjing Town;盛京城的城市构架与文化形态

3)Shengjing in Xifeng西丰盛京

4)Shengjing Times《盛京时报》

1.An Interpretation of Colonial Culture Reflected by the Advertisements for Foreign Goods inShengjing Times;关于《盛京时报》洋货广告的殖民文化解读

2.Shengjing Times" and the Reform of Local Government in the Northeast in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末东三省官制改革

3.Shengjing Times and Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末宪政(1906——1911)

5)the allocation of land to Bannerman in Shengjing盛京旗地

6)the flourishment of Peking Opera京剧鼎盛


