100字范文 > 盛京时报 Shengjing Times英语短句 例句大全

盛京时报 Shengjing Times英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-17 05:49:52


盛京时报 Shengjing Times英语短句 例句大全

盛京时报,Shengjing Times

1)Shengjing Times盛京时报

1.Discussion on the Protection and Utilization of the "Shengjing Times"谈《盛京时报》的保护与利用


1.Shengjing Times and Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末宪政(1906——1911)

2.Propagating of Shengjing Times and the Chinese Revolution of 1911;《盛京时报》的舆论宣传与辛亥革命

3.Proof-reading and Revising the Final Version of Ren Jian Ci Hua in ShengJing Times;《盛京时报》本《人间词话》校订并跋

4.Shengjing Times" and the Reform of Local Government in the Northeast in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末东三省官制改革

5.The Advertisement in Shengjing Times and Japanese Economic Aggression to Northeast China;《盛京时报》广告与日本对中国东北的侵略

6.An Interpretation of Colonial Culture Reflected by the Advertisements for Foreign Goods in Shengjing Times;关于《盛京时报》洋货广告的殖民文化解读

7.On Kulun Group s Harassment to Mongolia in Early Republic of China--From Shengjing Daily;民初库伦集团侵扰内蒙史实述论——以《盛京时报》为视角

8.On the Publicity and Spread of Shengjing Times around the September 18th Incident论“九·一八”事变前后《盛京时报》的舆论宣传与势力扩张

9.The Flood of Xinmin County Fengtian Province and Relief in 1910--Talking the Shengjing Times as a Center19奉天新民府水灾与救济——以《盛京时报》为中心的考察

10.Beijing is about twelve hours ahead of Washington D.C.北京比华盛顿特区早了12小时左右。

11.Will you announce when we get to washington square, please?到华盛顿广场时请报一下,好吗?

12.Study on the Relation between National Government of Nanjing and Shengshicai Hesds Tne Administration in Period Xinjiang;盛世才主政时期新疆与南京国民政府关系研究

13.When his family moved to Washington, D.C. , Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post and its rival the Times-Herald.在巴菲特全家搬至华盛顿特区后,他开始为《华盛顿邮报》和该报的对手《时代先驱报》送报纸。

14.When his family moved to Washington, D. C., Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post and its rival the Times-Herald.在巴菲特全家搬至华盛顿特区后, 他开始为《华盛顿邮报》和该报的对手《时代先驱报》送报纸。

15.Distinguished dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times exert a powerful influence all over the country.《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》等著名日报在全美有着强大的影响。

parative Analysis of "Financial Crisis" Report between "People"s Daily", "Economic Observer", and "Beijing Times"《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究

17.On the Risc of Shun Tian Times;顺天时报的崛起——1916~1917北京舆论状况

18.However, State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker denied the 22nd report in Washington Times.然而,国务院副发言人黎克否认华盛顿时报二十二日的报导。


Shengjing Times《盛京时报》

1.An Interpretation of Colonial Culture Reflected by the Advertisements for Foreign Goods inShengjing Times;关于《盛京时报》洋货广告的殖民文化解读

2.Shengjing Times" and the Reform of Local Government in the Northeast in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末东三省官制改革

3.Shengjing Times and Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty;《盛京时报》与清末宪政(1906——1911)

3)The Study of Shengjing Times《盛京时报》研究

4)"Beijing Times"《京华时报》

1.This paper picked up "People\"s Daily", "Economic Observer", and"Beijing Times" as the research objectives from a number of Chinese newspapers and the research focused on comparative analysis and data statistics of reports which the three newspapers did about the financial crisis in November .本文从众多报纸中选取了《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》这三份有代表性的报纸,对它们11月份关于金融危机的报道进行内容对比分析与数据统计,试图找出它们在金融危机报道过程中体现出的不同特点,并在此基础上为都市报经济报道的发展提出一些建议。


1.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet ofShengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kang xi Reign(3rd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(三)

2.From the Baqi Garrison to the Local Administrative System:The evolution of the Baqi Garrison inShengjing;从八旗驻防到地方行政制度——以清代盛京八旗驻防制度的嬗变为中心

3.The Grain Manor Biding Booklet ofShengjing Baoyi in 29th of Kangxi Reign(2nd);康熙二十九年盛京包衣粮庄比丁册(二)

6)Shengjing Town盛京城

1.Frame structure and culture image ofShengjing Town;盛京城的城市构架与文化形态


