100字范文 > 生精丸 Shengjing Pills英语短句 例句大全

生精丸 Shengjing Pills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 19:13:35


生精丸 Shengjing Pills英语短句 例句大全

生精丸,Shengjing Pills

1)Shengjing Pills生精丸

1.Clinical Report of 60 Cases of Male Sterility Treated withShengjing Pills;生精丸治疗男性不育60例临床研究

2)Bushenshengjing Pills补肾生精丸

1.Influence ofBushenshengjing Pills on rat sperm dynamic parameters in model of spermatogenic cell lesion;补肾生精丸对生精细胞损伤模型大鼠精子动态参数的影响

2.Effect ofBushenshengjing Pills on model rats with androgone lesion induced by adenine;补肾生精丸对腺嘌呤所致生精细胞损伤模型大鼠的干预作用

3.Identification of deoxyschisandrin and oleanolic acid in Bushenshengjing pills by TLC;补肾生精丸中五味子和女贞子的薄层色谱鉴别

3)Lurong Shengjing pill鹿茸生精丸

1.Experimental study ofLurong Shengjing pill on quality of testiculus and parorchis,testosterone concentration in plasma;鹿茸生精丸对大鼠睾丸附睾组织质量及血浆睾酮含量影响的实验研究

4)Impaired spermatogenesis睾丸生精障碍


1.Expression and Function of Proteins Involved in the Effect of Hyperthermia on Spermatogenesis in Adult Male Mice;加热致小鼠睾丸生精障碍相关蛋白质及其功能的研究

2.Experimental Study on Influence of Bao Sheng Decoction to Testis Tissue and Sperm of Spermatogenic Lesion Letdown in Mice;宝生汤对生精障碍小鼠睾丸组织及精子影响的实验研究

3.Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes;非特异性睾丸炎睾丸生精上皮的改变

4.Empirical Study of Sonography in Predicting Contralateral Testicular Damage after Unilateral Testicular Hemodynamic Disorder;超声检查预测睾丸血运障碍对健侧睾丸损伤的实验研究

5.Study on Development/Spermatogenensis Related Genes in Human Testis;人睾丸发育/精子发生相关基因的研究

6.Effect of caprine testicular extract on apoptosis and ultrastructure of spermatogenic cells in lead-treated testis of mice羊睾丸提取液对铅染毒小鼠睾丸生精细胞凋亡及超微结构的影响

7.The Dependability Study of Experimental Acute Testicular Hemodynamic Disorder and Reversed Diastolic Flow of Artery;实验性急性睾丸血运障碍与动脉舒张期反向血流的相关性研究

8.The Correlation between Sonographic Appearances of Experimental Testicular Hemodynamic Disorder and the Histological Changes after Reperfusion;实验性睾丸血运障碍超声表现与再灌注后组织变化相关性研究

9."The ovaries of the female produce egg cells, and the testes of the male produce sperm cells."女性卵巢产生卵细胞,而男性的睾丸产生精细胞。

10.Effects of Regulation to P450 Aromatase Activity on Testis and Epididymis Development and Spermatogenesis in MiceP450芳香化酶活性调控对小鼠睾丸和附睾发育及精子发生的影响

11.Carbendazim Affects Testicular Development and Spermatogenic Function in Rats多菌灵对大鼠睾丸发育和生精功能影响的研究

12.Study the Effect of a Testis Highly Expressed New Gene HSD-14 on Mouse Spermatogenesis睾丸高表达蛋白质HSD-14对小鼠精子发生的影响

13.The role of Sertoli cells in the testes spermatogenesis and its damage in the radiation睾丸Sertoli细胞在精子发生中的作用及辐射损伤

14.Effects of Total Saponins of Panax Notoginseng on Seminiferous Epithelium in Adult Rats三七总皂苷对大鼠睾丸精子发生的影响

15.Effects of local regulation factors changes on spermatogenic function of aging rats睾丸生精功能局部调节因素的改变对衰老大鼠生精功能的影响

16.Effect of Varicocele on Expression of HIF-1A、VEGF and Bax in Germ Cells of Adolescent Rats;精索静脉曲张对青春期大鼠睾丸生精细胞HIF-1α、VEGF、Bax表达的影响

17.gonocytoma of testis睾丸生殖母细胞性肿瘤

18.The Change of Testicular Spermatogenous Function and Its Mechanism in Rats with Testicular Torsion/detorsion;大鼠睾丸扭转复位后生精功能的改变及其发生机制的研究


Bushenshengjing Pills补肾生精丸

1.Influence ofBushenshengjing Pills on rat sperm dynamic parameters in model of spermatogenic cell lesion;补肾生精丸对生精细胞损伤模型大鼠精子动态参数的影响

2.Effect ofBushenshengjing Pills on model rats with androgone lesion induced by adenine;补肾生精丸对腺嘌呤所致生精细胞损伤模型大鼠的干预作用

3.Identification of deoxyschisandrin and oleanolic acid in Bushenshengjing pills by TLC;补肾生精丸中五味子和女贞子的薄层色谱鉴别

3)Lurong Shengjing pill鹿茸生精丸

1.Experimental study ofLurong Shengjing pill on quality of testiculus and parorchis,testosterone concentration in plasma;鹿茸生精丸对大鼠睾丸附睾组织质量及血浆睾酮含量影响的实验研究

4)Impaired spermatogenesis睾丸生精障碍

5)function of testis"s producing spermatozoon睾丸生精机能

6)testis cDNA microarray睾丸CDNA精子发生


秘精丸秘精丸方名。①出明·王肯堂《证治准绳·类方》。功效:温肾涩精。主治:元气不固,梦泄遗精。药物组成:炮附子、煅龙骨、肉苁蓉酒浸、牛膝酒浸、巴戟天 各1两。用法:为细末,炼蜜为丸,梧桐子大,每服30丸,空腹盐汤送下。②出清·程国彭《医学心悟·卷三》。功效:清热除湿,健脾养心,涩精止遗。主治:相火偏盛,湿热下注,遗精白浊。药物组成:白术、山药、茯苓、茯神、莲子去心,蒸,各2两,芡实4两,莲须、牡蛎各1两5钱,黄柏 5钱,车前子3两。使用方法:为细末,金樱子熬膏为丸,梧桐子大,每服70~80丸,开水送下。
