100字范文 > 隐身技术 stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

隐身技术 stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-28 00:25:15


隐身技术 stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

隐身技术,stealth technology

1)stealth technology隐身技术

1.The technology characters of nano-particle composites are analyzed in brief,the application of nanostructure composites in thestealth technology and its developments status abroad are presented.简要分析了纳米复合材料的技术特征,叙述了纳米复合材料在隐身技术中的应用和国外纳米隐身材料的研究进展情况。

2.This paper firstly analyzes the development of radar stealth composites and the important position instealth technology.分析了雷达隐身复合材料发展的必然性及其在隐身技术中的重要地位,较详细地介绍了该类材料的隐身原理,以及当前涂敷型和结构型隐身复合材料的组成、结构和特性。

3.In this article the importance of camouflage materials was explained and the developments ofstealth technology in abroad and at home were reviewed.介绍了国内外隐身技术的发展状况,对铁氧体吸波材料、纳米吸波材料、导电高分子吸波材料、耐高温陶瓷材料、结构型吸波材料等几种吸波材料的研究动态、制备方法及应用进行了描述和对比,总结了雷达吸收剂的发展趋势。


1.Application of Polymer Materials in the Field of Smart Stealth Technonogy高分子材料在智能隐身技术中的应用

2.Application of the stealth technique in military mobile power plant隐身技术在军用移动电站排放中的应用

3.Progress on the camouflage application of photonic crystals光子晶体在隐身技术领域的应用研究进展

4.These conclusions are very useful for the IR stealth technologies for naval ship.分析结果对舰船红外隐身技术的研究具有参考价值。

5.This paper systematically investigates the collisional absorption of EM-wave by a conductive plane covered with inhomogeneous unmagnetized plasmas.研究了非磁化等离子体的碰撞吸收隐身技术机理。

6.Electromagnetic Characteristics of Targets Coated with Plasmas and Its Applications in Stealth Technology;等离子体覆盖目标的电磁特性及其在隐身技术中的应用

7.Study on Acoustic Stealth Technology of Diesel Generator-set for Fielded Communication;野战通信车车载柴油发电机组声波隐身技术研究

8.The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method and Its Application for Plasma Stealth Technology;时域有限差分法及其在等离子体隐身技术中的应用

9.With the development of infrared-detection technology,infrared stealth technology has been applied to new types of battleships in many advanced countries.随着红外探测技术的迅速发展,先进国家研制的新型战舰已经广泛采用了红外隐身技术。

10.Research of Stealth and Detection Technology Based upon Electromagnetism Theory;基于电磁理论的隐身与探测技术研究

11.Investigation of Neural Network Techniques for Anti-Stealth Radar Networks;神经网络技术在雷达组网反隐身中的应用研究

12.Development and Progress in Measuring and Testing Technique about Non-acoustic Stealth of Vessels舰艇水下非声隐身试验与测试技术发展与展望

13.Stealth engine is key point in the design of stealth aircraft and it involves such technology application as pneunatio, material and optic science.发动机隐身是隐身飞机设计中的难点之一,它涉及气动、料和电子等学科的技术应用。

14.Tracking Technology of Bistatic Radar Against Stealthy Targets in EW Environment电子战环境下双基地雷达对隐身目标的跟踪技术研究

15.Stealth technology is hardly a sham.隐形技术绝不是假的。

16.Concealment technology of Windows bootkit based on MBR基于MBR的Windows bootkit隐藏技术

17.Research on Information Hiding and Steganography Based on Digital Image;基于图像的信息隐藏与隐写术技术研究

18.Study on the "Stealthy Artistic Style" in Yang Jiang s Literary Creation;论杨绛文学创作中的“隐身化”艺术风格


stealth technique隐身技术

1.On the basis of the summarization of the principle of radar absorbing material and the analysis method of FSS structure, the development ofstealth technique compounding radar absorbing material and frequency sele.在总结了吸波材料作用原理和FSS结构分析方法的基础上,介绍了FSS结构和吸波材料复合构成的隐身技术的研究进展。

2.The research on the wave-absorbing material is the key ofstealth technique′s development,and it is one of the important development directions ofstealth technique at present.吸波材料的研究是隐身技术发展的关键,是当代隐身技术发展的重点方向之一,而吸波剂质量的好坏决定了吸波材料的性能。

3)stealthy technology隐身技术

1.In this paper,the current status ofstealthy technology and infraredstealthy technology are presented,the features of turbofan engines and their superiority in the infrared stealthy of aircrafts are described in detail and the application prospect of the turbofan engines on stealthy aircrafts is analyzed.本文简要介绍了隐身技术、红外隐身技术的现状,详细阐述了涡轮风扇发动机的特点和在红外隐身方面的优势,分析了涡扇发动机在隐身飞机上的应用前景。

2.It is connected thatstealthy technology and operational effectiveness,and analyzed the influence of stealth technology upon operation effectiveness.将隐身技术与作战效能结合起来,分析隐身技术对于作战效能的影响,提出了隐身效能的概念,建立战略要地突防模型,选择典型的雷达以及导弹参数,通过隐身飞机B-2,准隐身飞机B-1,非隐身飞机B-52H对于该战略要地进行突防,计算它们被防空武器的发现概率、制导误差、击中概率以及生存概率,绘制关系曲线,并对于结果进行分析,说明了隐身效能分析对于实战中的重要性。

3.It is emphasized that nano-materials are now playing an important role instealthy technology and nano-materials have important application in stealthy tech.隐身技术是一项跨学科的综合技术,它涉及到电磁、材料、能量转换、信息处理等学科和技术。

4)stealthy technique隐身技术

1.In this paper,the properties and applied range of various wave-absorbing materials used forstealthy technique both at home and abroad are reviewed.综述了国内外目前用于隐身技术的各种吸波材料的特性及应用范围,给出了其存在的问题及研制趋势。

2.At last, the characteristics and the development status of plasmastealthy technique are analyzed.文章介绍了等离子体及其特点,讨论了等离子体的隐身原理和对电磁波的吸收原理,分析了等离子体隐身技术的特点、发展现状,以及等离子体技术在军事等领域的发展前景。


1.Stealth technology of aircraft plays a more and more important role in improving weapons on power of breach and attack in depth, and it was reported that military powerful nations like the USA and Russia had applied plasmastealth technology to military equipments.飞行器隐身技术在提高目前兵器的突破能力和纵深打击能力方面发挥了越来越重要的作用,美俄等军事强国宣称已将等离子体隐身技术应用于军事装备。

2.Plasmastealth is a new type ofstealth technique.等离子隐身体技术作为一种全新的隐身技术,是通过等离子体与电磁波的相互作用实现隐身的。

6)anti-stealth technique反隐身技术

1.This paper summarizes the principle and actuality of stealth andanti-stealth technique,also depicts the theoretic gist and development of modern stealth andanti-stealth technique in direction of radar/EW,and at last expound.概述了隐身和反隐身技术的机理和发展现状,并从雷达/电子战的角度叙述现代隐身技术的理论依据和发展态势,最终阐述综合电子隐身技术在现代战场中的应用前景。

2.The stealth andanti-stealth techniques of radar play more and more roles in the war today.雷达隐身和反隐身技术在现代战争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

3.The problem of how to destroy stealth weapons and how to developanti-stealth techniques must be considered.隐身技术的迅速发展对战略和战术防御系统提出了严峻挑战,迫使人们考虑如何摧毁隐身兵器并研究反隐身技术。


