100字范文 > 声隐身 acoustic stealth英语短句 例句大全

声隐身 acoustic stealth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-02 05:17:25


声隐身 acoustic stealth英语短句 例句大全

声隐身,acoustic stealth

1)acoustic stealth声隐身

1.The present status and prospect ofacoustic stealth techniques and materials on warships;舰船声隐身技术和材料的发展现状与展望

2.A review of control and design techniques foracoustic stealth of surface ships;国外水面舰艇声隐身设计及控制技术概况

3.Structural design on underwateracoustic stealth sandwich composite based on effect of backing;基于背衬影响的水下声隐身夹芯复合材料结构设计


1.Research on the Measurement of Reflection Coefficients at Oblique Incidence for Stealth Material Used on Underwater Weapons;水中兵器声隐身材料全向声反射系数测量研究

2.Development and Progress in Measuring and Testing Technique about Non-acoustic Stealth of Vessels舰艇水下非声隐身试验与测试技术发展与展望

3.Waves in Anisotropic Materials: Invisibility Cloaking, Rotation Cloaking and Phononic Crystal;各向异性材料中的波:隐身衣、旋转衣和声子晶体

4.Experimental Research on Underwater Acoustics Stealth of Filling Modified IPN Composite填料改性IPN复合隐身材料声学性能试验研究

5.Study on Acoustic Stealth Technology of Diesel Generator-set for Fielded Communication;野战通信车车载柴油发电机组声波隐身技术研究

6.Acoustic stealth design on the underwater sandwich composite shell structure in oblique incidence斜入射下水中隐身夹芯复合材料壳板结构声学设计

7.Acoustic stealth design of underwater sandwich composite added structure under oblique incidence斜入射下水中隐身夹芯复合材料附体结构声学设计

8.He soon disappeared into the darkness of the sandy sea. From time to time a few laborious coughs could be heard in the distance.很快,老沙头的身影隐没在沙海的昏黑中,偶尔,从远处的沙漠传来几声艰难的咳嗽声。

9.Invisible of blood-sucking vampire can silently the voice passive ground move, but will reveal his true colors at attackstoning the person"s moment.隐身了的吸血鬼可以悄声无息地移动,但在攻击人的瞬间会原形毕露。

10.The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity.隐姓埋名,匿名隐匿姓名身份或隐姓埋名的情况

11.One whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐匿姓名身份者,隐姓埋名者

12.He kept his identity dark他隐瞒了他的身份。

13.Invisibility, levitation -- anything.隐身、升空——什么都行。

14.VDSC steganalysis algorithm of echo hiding基于回声隐藏的VDSC隐写分析算法

15.A muffled shout came from the river:水面上隐约传来了喊声:

16.The drums are faintly rolling.咚咚鼓声隐约可闻。

17.The developments of infrared stealth technology and materials are reviewed.综述了当前红外隐身方法和隐身材料的发展。

18.Evaluation Methods of Infrared Camouflage Performance Based on Camouflage Efficiency基于隐身效率的红外隐身性能评估方法


Sound stealth声隐身

1.The sound stealth for submarine is always a hot spot in research field.潜艇的声隐身问题一直是研究的热点,各种新的声学材料和结构不断涌现。

2.Design of sound stealth rudder structure was researched from mechanics and acoustics aspects.从力学和声学2个方面研究了夹层复合材料水下声隐身舵的结构设计方法,并制作了夹层复合材料舵的局部典型结构模型。

3)echo stealth回声隐身

4)Diesel Generator-Sets声波隐身

5)hiding situation of submarine声隐身态势

1.A method of evaluating thehiding situation of submarines is given in this paper.给出了一套评估潜艇声隐身态势的方法,其中包括两个指标——声隐身安全半径和被探测概率,用以评估潜艇的声隐身态势。

6)stealth technology声隐身技术


