100字范文 > 红外隐身技术 infrared stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

红外隐身技术 infrared stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-05 00:04:02


红外隐身技术 infrared stealth technology英语短句 例句大全

红外隐身技术,infrared stealth technology

1)infrared stealth technology红外隐身技术

1.The state-of-art for aircraftinfrared stealth technology was introduced.简要介绍了飞机红外隐身技术的发展现状,比较详细地阐述了涡扇发动机在飞机红外隐身上的优势,如可降低发动机及其尾焰的红外辐射强度;兼顾了良好的隐身性能和很好的作战性、机动性。

2.The abroadinfrared stealth technology play more and more roles in the war today.文章介绍了红隐身技术的发展历程以及装备的研制、改进情况,指出了在现代战争中发展红隐身技术的优势和重要性,重点探讨了几种红外隐身技术的性能及其特点,最后论述了红外隐身技术的发展动向与分析。

3.Theinfrared stealth technology play more and more roles in the war today.国外红外隐身技术在现代战争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。


1.With the development of infrared-detection technology,infrared stealth technology has been applied to new types of battleships in many advanced countries.随着红外探测技术的迅速发展,先进国家研制的新型战舰已经广泛采用了红外隐身技术。

2.These conclusions are very useful for the IR stealth technologies for naval ship.分析结果对舰船红外隐身技术的研究具有参考价值。

3.Application Research on the Technique of IR Imaging Detecting for Hidden Fire Source of Coal Seam煤层隐蔽火源红外成像探测技术的应用研究

4.The developments of infrared stealth technology and materials are reviewed.综述了当前红外隐身方法和隐身材料的发展。

5.Evaluation Methods of Infrared Camouflage Performance Based on Camouflage Efficiency基于隐身效率的红外隐身性能评估方法

6.Study on Low Infrared Emission of Coating in 8~14μm;8~14μm低发射率红外隐身涂料研究

7.Research on Painting Effect Evaluation Modeling of Infrared Camouflage Paints红外隐身涂料涂敷效果评估模型研究

8.Study of Pavement Concealed Defects Detection Based on Infrared Imaging and Finite Element Numerical Simulation Technology基于红外成像路面隐伏缺陷探测及有限元数值模拟技术研究

9.Study on the Mechanism of Composite Coating with Low Infrared Emittance and Low Radar Reflectance;红外与雷达波兼容隐身复合涂层的机理研究

10.Preparation and Properties of Visible Light and Infrared Stealthy Materials;可见光—红外隐身材料的制备与性能研究

11.Study of Infrared Camouflage with the Tail Waste Heat of Vehicle;利用车辆尾气余热的红外隐身方法研究

12.Synthesis and Study of Aqueous Thermal Infrared Stealthy Coating for Textile织物用水性热红外隐身涂层的制备研究

13.gas chromatography-infrared technique气相色谱-红外技术

14.Research of Stealth and Detection Technology Based upon Electromagnetism Theory;基于电磁理论的隐身与探测技术研究

15.Application of Polymer Materials in the Field of Smart Stealth Technonogy高分子材料在智能隐身技术中的应用

16.This method is not only helpful to the enhancement of the capability of infrared countermeasure and the subsistence of the naval vessels, but also to the concealment design.另外,对舰船的红外隐身设计也有一定的指导意义。

17.Theoretical Study on Reflectivity of 1D Photonic Crystals of Infrared Stealthy Materials红外隐身一维光子晶体结构反射特性的理论分析

18.Research on Camouflage Efficiency of IR Stealth Coatings with Different Emissivity at Typical Background不同发射率红外隐身涂层在典型背景中的伪装效率研究


infrared stealthy technology红外隐身技术

1.The stealth smoke which is often used in theinfrared stealthy technology is presented.介绍了在红外隐身技术中常用的一种手段——隐身烟雾技术,综述了隐身烟雾的特点和其在红外隐身方面的应用,探讨了红外隐身烟雾的发展趋势。

2.In this paper,the current status of stealthy technology andinfrared stealthy technology are presented,the features of turbofan engines and their superiority in the infrared stealthy of aircrafts are described in detail and the application prospect of the turbofan engines on stealthy aircrafts is analyzed.本文简要介绍了隐身技术、红外隐身技术的现状,详细阐述了涡轮风扇发动机的特点和在红外隐身方面的优势,分析了涡扇发动机在隐身飞机上的应用前景。

3)stealth technique for external shape外形隐身技术

4)infrared stealth红外隐身

1.The principle and the components ofinfrared stealthy coatings are introduced in the paper.介绍了红外隐身涂料的作用机理及其组成,综述了红外隐身材料和涂料的特性及其研究现状;概括了红外隐身涂料中各种颜料、填料及粘合剂的选择要求;阐述了红外隐身涂料的各种影响因素及其作用机理,并展望了红外隐身涂料的发展前景。

2.In order to adapt the request of environment-protecting and military disguise,we can use stable acrylic acid monomer ,proper initiator and suitable temperature to create high transparentinfrared stealth resin of high solid but low viscosity, high transparency but low emissivity and good performance of becoming the membrane in the infrared wave band.为了适应环保及军事伪装的要求,采用稳定的丙烯酸单体,适量的引发剂,适宜的反应温度,研制出高固体分、低黏度且在红外波段透明性高、发射率低、成膜性能优良的高透明红外隐身涂料用树脂。

3.The theory and application of the resin matrix composite ininfrared stealthy technique,radar stealthy technique,and multiple spectrum stealthy technique are presented.阐述了树脂基复合材料在红外隐身,雷达隐身、多谱隐身技术中的隐身原理及应用情况,分析了树脂基复合材料在隐身技术中的地位和广阔应用前景。

5)infrared camouflage红外隐身

1.Study on the properties ofinfrared camouflage fiber;红外隐身纤维的性能分析

2.The contents of electro-optic camouflage and property characterizations of optic camouflage,infrared camouflage and laser camouflage are introduced,including methods of how to characterize the properties of camouflage materials and how to evaluate camouflage effectiveness.介绍了光电隐身的内容,阐述了光学隐身、红外隐身、激光隐身性能的表征方法,包括材料性能的表征方法和目标隐身效果的评价方法。

3.5 emissivity of the material is satisfactory to the requirement ofinfrared camouflage.研究了红外辐射率对双波段红外隐身效果和辐射温度的影响。

6)IR stealth红外隐身

1.Preparation of Microencapsulated phase change materials and its application inIR stealth paint微胶囊相变材料制备及其在红外隐身涂料中的应用

2.In this paper,the principle of theIR stealthy technique is summarized,the current status of theIR stealthy techniques for surface warships is analyzed and some measures taken in theIR stealthy techniques for surface warships are presented.本文在概述红外隐身技术原理的基础上,通过对水面舰艇红外隐身技术发展现状的分析,介绍了水面舰艇红外隐身技术所采取的措施,最后对水面舰艇红外隐身技术的发展趋势进行了预测。

3.After adoptingIR stealth techniques,the IR radiation of objects can be depressed and their probability to be detected can also be reduced.目标采用红外隐身技术后,其红外辐射会降低,因而其可探测性也会降低。


