100字范文 > 自我肯定 self-affirmation英语短句 例句大全

自我肯定 self-affirmation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-25 09:18:06


自我肯定 self-affirmation英语短句 例句大全



1.The goal of the current study was to resolve three questions: examining the relationship between self-esteem and attributional style, investigating their effect on individual’s state anxiety after failure, and exploring the buffering effects ofself-affirmation on their anxious emotion.本研究以122名大学生为被试,采用问卷调查与实验相结合的方法,通过三个研究考察了三个问题:自尊与归因偏向之间的关系,自尊和归因偏向/失败后归因偏向对个体失败后状态焦虑情绪的影响以及自我肯定对被试焦虑情绪的缓冲作用。

2.There is ample opportunity to develop the effect ofself-affirmation in the domain of the most important value had been threatened, the interaction of multiple mechanisms forself-affirmation, the differences betweenself-affirmation and group-affirmation, and the cross-cultural differences in the effect of selfor group-affirmation.自我肯定是指通过肯定与威胁信息无关领域的自我价值,来维持自我整体性,从而降低防御反应。

3.The essential expressions of sane personality areself-affirmation and self-harmoniousness.人格健全的重要体现是自我肯定、自我和谐。


1.Influence of Social Support and Psychological Control Sense on Sense of Adequacy of Undergraduates;社会支持、心理控制源对大学生自我肯定的影响

2.I am sure our families will be proud of us.我肯定我们的家庭将以我们为自豪。

3."You are sure you mean self-respecting, not self-adoring?"“你说的肯定是自尊心,不是自我陶醉吗?”

4.It was certain/ I thought it certain that they would be late.肯定[我肯定]他们要迟到.

5.I certainly had no conscious plan.我肯定没有任何自觉的计划。

6.There are two things which will surely strengthen our self-control.有两件事肯定会增强我们的自制力。

7.I"m sure I don"t deserve so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。

8.Uh. I"m not sure if I agree.呵,我不敢肯定。?

9."I will" is an affirmative."我愿意"是肯定语。

10.I"m sure she will understand. My advice is that you"d better take it easy.我敢肯定她会理解的。我看你还是顺其自然吧。

11.All the compassion in me was aroused in his behalf.我暗自思忖,复试时他肯定是要被刷掉的;

12.It was challenging but I"m pretty sure I passed.考试还蛮有挑战性的,不过我肯定自己会通过。

13.i am not sure about cycling in such heavy traffic.在这么拥挤的车辆中骑自行车我不太肯定.

14.I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own.我给自己规定,不得直接驳斥别人观点,不得断然肯定自己意见。

15.5 With that internal reponse,your self-concept will certainly suffer.有了那个内部反应,你的自我概念(自我认知)肯定会受损。

16.I don"t konw for sure, it depends.我不能肯定,视情形而定。

17.I"m not sure if I can do it.我不敢肯定我能做。

18.It was certainly the end for both of us, I thought.我想,我们这下肯定完了。



1.By analyzing the literary activity and works throughout all his life,this essay illuminated his literary thought,which is based on"self-approval"and"universal love",furthermore, explored the reason why this humanitarianism writer changed his tune on Japan\"s invasion of China.通过对他一生的文学活动及其作品的分析,阐明了其以"自我肯定"和"博爱"为中心的文学思想,并进一步探究了这位人道主义作家对日本侵华战争态度转变的原因。

3)positive selffeeling肯定自我感

4)self-affirmation education自我肯定教育

5)I"ll bet you dollars to doughnuts.我敢肯定。

6)I have no doubt.我肯定。


自我肯定型青年自我肯定型青年self-confirming youth自我肯定型青年(self一eonfirming youth)这类青年的特点是正确的“理想我”占优势,“理想我”与“现实我”能通过努力奋斗达到积极的统一,转化出积极的自我。他们对“现实我”的认识较清晰、客观、全面、深刻。“理想我”的确定比较现实、积极,较符合社会要求,也是通过努力可以达到的。在通往理想的道路上善于总结经验教训,积极对待成功和失败,不断创造条件,实现“理想我”,达到积极的自我统一。(白学军撰林余德审)
