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笺注 annotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-01 14:34:07


笺注 annotation英语短句 例句大全



1.recently I read the book"the collation andannotation of Dongjing Menghua Lu (东京梦华录)"collated and annotated by Yi yong-wen, now I choose eleven errors about the quoted passages in this book.近读伊永文先生《<东京梦华录>笺注》一书,发现该书在注文方面存在诸多问题,现特选取十一则分类加以指正。

2.With his abundant knowledge on historical science and profound basic skills in classical literature Qiu converged theannotations of all previous scholars, forming his own specific way ofannotation and promoting theannotation of Du Fu s poem to a new peak.仇兆鳌是杜诗研究的集大成者,仇以其丰富的史学知识和深厚的古典文学功底,汇集前代各家注释,形成自己特殊的笺注方法,把杜注推到一个新的高度。


1.New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents;笺注上古文献的新视角——评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》

2.Analysis on Qiu ZhaoAo s Annotation in His Detailed Annotation of Du Fu Poems;浅析仇兆鳌《杜诗详注》的笺注方法

3.The Quoted Passages Errors on the Collation and Annotation of Dongjing Menghua Lu (东京梦华录);《<东京梦华录>笺注》注文拾误

4.An Essay on the Academic Value and Limitations of Notes and Commentary on Poems of Wang Anshi;论《王荆公诗笺注》的学术价值与局限

5.LI Bi Wang Jing Wen Gong Poetry Paper Note Receives by Mistake Five to Test States;李壁《王荆文公诗笺注》误收五首考述

6.About the Three Editions of 巢经巢诗钞with Notes and Commentaries;关于《巢经巢诗钞》笺注的三个版本

7.Annotation to Life--Interpreting Zhang Xiaofeng′s Poetic Essays;生命的笺注——张晓风诗性解释散文解读

8.On Du Guangting "Tao Te Ching" Quan Shu Annotations Directory of Academic Value;试论杜光庭《道德经》诠疏笺注目录的学术价值

9.Shi Guoqi s Success and Failure in Changing Yuan s Original Work in His Explanatory Notes to the Collection of Yuan Hao-wen s Poems;施国祁《元遗山诗集笺注》改动原本的得失

10.Research Methods and Academic Achivements of Formal Notes and Commentaries on Yu Xisheng s Poems Written by Fenghao;冯浩《玉谿生诗笺注》的研究方法与学术创获

11.The Overlapping Sentence and Its Grammar Analysis in Annotations of Tao Yuan-ming Poetry《陶渊明诗集笺注》中的重叠式及其语法分析

12.About the First Essay on Tao Yuanming──The Commentary on A Dirge to Jingjie Hermit and Its Preface by Yan Yannian;关于陶渊明的第一篇文章——颜延之《陶征士诔并序》笺注

13.Analysis of Tao Yuanming"s Poem See a Guest Off in Governor Wang"s Family陶渊明诗《于王抚军座送客》辨证——对李公焕笺注陶诗的反思

14.Creates, edits, marks up, and manages notes and documents.创建、编辑、标注和管理便笺和文档。

15.The New Explanation to Chinese Characters of Xu Hao s "ShuoWenJieZiZhuJian";徐灏《说文解字注笺》对汉字的新解

16.New Accomplishment: Annotation for Historical Records;《史记》注释的新收获——说《史记笺证》

17.Making up for and Correcting Xu Shuofang s Notes and Commentary on "Jitang" Verses of "Peony Pavilion;徐朔方笺校本《牡丹亭》“集唐”诗标注补正

18.On the Annotating Characteristics of Zuo Shi Hui Jian会而通之:《左氏会笺》注释特点刍议


Notes and Commentaries笺注

1.About the Three Editions of 巢经巢诗钞withNotes and Commentaries;关于《巢经巢诗钞》笺注的三个版本

3)notes and commentary on Shang Shu尚书笺注

4)Notes and Commentary on Poems of Wang Anshi《王荊公诗笺注》

5)Yu Xi Sheng Shi Jian Zhu《玉谿生诗笺注》

1.Regarding Fenghao’sYu Xi Sheng Shi Jian Zhu;冯浩《玉谿生诗笺注》研究

6)Annotation on A Collection of Yuan Zhen"s Poems《元稹集编年笺注》


《郁达夫诗词笺注》郁达夫诗词笺注 作者:詹亚园 笺注 出版者:上海古籍出版社内容简介:在中国现代文学史的读本中,郁达夫通常是作为小说名家被介绍给读者的,然而其旧体诗词情韵跌宕,才思恣意,艺术成就并不在小说之下。郭沫若评价郁氏的文学成就说:“其旧诗词比他的新小说更好。”刘海粟评价说:“诗词第一,散文第二,小说第三,评论文章第四。”本书收郁达夫旧体诗词近500首,以写作时间先后为序,对郁氏诗词作了全面的笺注。每首诗前有题解,说明该诗的写作时地及创作背景;对诗中史实、典故、人名、地名等,校勘认真,笺注详尽;书后附郁达夫所作断句、联句、题词等,以示其诗歌创作全貌。全书资料丰富,体例清晰,不仅便于读者欣赏、理解原作,也为研究郁达夫诗作就提供了较好的版本。
