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注释 annotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 22:36:22


注释 annotation英语短句 例句大全



1.Updatedannotation of hypothetical CDSs in genomic database of Leptospira interrogans;问号钩端螺旋体全基因组的更新注释

2.Discussion on theannotation on《Zeng Guo-fan s Diary》;《曾国藩日记》注释商榷

3.A design of network video on demand learning system withannotation for streaming video;对流式视频进行注释网络点播学习系统的设计


1.&Add Comment...添加注释(&A)...

2.To provide(an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses.下注释,作解释,加注解 Comment documentation2.8.1注释文档

4.Of or relating to exegesis;critically explanatory.注释的注释的或同注释有关的;批评性的解释

5.the head of an annotation or gloss.一条评注或注释的标题。

6.Enter any comments about the backup in the Backup comment box.在“备份注释”框中输入有关备份的注释。

7.People annotate the history,so does the history annotate people.人们在注释历史,历史也在注释人们。

8.Indent comment at the same level of indentation as the code you are documenting.注释缩进和其注释的代码在同一层次。

9.Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text.解释,注释,评注对原文批评的解释或分析

10.A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.注释补充或解释,如在课文的一段中的注释

11.The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.注解,注释,评注评注或注解的行为或过程

12.The program is able to count source code, comments (both styles: "// comment" and "/* comment */"), and blank lines.这个程序可以计算源代码行,注释行("//注释"和"/*注释*/"),空白行。

13.To furnish(a literary work)with critical commentary or explanatory notes;gloss.注释,给…作注解给(文学作品)作评论或注释;给…作注解

14.Add Comment to Event Log添加注释到事件记录

15.Annotated Convention on the Law of the Sea附加注释的海洋法公约

16.Please bracket this remark.请把这些注释括在一起。

17.notes on Shakespeare莎士比亚全集的注释

18.2.8 Comments and embedded documentation2.8注释和嵌入文档



1.A Query about Proof-reading The Explanatory Notes of the Ancient Chinese Language;《古代汉语注释商榷》献疑


1.Brief remarks onnotes in Evolution of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber for Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber;浅述《金匮方论衍义》对《金匮要略》的注释发微

2.Except LIU Yuxi s papers that will be discussed in other paper,there are twelve mistakes in the book snote part that can be proved.但由于此书成于众手,错舛之处亦在所难免,按页码顺序从该书中可拣出除刘禹锡部分(刘禹锡部分有另文论之)之外的、有明显误漏的注释十二条,并有翔实的史料可为此举证。

3.This article proposes discussions to the 20notes in the selected works of Ancient Chinese edited by Hu Anshun and Guo Qinna from three aspects Characters,phonology,exegesis and so on and is prepared to be referenced when Ancient Chinese is revised.本文从文字、音韵、训诂等方面,对胡安顺、郭芹纳主编《古代汉语》中20处文选注释提出商榷意见,以备修订时参考。


1.In scientific research papers,there are some obvious different procedures in recording reference documents andannotations,which cause this question that appears to be at random and chaotic.科研论文中参考文献和注释的注录存在一些明显不同的做法,从而使这一问题显得比较随意和混乱。

2.After Chinese Acdemic Periodical (Disc) Index & Appraisal Date Standard is proposed, editors of social sciences journals have been confronted with some questions, such as the differences and transformation betweenannotations and references, how to arrange the references and the Chinese numbers of them.《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》出现后,文科学报编辑在编辑论文时遇到了一些新的注释与参考文献的区别及处理、参考文献著录项目的使用、参考文献的中文数字如何使用等问题,本文就此提出这些问题,以供同仁探讨。

3.This paper is aimed to probe into Zhang Guruo translating Thomas Hardy from such aspects as dialect-for-dialect translation,annotations and translational purpose.文章从方言对译、注释和翻译目的三个方面对张谷若翻译的哈代作品进行了评价。


1.However,there are some errors in textexplanation,punctuation,translation,etc.然该教材在选文的注释、断句、翻译方面存在某些疏失。

2.The author combineds them with the ancient literature to get the correctexplanation.徐朔方、杨笑梅校三注的《牡丹亭》中的注释存在两个问题:一是当注未注的,如“拘惜”、“赛”、“时”、“体面”、“因循”、“线儿春”等;二是注释未确的,如“爱好”、“标老儿”、“评度”等。

3.However, there are numbers of deficiencies in theexplanations and investigations with regard to the peony Ci poems in The Revised and Enlarged Complete Collection of Tang Poems, which need badly to be adjusted to provide reliable references for learners of Tang poetry and peony culture.《增订注释全唐诗》对牡丹诗的注释、考订,有不少错误之处。


1.The article describes thegeneral picture of cmmentics research,summarises the gain and loss,and looks to thecommentics development direction.新兴的"注释学"经过三十多年的发展,已经在各个层面展开了广泛研究并取得了初步成果。

2.This paper analyzes on th e problems existing in some categories of <the Chinese Books Classification> such as the improper set-up of the categories, incompletecomment or nocomment, and the wrong name of some categories, etc.分析了《中图法》的部分类目存在的问题,如类目设置不当,注释不全或没有注释,部分类名有问题,在此基础上提出了修订意见,使之真正体现“用户优先”的原则。


