100字范文 > 功能注释 function annotation英语短句 例句大全

功能注释 function annotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-16 10:35:38


功能注释 function annotation英语短句 例句大全

功能注释,function annotation

1)function annotation功能注释


1.Construction of EST Library, and Functional Notation and Database Management System of Part of ESTs of Maize;玉米EST文库的构建、部分EST功能注释及其数据库的管理系统

2.Application of Improved K-means Clustering Phylogenetic Profile in Gene Functional Annotation;基于改进K-means聚类的系统发育谱方法在基因功能注释中的应用

3.Application of Improved Phylogenetic Profiling Method in Protein Functional Annotation改进的系统发育谱算法在蛋白质功能注释中的应用

4.The Construction and Evaluation of Parallel Biological Computing System and Genomic Clustering and Function Annotation of Metastasis-related Genes;并行生物计算集群的构建及性能评价和肿瘤转移相关基因的基因组聚类及功能注释

5.A crucial aim upon the completion of the human genome is the verification and functional annotation of all predicted genes and their protein products.人类基因组项目完成的一个根本目的是对所有预测的基因及其蛋白产物的辨识与功能注释。

6.Functional improvement in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder after methylphenidate treatment哌甲酯控释剂对注意缺陷多动障碍功能的改善

7.The Study on the Alteration of Calcium Release Function in Immature Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum after Ischemia/reperfusion;缺血/再灌注后未成熟心肌肌浆网释钙功能变化的研究

8.A Study of Mosque’s Academic Function through the Early Qur’an Annotation School;从伊斯兰早期的《古兰经》注释学校看清真寺的学术功能

9.Effects of Extended-released Methylphenidate on the Inhibition of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder哌甲酯控释剂对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童抑制功能的影响

10.Feature ID not registered.功能 id 未注册。

11.This feature frees up [1]. The subfeatures free up [4].此功能释放 [1] 磁盘空间。子功能释放 [4] 磁盘空间。

12.Functionalism in Translation--German Functionalist Theory Explained;论翻译的功能观——也释德国功能派

13.&Add Comment...添加注释(&A)...

14.An exposition of the elementary constitution of the clan, with its functions, rights, and privileges, requires our first attention.我们需要首先注意的是,对于氏族的基本结构及其功能、权利与特权所作的一种解释。

15.Notes on data imprinting feature日期影印功能的注意点

16.On Achievements of Creating Notes on Catalog in Yi Wen Zhi of Han Shu;论《汉书·艺文志》目录注释体例的开创之功

17.Types of Defining Parentheses in E-C Dictionary and Their Functions;英汉词典释义括注的类别划分及其功用

18.A functional explanation of orders among person-denoting nouns;指人名词组合语序的功能解释——从形式描写到功能解释的一个个案


protein function annotation蛋白质功能注释

3)gene functional annotation基因功能注释

1.Application of Improved K-means Clustering Phylogenetic Profile in Gene Functional Annotation;基于改进K-means聚类的系统发育谱方法在基因功能注释中的应用

4)molecular function anotation分子功能注释

5)Gene function annotation功能基因注释

6)SNP resources and functional annotation tools资源工具和功能注释



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
