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调绘 annotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 09:06:54


调绘 annotation英语短句 例句大全




1.The transfer technique of aerial photos based on the computer in forestry investigation and drawing imaging;基于计算机的森林调查调绘航片转绘技术研究

2.Discussions on Investigation of Land Use Change Survey;土地利用更新调查中的调绘及相关问题探讨

3.Discussion on the Annotation of Land for Roads in Land Survey土地调查中道路用地调绘有关问题探讨

4.a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers.描绘单调的物体如水果、花等的画。

5.Drag onto the page. Right-click to adjust thread length.拖到绘图页上。右击可调整螺纹长度。

6.Drag onto the page. Right-click to resize.拖到绘图页上。右击可调整大小。

7.Drag onto the page. Right-click to make non-adjustable.拖到绘图页上。右击可成为不可调整的。

8.a pinkish tint once used in painting.曾用在绘画中的粉红色色调。

9.Resizes the drawing area of a orgchart重新调整组织结构图绘图区域的大小

10.Research and Exploration over the Direction of Contemporary Realistic Painting Style;当代写实绘画格调取向的研究和探讨

11.Drawing the Lengthwise Section of Highway Using AutoCAD DXF File;由AutoCAD调用DXF文件绘制公路纵断面图

12.An alignment method of CCD image plane for three-line array mapping camera三线阵测绘相机CCD像面的装调方法

13.Investigating of the Polychromy of Greek and Roman Stone Sculpture-The Copenhagen Polychromy Network Projects in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,Copenhagen调查希腊和罗马的彩绘石刻雕塑(英文)

14.Design of focusing mechanism of space tridimensional mapping camera传输型立体测绘相机的调焦机构设计

15.Drawing Mineral Processing Flow Sheet by Invoking Auto CAD Figure with Word用Word调用AutoCAD图形绘制选矿流程图

16.Bold outlines and warm colors characterize his dominate style in painting.他大胆的绘画和所有的暖色调,表现了他独有的绘画特色。

17.Drag onto the page to add a triangle with adjustable base and height.拖到绘图页上,可添加底和高可调的三角形。

18.Drag onto the page and glue between functions to add an invocation.拖到绘图页上并在函数间粘附,可以添加调用。


survey and drawing method调绘图法

1.Three investigation methods: excavation method,physical prospecting method andsurvey and drawing method are introduced in detail.探讨了地下管线普查的重要性,详细地介绍了城镇地下管线普查的开挖法、物探法和调绘图法,总结了这三种方法的优缺点,提出了调绘图为主、物探法为辅、开挖法验证的普查方法,以降低管线探测工作量和管线管理盲区,从而节约普查成本。

3)surveying and mapping in the field外业调绘

4)photo identification像片调绘

1.Therefore,photo identification plays an important role in the whole production process of aerial survey.利用航摄像片测制地形图,地物地貌要素的表示必须通过像片调绘来解决,因而像片调绘在整个航测生产过程中具有非常重要的地位和作用,要多出图出好图,必须努力提高像片调绘的工作质量。

5)photograph identification相片调绘

6)photo annotation航片调绘


