100字范文 > 景气 prosperity英语短句 例句大全

景气 prosperity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-30 06:05:40


景气 prosperity英语短句 例句大全



1.It is expected that the year of is the high point ofprosperity of paper industry,the year of will be fallen down.预计将是造纸行业的一个景气高点,将开始下滑。

2.Theprosperity index system and evaluation model of land market were established in Xuzhou,which could analyze and forecast the status of land market.以徐州市为例建立了土地市场景气指标体系及评价模型。


1.The market is off.市况不隹,不景气。

2.Macro prosperity: Macro prosperity promoted continuously.宏观景气:宏观景气继续提升。

3.Business are slack at the end of the week .这周末生意不景气(萧条)。

4.There"s a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.眼下汽车工业不太景气。

5.So it "s going to be a grim year.. .看来今年不大景气。

6.The country"s economy is not very healthy.该国的经济不很景气。

7.Is the U.S. headed for a slump?美国在走向不景气吗?

8.The year began on a somewhat sour note.新年伊始,就有点不景气。

9.During the summer, business is often stagnant.夏天生意常常不景气。

10.Trade is slack this week.这周的买卖不景气。

11.Despite a recent economic downturn,尽管最近经济不景气,

12.Market is not brisk.市场不景气(不活跃)。

13.The recession threw many people out of work.不景气使得许多人失业。

14.the unhealthy state of the economy不景气的经济状况.

15.The nadir of their fortunes.他们最不景气的时候

16.he said that business was very bad.他说生意非常不景气。

17.Our business has gone into a decline this year.今年我们的生意不景气。

18.Most small businesses are just marking time.许多小公司都不景气。



1.Inflation is resisted by negotiation andboom continues due to policy——Analysis on market trend of papar industry and its products in the second half of ;议价力抵抗通胀,政策面延续景气——下半年造纸行业和产品市场走势分析

2.A rational urban real estate market integrationboom index is the foundation of the research and the early warning in urban real estate market fluctuation.城市房地产市场波动研究和预警的基础在于构造一个合理的房地产市场综合景气指数 。

3)Hydrocarbon potential油气远景

1.Basin evolution and hydrocarbon potential in Songpan-Aba area;松潘-阿坝地区盆地演化及油气远景

2.Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon potential of sedimentary basin of Taiwan Starit;台湾海峡沉积盆地的演化与油气远景

3.Characteristics and hydrocarbon potential of the fault basins in western Songliao Basin——a case study of Dayangshu Basin松辽盆地西缘断陷盆地特征及油气远景——以大杨树盆地为例

4)Synoptic background天气背景

1.The results showed that the differen t kind of geological disaster matches the different geographical distribution and the synoptic background.利用高平市地质灾害资料和降水资料,分析了地质灾害发生的时空分布特征,探讨了地质灾害发生发展的规律,得出:高平市境内的地质灾害种类不同,其地理分布不同,产生的天气背景也不同,掌握规律,做好天气预报,为减少灾害提供科学的依据。

2.The synoptic background,meteorological factor field and comfort index of Tianjins’ daily maximum electrical load process in Summer from 2002 to are discussed by the synoptic method.用天气学方法分析了天津市2002—夏季最大电力负荷过程的天气背景场、气象要素场和人体舒适度指数。

5)prosperity stage景气阶段

1.The article introduces the characteristics of thisprosperity stage of petrochemicals chemical cycle different from previous stages and analyzes the evolution cause of current petrochemicals chemical cycle.介绍了本次石化产品化工周期景气阶段区别于以往阶段的特点,分析了目前石化产品化工周期的演变原因及未来石化产品化工周期的变化趋势。

6)petroleum potential油气远景


