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兴盛 prosperity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-04 12:56:09


兴盛 prosperity英语短句 例句大全



1.Causes of the Prosperity of Chin Shin in North Fujian during Song Dynasty;宋代闽北地区进士兴盛的原因

2.Family and literature——On the reasons for the literaryprosperity of Xie family;家族与文学——论谢氏家族文学兴盛的原因

3.Causes of theprosperity of plastic art in the Han Dynasty;汉代造型艺术兴盛的动因


1.It is Latin means prosper."这是拉丁文,作‘兴盛’解释。”

2.Every tide hath its ebB兴盛之日必有衰退之时

3.The Flourishing Cult of Mary in the Western Europe During the High Middle Ages;中世纪盛期西欧玛利亚崇拜兴盛现象探析

4.The Symbol of a Flourishing Age--Analyzing the Prosperity of Qixue in Xihan Dynasty Through the Comparison between Qixue and Luxue;盛世之音——从齐鲁相较看西汉齐学的兴盛

5.On Flourishing Reasons of the T ang Dynasty s Landscape And Pastoral Poetry;从文人心态看盛唐山水田园诗兴盛的原因

6.Jn.2 Beloved, concerning all things I wish that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.约参2亲爱的,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健康,正如你的魂兴盛一样。

7.My loved one, it is my prayer that you may do well in all things, and be healthy in body, even as your soul does well.亲爱的兄弟阿,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健壮,如你的灵魂兴盛一样。

8.Jn1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayestprosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.◆约三2亲爱的兄弟阿、愿你凡事兴盛、体健壮、如你的灵魂兴盛一样。

9.Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.约三2亲爱的兄弟阿、愿你凡事兴盛、体健壮、如你的灵魂兴盛一样。

10.The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will definitely be accompanied by the thriving of Chinese culture.中华民族伟大复兴必然伴随中华文化繁荣兴盛。

11.The Causes of Prosperity of Private Connoisseurship and Collection in Late Ming Dynasty--Taking XIANG Family In Jiaxing as an Example;晚明私家鉴藏兴盛原因考——以嘉兴项氏家族为例

12.The Idea of Amusement on Ci-Poetry and the Prosperous of Selected Ci-Poetry in Song Dynasty;娱宾遣兴的词体观念与宋人词选的兴盛

13.On the Causes of the Flourishing of English Drama During the Period of Renaissance;浅析文艺复兴时期英国戏剧兴盛的根源

14.The day is not far off when China will attain prosperity.中国的兴盛是可以计日程功的。

15.The Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history.唐朝是我国历史上最兴盛的朝代之一。

16.He was born in the palmy days of peace.他出生于和平的兴盛时期。

17.Beijing Xingshengwang Flavors Co., Ltd.北京兴盛旺香料有限公司

18.the second period, around second half of the 8th century, is its palmy days;第二期兴盛期 ,即 8世纪下半叶 ;



1.From the courtesy and setbacks received by Buddhism among aristocracy before the transforming,this article describes the development of Buddhism in folks during this period and theflourishing of Buddhism among folks after the collapse of the Tubo regime.文章从转向前佛教在贵族中受到的礼遇和挫折写起,叙述了这一时期佛教在民间的发展情况以及吐蕃政权瓦解后佛教在民间的兴盛。

2.The writing of the poems on historyflourishes most in Tang Dynasty, the cultural reasons for thisflourish are the psychological base of valuing experiences and worshipping the ancients, poets profound knowledge of history, their great zeal of taking part in politics, their rich traveling experience, and the tradition of ancient poems.咏史诗的创作到唐代呈现出最为兴盛的局面 ,究其文化动因 ,既有重经验、崇古人的民族心理基础 ,又有文人自身史学修养深厚、政治参与意识及主体自豪感强、漫游经历丰富等主观条件 ,同时还与古代诗歌传统相关。


1.On thethriving of Academy Painting in early South-Song Dynasty;南宋初院画的兴盛及其原因

2.It is of significance to study the causes of thethriving of the university science parks in England before we can make our own science parks prosper.英国大学科学园在大学、政府、企业及私人投资者的共同努力下兴盛发展。

3.But the nongovernmental trade was stillthriving.1 7世纪 ,中日两国分别实行了闭关锁国的外交政策 ,两国的官方贸易完全停滞 ,但民间贸易却兴盛不衰 ,其中的原因是多方面的 ,主要是锁国政策与中国区域社会利益的矛盾 ,中国东南地区商品经济发展对市场的需求以及日本江户幕府对中国商船去日贸易的鼓励等。


1.The edition of unofficially local chronicles was very prosperous from the Qianlong-Jiaqing Period to the Republic of China.扬州在清代乾嘉之际至民国年间私家撰志曾出现兴盛的局面,良志颇多。

2.Review the development of the current events survey, we can find that its prosperous period is just tthe key time of society transformation.回顾时评的发展历程,可以发现,时评兴盛的时期都处于社会转型的关键时期。

5)rise and fall兴盛

1.The Rise and Fall of Poetry;诗歌兴盛论——中国诗学研究系列论文之三

2.Therise and fall of little poems were caused by three factors: 1.小诗的兴盛有三种原因 :1。

6)prosperous reason兴盛成因


