100字范文 > 趋同化 convergence英语短句 例句大全

趋同化 convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-12 05:09:21


趋同化 convergence英语短句 例句大全



1.Difficulties for social science journals,such as,a small amount of circulation,lack of funds,convergence,academic corruption.社科类学术期刊面临的困境可归纳为:发行量小,经费短缺,学术期刊的行政化、“趋同化”现象,学术腐败。

2.On the basis of the homogeneity of commercial law,this paper expatiates on the causes and the tendency of internationalization of commercial law,and draws a conclusion that,with increasingly globalization of the market economy, commercial law naturally posses the characteristic ofconvergence.在阐述各国商法所具有同质性的基础上,以商法的国际化为例对商法国际化的原因、发展趋势等问题进行思考,得出随着市场经济的日益复杂和全球化,商法的趋同化成为未来商法发展的必然趋势,最后论述了中国的商事立法应面对这种现实,在商事立法中坚持国际性优先,兼顾处于市场经济初级阶段的实际的立法对策问题。

3.Theconvergence of law including the children s law is the international trend under the background of globalization.法律的趋同化是全球化背景下的一个世界性潮流。


1.The Convergence of the Model of Corporate Governance in Globalization;全球化背景下公司治理模式的趋同化

parative Method,Internet and the Convergence of Private International Law;比较方法、因特网与国际私法趋同化

3.The Expression,Reasons And Countermeasures To The Trenency OF Leaders To Make Same Decision;领导决策趋同化的表现、成因及对策

4.On Structural Similarity of Industries in Yangtze Delta Area;长江三角洲地区产业结构趋同化分析

5.Habitual residence: inevitable selection of lex personalis′ convergence;惯常居所:属人法趋同化的必然选择

6.Discussion on Language Polorization and Cultural Convergence;关于语言单极化和文化趋同化问题的探讨

7.Assimilation of Laws in the International Economic Integration;论国际经济一体化视野中的法律趋同化

8.The Cultural Convergence and Translation in Globalization;全球化语境下的文化趋同和文化翻译

9.Plants had gradually evolved along diverging and converging pathways.植物是沿着趋异和趋同两种途径逐渐演化的。

10.Diversity Strategy under the Trend of Homogenizationin Bus Industries;客车企业同质化趋势下的差异化策略

11.Integration of Informatization and Industrialization,Technical Efficiency and Convergency信息化与工业化融合、技术效率与趋同

12.On the Similarity Inclination and Optimization of China s Industrial Structure;我国区域产业结构趋同及其优化研究

13.Study on the Reforms of European Union s Common Agricultural Policy;欧盟共同农业政策的改革及变化趋向

14.Accounting Internationalization: International Coordination and Convergence of Accounting;会计国际化:会计的国际协调与趋同

15.ber Unterschiede und Konvergenz der europischen sicherheitsstrategischen Kultur;试论欧洲安全战略文化的差异与趋同

16.Summary on the New Trend of Enterprises Information--Collabration Commerce;企业信息化的最新趋势——协同商务综述

17.The School Patriotic Education under the Background of Culture Similarization;文化趋同背景下学校的爱国主义教育

18.Collaborative commerce:a new trend of construction enterprises" information-based development建筑企业信息化发展新趋势——协同商务



1.Theassimilation of private international law is attributed to the inherent demand of international civil and commercial order which is formed by the international civil and commercial communication.国际私法规则的趋同化是国际民商事交往所形成的国际民商事秩序的内在要求。

2."Legalassimilation" is neither the "world legal identity",nor the "assimilating theory" in the West,with its unique connotation,and it is significant for both in the world and in China.“法律趋同化”既非“世界法律大同”,又别于西方的“趋同论”,有着其本身独特的含义,无论对世界还是中国都有着重要的现实意义。


4)convergent evolution趋同进化

5)cultural convergence文化趋同

1.the author probes into the development trend of culture, and the relevance between culture and language,exploring and proving the integration phenomenon of language incultural convergence,then analyzing the phenomenon from three aspects: input and output of new words; mixture use of language; and usage and expression of language.本文通过对文化发展的趋势,文化与语言关系的阐释,结合实际现象探讨了文化趋同下的语言融合问题,并且从新词语术语的输入输出,英汉语言混同,语言的使用和表达三个方面加以了详细的阐述。

2.So according to the characteristic of jazz dance culture,this paper explores the strategies of Chinese dance cultural construction and development from point of cultural globalization andcultural convergence, so as to Chinese dance cultural construction should be based on the local culture, while taking the road of diversity.本文从文化全球化及文化趋同的角度,通过对爵士舞文化特征的分析,探索我国舞蹈文化建设的发展对策,从而得出中国舞蹈文化建设应在保持优良本土文化的基础上,走多样化发展道路的结论。

6)evolutionary convergence进化趋同


