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收敛 convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 22:47:36


收敛 convergence英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of theconvergence of curvature in two roll straightening;二辊矫直过程的曲率收敛性分析

2.Onconvergence of formula for forward problem in brain physics;脑物理学中脑电位分布计算式的收敛性分析

3.Mutation andconvergence in evolutionary programming;进化规划中的变异与收敛


1.Uniform Convergence, Convergence and Weak Convergence;一致收敛 点点收敛 弱收敛之关系探讨

2.Convergence of the Gauss-Newton Method;Gauss-Newton法的收敛性

3.Relationships between strict convergence and other convergence严格收敛性与其他收敛性之间的关系

4.representation theorem of lacunary statistical convergence and λ- statistical convergenceLacunary统计收敛和λ-统计收敛的表示定理

5.A global convergence algorithm of particle swarm optimization and its convergence analysis一种全局收敛的PSO算法及其收敛分析

6.contracted channe收敛形管道, 收缩形流道

7.Are China s Regional Economies Converging?--A Study of Stochastic Convergence and β Convergence Based on Time Series;中国区域经济增长收敛吗?——基于时序列的随机收敛和收敛研究

8.topology of biequicontinuous convergence双等度连续收敛的拓扑

9.Gauss grid convergence高斯平面子午线收敛角

10.convergent seismic reflection configuration收敛型地震反射结构

11.Cauchy condition for convergence of a series柯西级数收敛条件。

12.conditionally convergent double series条件收敛的二重级数

13.The resulting sequence will usually converge.解序列一般说是收敛的。

14.Put a curb on your temper.收敛一下你的脾气。

15.Her smile suddenly wavered and disappeared.她的笑容突然收敛了。

16.Abel"s test of convergence阿贝尔收敛性判别法

17.Cauchy condensation test for convergence柯西并项收敛检验法

18.Analysis for the Superconvergence of Sobolev Equation;Sobolev型方程的超收敛分析



1.Algorithm reducing BGPconvergence time based on contrast damping;基于对比度阈值的加快BGP收敛速度算法

2.Generally,it willconverge after iterating 3~6 times,even though the initial value of the temperature is tens or hundreds degrees away from the real value.提出露点计算的一种改进方法,经过3 ~6 次迭代即可收敛,初值相差几十甚至上百度均可收敛,具有初值范围大、收敛迅速等优点。

3.Then it is proved that the satisfying consistent matrix is existent and this new methodconverges well.判断矩阵的一致性修正是利用层次分析法进行决策的一个重要步骤,本文利用几何平均法对由专家构造的模糊互补判断矩阵进行修正,证明了满意一致性矩阵的存在性与所给方法的收敛性,最后给出了一算例。


1.The Conditions of lim f(x) = 0 When f(x) x→+∞convergents integral from n=α to +∞(f(x)dx);integral from n=α to +∞(f(x)dx)收敛时,lim f(x)=0的条件

2.The convergence setfora complex series on theconvergent bound;复数项幂级数在单位圆周上的收敛集

3.Within the restricted scope, the infinite power series isconvergent and the formula is workable.在规定的范围内该无穷级数收敛,并有计算公式成立。


1.On the basis of this, it, by directly using the covergence of power series, points out a brief proof analysis property of sumfaction of power series in covergence region and gives some examples to show its practicability.作者在文 [1]中给出了幂级数在收敛区内连续性的一种证明 ,本文直接利用幂级数的收敛性 ,给出幂级数和函数在收敛区间上的分析性质的一种简捷证明。

2.A criterion for divergence of iteration is given and the covergence speed and covergence acceleration for iteration with multiple root are investigated.给出迭代发散的一个判定,并讨论重根情形下迭代的收敛速度和迭代加速。


1.The relation between the ordered Series of {an} and {a1+a2+…+an/n} has been explored,so does theconstringency of the two ordered series of Numbers.探索了数列{an}与数列{a1+a2+…+an/n}的关系,以及两个数列收敛的关系。

2.Elaborate a basic theory of calculating group of linear equation by iteration method, reforming Jacobi iteration method, raisingconstringency rate.阐述用迭代法解线方程组的基本理论,对雅可比迭代法作了一些改进,提高了其收敛速度。



