100字范文 > 辐辏 convergence英语短句 例句大全

辐辏 convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 17:28:43


辐辏 convergence英语短句 例句大全



1.The Binocularvision Accommodation and Convergence of Myopia;近视患者视功能调节与辐辏分析

2.There are many causes, which lead to visual fatigue, such as the different performance of electrical equipment, the geometry of image skew, excessive parallax, and the unnatural decoupling ofconvergence and focus, which is the most significant and also could be improved.导致视觉疲劳的原因有很多,比如显示设备的电气性能差、图像的几何性歪斜、两眼视差过大和辐辏与焦点调节不一致的矛盾等等。


1.Vergence dynamics and variability of fixation disparity in dyslexic children (Germ)诵读困难患儿辐辏动力学和注视差异的变化

2.around the market-place, it was like a star with a thousand rays.以菜市场为中心,街道四方辐辏,好比一颗巨星辐射出万道金光。

3.The author thinks that most“ Huji” in the poems could be devided into two groups.唐代是一个在政治、济、化等各方面都具有开放性的朝代,商旅辐辏,万方来朝。

4.Radiation and Concentration: The Evolution and Regression in the Development of Chinese Vocabulary;辐射与辏聚——汉语词汇发展中的嬗变和回归

5.In, the World Health Organization will report on whether the global TB control targets of70% case detection and85% treatment success have been achieved.辏?澜缥郎?橹??ǜ媸欠裢瓿

6.In1959, the working personnel involved in Tibetan medicine in Tibet numbered only434, while in1999 the number had increased to1,071, including61 chief physicians and associate chief physicians,166 attending physicians and844 resident physicians and doctors.辏?鞑馗骼嗖匾揭┤嗽敝挥

7.The trade surplus continued to grow, reaching$177.5 billion in, according to the report.辏?骋姿巢罴绦?黾哟锏搅

8.Jean-Bé del Bokassa, president of the Central African Republic, crowns himself Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire.辏?蟹枪埠凸?淖芡臣?

9.I plunged into the alphabet-soup world of digital television( DTV) in, shortly after I replaced my electron-gun boob tube with a42- inch plasma flat panel.辏?野延诚窆艿缡踊?怀

10.In , China"s per capita primary energy consumption was only 1.08 tons of oil equivalent, or 66% of the world average of 1.63 tons.辏?泄?司?淮文茉聪?蚜拷鑫

11.In 1979, a computer screen offered exactly 2000 characters per screen (see Figure 22-1), arranged in 25 horizontal rows of 80 characters each.辏扑慊聊幻科琳孟允

12.Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.谖迨?辏?忝且?弊魇ツ辏?诒榈馗?磺械木用裥?孀杂伞

13.In1957, the year of the European Union"s founding Treaty of Rome, every one of the27 countries that are now EU members had fertility rates above2.1 Now, none does.辏ㄖ屡访顺闪⒌摹堵蘼硖踉肌返牡拊寄辏┫衷谑粲谂访顺稍钡

14.In1775, the Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington head of the Continental Army.辏?诙?未舐交嵋橐恢峦蒲∪蚊?侵

15.The Indian Constituent Assembly adopts India"s constitution.辏?坝《认芊ㄈ?逋镀薄蓖ü?擞《鹊南芊ā

16.WTO: serving world tourism for twenty years.辏篧TO——为世界旅游业提供了的服务。

17.Greek coins, bronze kettles, and amazingly, Greek jars containing seeds, almonds, and lentils-- even a plate with chicken bones.辏?蝗汉Q罂脊叛Ъ颐窃诜⒕蛞恢挥

18.In1971, the People"s Republic of China was seated in the UN Security Council.辏?谢?嗣窆埠凸?渭恿肆?瞎?踩?硎禄帷





5)convergence angle辐辏角

6)convergence excess辐辏过多


