100字范文 > 语言靠拢 convergence英语短句 例句大全

语言靠拢 convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-25 12:23:28


语言靠拢 convergence英语短句 例句大全



2)Close up the ranks !靠拢!

3)draws together靠拢


1.close(sth)up;;come or bring(sth)closer together使靠紧、靠近或靠拢

2.The sergeant told the men to close up.中士叫士兵们靠拢。

3.All that attempt with eye or hand任何人胆敢向仙果靠拢

4.The company commander ordered his men to close up连长命令他的战士靠拢。

5.close (the/one"s) ranks;(of soldiers)come closer together in a line or lines(指士兵)排紧,列队靠拢.

6.Close up ranks and count off from right to left横列靠拢,从右到左报数。

7.The sergeant-major ordered the men to close up.军士长命令士兵靠拢.

8.He did not move toward us from sentimentality.他向我们靠拢不是感情用事。

9.The terrified boys huddled up to the monther.受惊吓的男孩子们紧紧靠拢母亲。

10.They all hinge together like bats in a steeple.他们像尖塔里的蝙蝠似的靠拢在一起。

e close to each other. I will take a picture for you.互相靠拢点,我给你们照张相。

12.Families with children, for instance, tend to "gravitate toward families with children.比如,有小孩的家庭,易于彼此吸引靠拢。

13.The soldiers closed ranks and was determined to fight to a finish.士兵们靠拢成行,决心战斗到底。

14.The teacher told the children to close up to each other.教师叫学生们互相靠拢些。

15.Why don"t we all move nearer to the fire?我们大家为什么不向火堆靠拢些呢?

16.or for the Boat to lie near the Ship Side,他们也无法靠拢我们的大船。

17.She kept as close as was possible without actual contact with him.她尽可能靠拢他,却又不要碰到他。

18.The cavalcade drew together in silence.马队在静默中靠拢在一起。


Close up the ranks !靠拢!

3)draws together靠拢

4)Rearranging the upper jejunum parallelly肠肠靠拢

5)close manner靠拢算法

1.This manner is based on the characteristic of multilateral shapes,close manner and agreement of parts position.采用智能启发式搜索求解技术,从多边形的特点出发,以靠拢算法为基础,通过对零件方位关系的约束提出了一套优化排料的高级算法,并在微机环境下以算法为基础,实现了一个高级的优化排料CAD系统。

6)closing tendency靠拢趋势


