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单语词典 monolingual dictionary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-29 10:43:14


单语词典 monolingual dictionary英语短句 例句大全

单语词典,monolingual dictionary

1)monolingual dictionary单语词典

1.In the light of some methods of definition in amonolingual dictionary suggested by lexicographers from different countries,this paper plans to structure a mode of definition in amonolingual dictionary.从词典释义的原则入手,同时借鉴各国词典编纂学家心目中最理想的释义方法,提出了单语词典的释义模式,最后论述了词典释义的一些陷阱。

2.bilingual dictionary, bilingualized dictionary andmonolingual dictionary have their own characteristics, and English learners should choose an appropriate dictionary at different study level in accordance with their learning level and purpose of use so as to bring it into full play.英汉双语词典、英汉双解词典及英语单语词典均有其各自的特点,英语学习者应在不同的学习阶段,根据学习程度和使用目的选择合适的词典以发挥其最大功效。

3.1)monolingual dictionary which explains Chinese in Chinese;2) Chinese-foreign dictionary which deciphers or explains Chinese entries in detail in another language.目前供对外汉语教学使用的词典就释义方法上看主要分为两种:1)用汉语解释汉语的单语词典;2)用外语对汉语词条作译解或详解的汉外词典。


1.The Tool of a Tool:Understandability and Retrievability ofMonolingual Foreign Learners’ Dictionaries of Chinese;工具的工具:词典的易懂与易得——关于对外汉语学习单语词典

2.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases英语单词词组类词词典

3.Norm and Lexicographical Definition of Chinese Lexeme;标准与汉语词汇语义单位的词典释义

4.A word or phrase treated in a glossary or similar listing.词条,条目在词典或类似的项目中的单词或短语

5.The Study of Explanation of Verb in Active Monolingual Chinese Foreign Learners Dictionaries;单语外向型汉语学习词典动词释义研究

6.Pragmatic Information in Monolingual English Learner s Dictionaries and English-Chinese Learner s Dictionaries: A Critical Survey;英语单语学习词典及英汉学习词典中的语用信息对比研究

7.The compilation of a monolingual learner’s dictionary of Chinese as a foreign language: A venture and some considerations;编写对外汉语单语学习词典的尝试与思考——《商务馆学汉语词典》编后

8.The English Duden is the dictionary which illustrates words with pictures英语杜登图解词典是一本用图来解释单词的词典。

9.Dictionaries Dead,Translating Alive--A Study On Translation Generation From Lexicographical Information;孤单的词典与语篇的翻译——论词典词汇信息生成活用翻译实践

10.An experimental study on the storage units of English words in English-Chinese bilingual mental lexicon;英汉双语心理词典中英语单词的存储单位——一项实验研究

11.The required dictionary is not installed. To install the dictionary, on the Tools menu, select Language, and then select Translate.没有安装所需的词典。要安装词典,请从“工具”菜单,选择“语言”“翻译”。

piling Trends in English Learner s Dictionaries of the 21st Century;二十一世纪英语单语学习词典的编纂趋势

13.Assumption on the Compilation of a Simple Monolingual Learner"s Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language编纂简明汉语单语系列学习词典的构想

14.A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.释义对单词、短语或术语的意义的说明,如字典的词条中的解释

15.Words in the Contemporary Chinese--A Quantitative survey of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary现代汉语单音节兼类词研究——基于《现代汉语词典》的定量统计分析

16.He always take along with him a mini english dictionary in order to look up new words whenever possible.他经常随身携带英语字典以便随时查阅新单词。

17.Detecting the Compilation Trend of Monolinggual Learner s Dictionaries Through a Retrospective View ofLDOCE;从LDOCE的发展看单语学习词典的编纂方向

18.The Study of Word-Coinage of New Words from 《Xinhua New Word Dictionary》;从《新华新词语词典》看新词语造词法


a monolingual dictionary单语词典.

3)monolingual learner"s dictionary单语学习词典

4)words dictionary单词词典

5)semantic dictionary语义词典

1.This paper proposes an algorithm combining statistics with rules,called the priority merger algorithm,which merges phrases by calculating the relationship of words,checks phrases by using phrase rules and asemantic dictionary in grammar and semantics,and recognizes Chinese phrases by the means of hierarchic analysis.提出了一种统计与规则相结合的算法,即优先合并算法,通过计算词语相关度来合并短语,并在句法和语义上利用短语规则和语义词典进行校验,按照层次分析的方式实现了对汉语短语的机器识别。

2.Through building it′ "semantic dictionary" module and " primitive-feature base" module in retrieval system, have finished the organic integration of two kinds of retrieval methods and improved the performance of image retrieval system on existing technical level.针对目前两类图像检索方法存在的不足,提出了一种基于图元的多级图像检索系统框架,通过在检索系统中搭建"语义词典"和"图元特征库"两个模块,完成了两种检索方法的有机结合,在现有技术水平上提高了图像检索系统的性能。

3.To compute the semantic relatedness of words,a frequently-used method is to use the classifiedsemantic dictionary.词语语义相关度的计算,一种比较常用的方法是使用分类体系的语义词典,而国内外学者已经提出了多种基于语义相关的度量方法。

6)Dictionary Grammar词典语法


单语1.只语,一句话。 2.非对偶的语句,散体语句。
