100字范文 > 雨强 rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

雨强 rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-05 13:59:35


雨强 rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

雨强,rainfall intensity

1)rainfall intensity雨强

1.The calculated method of therainfall intensityin the area of no rainfall record;无降雨记录地区的雨强计算方法

2.Effects ofrainfall intensity and land use on soil and water loss in loess hilly region雨强和土地利用方式对黄土丘陵区水土流失的影响

3.Results showed that there was a relationship of power function between initial runoff-generation time andrainfall intensity.以太湖流域典型区域无锡市近郊区鸿声镇的蔬菜地为研究对象,采用人工模拟降雨的方法,通过野外径流小区试验,研究了不同雨强对菜地土壤磷素径流流失的影响。



2.The Method Research of Obtained Rainfall Intensity by day Maximum Rainfall Quantity用日最大降雨量获得站点雨强的方法研究

3.The canopy interception and the inner precipitation have a significant linear correlation with the precipitation density.林冠截留量、内雨量均与降雨量和降雨强度呈显著的线性相关。

4.Research of Calculating Rainstorm Intensity Formulas for the City of Mianyang;推求绵阳市暴雨强度公式的问题研究

5.Studies on Urban Short-Duration Rainstorm Intensity Formula of Fujian Province;福建省城市短历时暴雨强度公式研究

6.Apply of WRF Model in Artificial Impact of Storm Rainfall Intensity;WRF模式在人工影响暴雨强度中的应用

7.Research and Application of Urban Storm Intensity Formula of Yingkou;营口市城市暴雨强度公式研究与应用

8.isoceraunic line等雷雨次数和强度线

9.intensity-duration-frequency analysis强度─降雨期─频率分析

10.After a heavy rain and a strong wind,经过一场强风嚎雨后,

11.Hurricanes are storms with high winds and heavy rains.飓风是强风夹着暴雨。

12.Characteristics of Rainfall for Typhoon Rainstorm Induced Geological Hazards台风强降雨诱发地质灾害的雨量特征分析

13.High intensity storms have a larger drop size than low intensity storms.高强度的暴风雨比低强度的暴风雨有更大的水滴大小。

14.The very hills were ashake with the violence of the storm.暴风雨的强烈使得山摇地动。

15.They have the misfortune to is hit by a violent storm.他们不幸遭到强烈暴风雨的袭击。

16.The ship, called the Prestige, was damaged during a severe storm.“威望”号油轮在强烈的暴雨中受到损坏。

17.Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance.--V Hugo, French writer勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。法国作家雨果

18.Rainwater Harvesting:Empowering Women in Kenya收集雨水:增强肯尼亚妇女的能力


rain intensity雨强

1.Effect of different cultivation methods andrain intensity on rain efficiency in purple soil area;不同耕作方式和雨强对紫色土坡耕地降雨有效性的影响

2.Effects ofrain intensity on the loss of soil potassium in loess area;雨强对黄土区土壤钾素径流流失的影响

3.Effect of balanced fertilization andrain intensity on nutrient losses from a purple soil in Sichuan平衡施肥及雨强对紫色土养分流失的影响

3)rainfall rate雨强

1.This paper discusses the method of computingrainfall rate using ITU-R 837-2 model proposed by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), and makes application analysis study of this method with the support of geographic information system and database.论述了国际电联ITU-R 837-2模式计算雨强值的方法,在地理信息系统。

2.Horizontal and vertical structure ofrainfall rates of Typhoon Dan s precipitation cloud systems at three different times during its life period is studied based on the data from TRMM Precipitation Radar(PR).利用TRMM卫星的测雨雷达资料,研究了9914号台风降水云系在3个不同时次雨强的水平和垂直结构。

3.We have made a further study on the temporal characteristics of fractal dimension ofrainfall rate in a single variablerainfall rate time series,with rainfall curve measured at Wuhan University Comprehensive Radio Observatory in 1991.对武汉大学电波综合观测站于1991年的降雨曲线进行测量,当采样时间为5min时,用单变量雨强时间序列进一步研究了降雨这一大气过程中雨强分维数随时间的变化特性。

4)precipitation intensity雨强

1.Due to the increase of time interval and decrease ofprecipitation intensity within a month, no monthly runoff appears in some girdded cells as the monthly hydrological model is applied to the Huaihe River Basin.分布式月水文模型由于时段长、雨强均化,导致在淮河流域的应用中,网格计算径流深出现了许多不合理的零值。

5)rainfall density雨强

1.Most studies have considered the relationship between the interception in one or several rainfall events and precipitation without thinking of therainfall density and the characters of vegetation, and therefore few study results can be used in distributed rainstorm_runoff model.通过实验室模拟试验,得到不同雨强和叶面积指数组合下的色木槭截留降雨过程,并考虑树冠湿润度的影响。

2.Most studies have considered the relationship between the interception in one or several rainfall events and precipitation without thorough consideration of the characteristics ofrainfall density and vegetation, and therefore little of the study results can be used in a distributed rainstorm-runoff model.该文通过实验室模拟实验 ,得到了不同雨强和不同叶面积指数组合下的云杉截留降雨过程 ,同时考虑了树冠湿润度的影响 。

6)rainfall intensity during once precipitation次降雨雨强

1.The results showed:there were close relationships ofrainfall intensity during once precipitation,soil moisture .研究表明该区次降雨雨强、降雨前期土壤含水量、植被覆盖度、坡面坡度和土壤侵蚀量之间存在着密切的相关关系。


二月二十六日雨中熟睡至晚强起出门还作此诗【诗文】:卯酒困三杯,午餐便一肉。雨声来不断,睡味清且熟。昏昏觉还卧,展转无由足。强起出门行,孤梦犹可续。泥深竹鸡语,村暗鸠妇哭。明朝看此诗,睡语应难读。【注释】:原题:二月二十六日雨中熟睡至晚强起出门还作此诗意思殊昏昏也【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十一
