100字范文 > 临界降雨强度 critical rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

临界降雨强度 critical rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-24 00:52:07


临界降雨强度 critical rainfall intensity英语短句 例句大全

临界降雨强度,critical rainfall intensity

1)critical rainfall intensity临界降雨强度

2)threshold rainfall临界降雨

1.Based on the full hydrodynamic model,a new approach is proposed to calculate the distributedthreshold rainfall for flash flooding,which constitutes the basis for effective flash flooding warning.基于该模型,提出新的方法确定山洪灾害的临界降雨条件,并应用于典型山洪易发区的暴雨山洪预报。

3)critical rainfall临界降雨量

1.The effective rainfall model is defined by correlation analysis,and the threshold valves ofcritical rainfall andcritical rainfall intensity are obtained to predict the time quantitatively.根据浙江省降雨的特点,将降雨分为台风降雨和非台风降雨,采用统计方法研究了区域性滑坡灾害与台风区和非台风区降雨量及降雨强度的相关性,通过相关性分析确定了有效降雨量模型;得到了浙江省区域性滑坡发生的临界降雨量和降雨强度阀值,为实时时间预警提供了定量依据;将滑坡灾害的空间易发性与降雨量和降雨强度相结合确定了滑坡灾害的空间预警区划指标和等级;最后初步研究了滑坡发生的滞后时间。

2.A concept of water logging disaster is redefined based on analysing the characteristics of its cause and an idea ofcritical rainfall is introduced in studying water logging disaster losses and drainage benefit.在分析涝灾成因特点基础上对涝灾进行了重新定义;在研究涝灾损失及排涝效益时引入了临界降雨量的概念,从而奠定了水利工程排涝减灾效益分析与计算的理论基础,并给出了效益计算的一般计算模型。

4)rainfall critical value降雨临界值


1.A Study on Landslide Susceptivity Classification and Rainfall Threshold in Wanxiu District of Wuzhou City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;广西梧州市万秀区区域降雨型滑坡危险性区划及降雨临界值研究

2.When compressive stress reaches zero, a critical value of the post-peak Poisson"s ratio is achieved.当压缩应力降至零时,峰后泊松比达到临界值。

3.threshold value阈值,界限值,临界值,门限值

4.A direct calculation method of the critical shear stresses was established according to experiment datum on simulated rainfall.提出了采用人工模拟降雨试验数据直接计算临界抗剪切应力的方法。

5.critical rate of fall of commutating current换向电流临界下降率

6.The Fluid Flow factors contained herein are calculated values. They are therefore approximations and cannot be used for highly critical flow or pressure drop calculations.这里的液流系数是预测值。因此这些数据只是大致的数据,不能用作高流量临界值或压降估计值。

7.The Characteristic Analysis of Precipitation and Forecast of pH Value in Acid Rain in Qingdao;青岛市降水特征分析与酸雨pH值预测

8.R Value Distributing Character of Rainfall Erosivity in the Area of North Fujian;闽北地区降雨侵蚀力R值的分布特征

9.Research on Rainfall Spatial Interpolation Based on SRTM DEM基于SRTM DEM的月降雨量空间插值研究

10.Diagnosis and Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Subcritical Symmetric Instability Function in a Rainstorm Process;一次暴雨过程中非线性亚临界对称不稳定机制的诊断分析和数值模拟

11.Happiness rose along with per capita income until earners reached the highest bracket, at which point it dipped somewhat.幸福随着收入的增加而增加,直到收入达到一个最高值,超过这个临界点,幸福值有点下降。

12.The ceitical valueis stimulus intensity corresponding to the critical point.临界点所对应的刺激强度为临界值。

13.minimax regret critical value极小极大后悔临界值

14.The threshold value of clay dosage of fine aggregate is 2%. If the clay dosage exceeds 2%,it will affect the water stability of asphalt mixture.细集料泥土质量分数的临界值为2%,当超过2%时会明显降低混合料的抗水损害能力;

15.The rain came then: a sudden deluge which pounded on the roof and agaist the windows.那时倾盆大雨降临了,砰砰地敲击着屋顶和窗户。

16.Today"s football match has been washed out by a sudden downpour.今天的足球赛因一场突然降临的大雨而取消了。

17.Study on V、L Value Before and After Precipitation and Artificial Rainfall Based on Dual-channel Microwave Radiometer System基于微波辐射计降雨前后V、L值与人工增雨的研究

18.Impact of Latent Heat on the Precipitation Function of Mei-Yu Systems──a Numerical Study潜热对梅雨系统降水功能的调整──数值试验研究


threshold rainfall临界降雨

1.Based on the full hydrodynamic model,a new approach is proposed to calculate the distributedthreshold rainfall for flash flooding,which constitutes the basis for effective flash flooding warning.基于该模型,提出新的方法确定山洪灾害的临界降雨条件,并应用于典型山洪易发区的暴雨山洪预报。

3)critical rainfall临界降雨量

1.The effective rainfall model is defined by correlation analysis,and the threshold valves ofcritical rainfall andcritical rainfall intensity are obtained to predict the time quantitatively.根据浙江省降雨的特点,将降雨分为台风降雨和非台风降雨,采用统计方法研究了区域性滑坡灾害与台风区和非台风区降雨量及降雨强度的相关性,通过相关性分析确定了有效降雨量模型;得到了浙江省区域性滑坡发生的临界降雨量和降雨强度阀值,为实时时间预警提供了定量依据;将滑坡灾害的空间易发性与降雨量和降雨强度相结合确定了滑坡灾害的空间预警区划指标和等级;最后初步研究了滑坡发生的滞后时间。

2.A concept of water logging disaster is redefined based on analysing the characteristics of its cause and an idea ofcritical rainfall is introduced in studying water logging disaster losses and drainage benefit.在分析涝灾成因特点基础上对涝灾进行了重新定义;在研究涝灾损失及排涝效益时引入了临界降雨量的概念,从而奠定了水利工程排涝减灾效益分析与计算的理论基础,并给出了效益计算的一般计算模型。

4)rainfall critical value降雨临界值

5)rainfall intensity降雨强度

1.Experimental study on the impacts ofrainfall intensity on phosphorus loss from loessial slope land;降雨强度对黄绵土坡地磷流失特征影响试验研究

2.Impact ofrainfall intensity on soil mineral nitrogen loss by runoff on loess slope;降雨强度对黄土坡面矿质氮素流失的影响

3.Effects of leaf area andrainfall intensity on stemflow amount through corn canopy;叶面积和降雨强度对玉米茎秆流量的影响

6)precipitation intensity降雨强度

1.The numerical model is used to predict moisture distribution law under differentprecipitation intensity.建立了一维垂直非饱和土壤水分运动的数学模型,并采用有限差分方法对模型进行数值求解,模拟了不同降雨强度条件下水分分布的动态规律,数值模拟结果表明:降雨强度的大小直接影响着土壤水分湿润锋的分布,并且所建立的模型与实验测试结果吻合较好,验证了模型的可靠性,从而可为定量化研究填埋气体和浸出液释放提供理论根据。

2.In general medium and small scale earth dam project, due to lack of self-recordingprecipitation intensity data on local high (frequency) floods, there will be no way to have the designed runoff which can meet the project accuracy necessity for the design of dam face drainage system.一般中小型土坝工程缺乏当地的高频率常遇洪水的自记雨量降雨强度资料 ,因此 ,无法以满足工程精度要求的设计径流量来设计坝面的排水系统。

3.The results indicated there was a linear relationship between its mortality andprecipitation intensity, and the linear model was as follows: Y=0, X<1.分析了降雨对湿地松粉蚧(Oracellaacuta(Lobdell))第1代初孵若虫试验种群的影响,结果表明,若虫的校正死亡率与降雨强度成线性相关,线性方程为Y=0, X<1 25Y=4 1+22 0X,X≥1 25,其中自变量X为降雨强度,Y为初孵若虫校正死亡率。


表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting timeb iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度
