100字范文 > 降雨强度分布 rainfall distribution英语短句 例句大全

降雨强度分布 rainfall distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-10 14:31:45


降雨强度分布 rainfall distribution英语短句 例句大全

降雨强度分布,rainfall distribution

1)rainfall distribution降雨强度分布

1.Therainfall distribution caused by the nappe impingement was studied in the hydraulic experiment combined with the stochastic splash numerical model.运用随机溅水模型得到的降雨强度分布与试验数据甚为吻合,证明该数值方法可以较好地模拟溅水雾化现象,具有较好的应用前景。

2)rainfall intensity降雨强度

1.Experimental study on the impacts ofrainfall intensity on phosphorus loss from loessial slope land;降雨强度对黄绵土坡地磷流失特征影响试验研究

2.Impact ofrainfall intensity on soil mineral nitrogen loss by runoff on loess slope;降雨强度对黄土坡面矿质氮素流失的影响

3.Effects of leaf area andrainfall intensity on stemflow amount through corn canopy;叶面积和降雨强度对玉米茎秆流量的影响


1.Influence of Slope Gradient and Rainfall Intensity on Infiltration in Sloping Farm Land坡度和降雨强度对坡耕地入渗的影响

2.The canopy interception and the inner precipitation have a significant linear correlation with the precipitation density.林冠截留量、内雨量均与降雨量和降雨强度呈显著的线性相关。

3.Roof runoff water quality was affected by rainfall, rainfall intensity, roof material, season and air temperature.屋面径流水质主要受降雨量、降雨强度、屋面材料、季节和气温的影响。

4.Loss Characteristic of N,P and K in the Moderate Rocky Desertification Region under Different Rainfall Intensity不同降雨强度中度石漠化地区氮、磷、钾流失特征

5.Detecting the Intensity of Rainfall by Ground Microwave Radiometer利用地基微波辐射计探测降雨强度的方法研究

6.Effect of Rain Intensity on Nutrient Losses from Sloping Land of Purple Soil降雨强度对紫色土坡耕地养分流失的影响

7.Initial water content, precipitation quantity and precipitation intensity are the major factors influencing water transport in litters and moss layer.初始含水量、雨量和降雨强度是影响地被物层水分传输的主导因子。

8.Top soil masses of dam slope soak and produce wetting more easily than low soil of slope in spite of rainfall intensity.不管降雨强度如何,坝顶和坝坡中上部比坡体的中下部更容易受降雨浸湿。

9.Influence of Slope and Rainfall Intensity on Runoff and Erosion Hydraulic Characteristics on Grassed Roadways坡度与降雨强度对植物路路面侵蚀动力参数的影响

10.Rainfall intensity and initial water content are important infiltration factor which influence rainfall infiltration content.②降雨强度和初始含水量是影响入渗量的主要因素。

11.Impacts of land use and rainfall intensity on runoff and sediment load in the Lu"ergou watershed on the Loess Plateau黄土高原吕二沟流域土地利用及降雨强度对径流泥沙影响初探

12.Effects of initial soil water content and rainfall intensity on Loess infiltration capacity土壤初始含水率和降雨强度对黏黄土入渗性能的影响

13.Approximate solutions show that the ground water level rises in proportion with rainfall intensity, time and inverse number of the effective porosity of the soil.近似解说明了水位的上升与降雨强度和时间成正比,与土壤的有效孔隙率成反比。

14.intensity-duration-frequency analysis强度─降雨期─频率分析

15.Water and soil losses bore a close relationship with the rainfall and the soil moisture before raining.水土流失同降雨及降雨前土壤湿度关系密切。


17.Characteristics of Rainfall for Typhoon Rainstorm Induced Geological Hazards台风强降雨诱发地质灾害的雨量特征分析

18.The Method Research of Obtained Rainfall Intensity by day Maximum Rainfall Quantity用日最大降雨量获得站点雨强的方法研究


rainfall intensity降雨强度

1.Experimental study on the impacts ofrainfall intensity on phosphorus loss from loessial slope land;降雨强度对黄绵土坡地磷流失特征影响试验研究

2.Impact ofrainfall intensity on soil mineral nitrogen loss by runoff on loess slope;降雨强度对黄土坡面矿质氮素流失的影响

3.Effects of leaf area andrainfall intensity on stemflow amount through corn canopy;叶面积和降雨强度对玉米茎秆流量的影响

3)precipitation intensity降雨强度

1.The numerical model is used to predict moisture distribution law under differentprecipitation intensity.建立了一维垂直非饱和土壤水分运动的数学模型,并采用有限差分方法对模型进行数值求解,模拟了不同降雨强度条件下水分分布的动态规律,数值模拟结果表明:降雨强度的大小直接影响着土壤水分湿润锋的分布,并且所建立的模型与实验测试结果吻合较好,验证了模型的可靠性,从而可为定量化研究填埋气体和浸出液释放提供理论根据。

2.In general medium and small scale earth dam project, due to lack of self-recordingprecipitation intensity data on local high (frequency) floods, there will be no way to have the designed runoff which can meet the project accuracy necessity for the design of dam face drainage system.一般中小型土坝工程缺乏当地的高频率常遇洪水的自记雨量降雨强度资料 ,因此 ,无法以满足工程精度要求的设计径流量来设计坝面的排水系统。

3.The results indicated there was a linear relationship between its mortality andprecipitation intensity, and the linear model was as follows: Y=0, X<1.分析了降雨对湿地松粉蚧(Oracellaacuta(Lobdell))第1代初孵若虫试验种群的影响,结果表明,若虫的校正死亡率与降雨强度成线性相关,线性方程为Y=0, X<1 25Y=4 1+22 0X,X≥1 25,其中自变量X为降雨强度,Y为初孵若虫校正死亡率。

4)rain intensity降雨强度

1.With infiltration tests under differentrain intensity performed, the potentiality and procedures of rain infiltration into the completely weathered zone are analyzed.针对三峡永久船闸高边坡花岗岩全风化带开展了降雨入渗实验研究工作,在实验设计的基础上研制了操作简单的人工降雨器,通过不同降雨强度下的入渗实验,分析了全风化带的入渗能力和入渗过程,为降雨入渗条件下边坡渗流场的研究和边坡排水系统的优化设计创造了条件。

2.From analyzing these observational data the results showed that therain intensity and the accumulated precipitation with the rolling udometer were the same as that of the particle laser-based optical measurement.利用粒子激光探测仪、翻斗式自动雨量计和新一代天气雷达对沈阳春季一次西风槽降水天气进行了同步观测研究,对3种仪器观测信息的分析结果表明:翻斗式自动雨量计观测的降雨强度和累积雨量与粒子激光探测仪(Parsivel)的观测结果一致,表明粒子激光探测仪在不同速度、直径等级观测的雨滴数是可信的;谱宽和降水粒子数随时间变化同步,决定了降雨强度。

5)distribution of rainfall intensity雨强分布

1.This model has been rerified and applied to a certain hydropower station to predict thedistribution of rainfall intensity in the deflecting flood release and atomization.在数学模型验证的基础上,应用水滴随机碰溅的数学模型预测了某水电站挑流泄洪雾化的雨强分布。

6)rain-intensity gauge降雨强度计


表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting timeb iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度
