100字范文 > 次降雨 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

次降雨 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-13 06:49:13


次降雨 rainfall英语短句 例句大全



1.In the spot measuring experiment,the starting time and ending time ofrainfall,the quantity ofrainfall in each period,from which the total quantity ofrainfall was calculated,were recorded by using siphon recording raingauge.在降雨时进行的现场实测中,采用虹吸式自记雨量计记录次降雨的降雨开始时间及停止时间、次降雨各时段的降雨量并由此计算出累计降雨量,由试验者目测产流开始时间及停止时间,用体积法实测降雨过程中各时段产流量并结合降雨量观测数据推算出产流过程损失量,结合上述数据进行分析计算城市沥青道路路面降雨量与产流量的关系、产流时间与产流前平均雨强的关系,初步得出了沥青道路路面的产流规律。


1.Study on the Coupling Relationship between the Runoff and Sediment in Chabagou Watershed;岔巴沟流域次降雨水沙耦合关系空间变异研究

2.Interrill and rill erosion tracing on cultivated slopes using ~7Be during individual rainfall event~7Be示踪坡耕地次降雨细沟与细沟间侵蚀

3.The weather system causing all the precipitation is staying put over the area,造成这次降雨的天气结构仍滞留在该区,而且根据天气预报,

4.The Development and Application of Watershed Scale DEM-Based Soil Erosion Model for a Single Rainfall Event;基于DEM的小流域次降雨土壤侵蚀模型研究与应用

5.Study on the Small Watershed Runoff and Sediment and Nutrient Loss in Wanchanggou of Guangyuan City;广元市碗厂沟小流域次降雨产流产沙及养分流失研究

6.Effects of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Water Dynamics of Individual Rainfall in Typical Steppe草地植被恢复对次降雨土壤水分动态的影响分析

7.The average rain falls 100 times out of 356 days in Beijing.北京一年的平均降雨次数为100次。

8.Causal analysis of a heavy rain in North-Central Ji"an City吉安中北部一次强降雨天气成因分析

9.A comprehensive observation on macroscop and microscop physics and acidity of a Cb precipitation一次积雨云降水过程的宏微观物理特征和雨水酸度的综合观测

10.Study on a comparison of runoff erosion power and rainfall erosivity for single rainstorm event under different spatial scales不同空间尺度次暴雨径流侵蚀功率与降雨侵蚀力的对比研究

11.Analysis on the Doppler Echo of a Strong Rain in the Western South-Xinjiang南疆西部一次强降雨的多普勒天气雷达分析

12.Study on Precipitation Hydro-chemical Characteristic of Different Stages of Betula platyphylla Secondary Forest不同林龄白桦次生林降雨水化学特征研究

13.Study on cloud micro-physical processes and precipitation formative mechanisms of a mesoscale convective system in Meiyu front in June 一次梅雨锋上MCS云微物理过程及降水形成机制

14.Rainfall frequency and amount are thus crucial factors in determining the position of deposition in a soil profile.降雨次数和降雨量是左右溶质在土壤剖面中沉积位置高低的决定性因素。

15.Analysis on a Durative Heavy Rainfall in Southwest Based on GPS Data of Precipitation基于GPS可降水资料的一次连续性暴雨过程的分析

16.Simulation and analysis of precipitation in different areas of Huanan rainstorm一次华南暴雨过程中不同区域降水特征的模拟分析

17.Grey Correlation Analysis on Factors Influencing Precipitation in Secondary Bamboo Forests in the Northern Subtropical Zone基于灰色关联原理分析北亚热带次生竹林降雨分配影响因素

18.an annual rainfall of 10 cm年降雨量10厘米.


rainfall intensity during once precipitation次降雨雨强

1.The results showed:there were close relationships ofrainfall intensity during once precipitation,soil moisture .研究表明该区次降雨雨强、降雨前期土壤含水量、植被覆盖度、坡面坡度和土壤侵蚀量之间存在着密切的相关关系。

3)one rainfall event每次降雨

1.Studying the characters and factors of water and soil losses over different ground covers underone rainfall event;不同下垫面每次降雨水土流失特征及影响因素分析


1.The soil and water loss function models of different nonwood forestry types were studied preliminarily in the pattern of ecological nonwood forestry,that is,the models of sediment or runoff,andsubrainfall erosivity orsubrainfall,which were contrasted between soil and water conservation forest pattern,hedgerow pattern and bare land.对三峡库区坡耕地生态经济林模式下各经济林模式类型水土流失模型进行了探讨,即对其泥沙流失量、径流量与次降雨侵蚀力、次降雨量的模型进行了初步研究。

5)repetitive rainfall多场次降雨

1.Infiltration characteristics of soil water on loess slope land under intermittent andrepetitive rainfall conditions;间歇降雨和多场次降雨条件下黄土坡面土壤水分入渗特性

6)rainfall event energy次降雨动能


