100字范文 > 摹拟 imitation英语短句 例句大全

摹拟 imitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-22 06:10:44


摹拟 imitation英语短句 例句大全



1.Yao Nai Attached great importance to the active effect ofimitation, which involves “imitating" and “non-imitating".姚鼐充分重视摹拟的积极作用 ,这牵涉到“法”与“非法”的问题。

2.The paper is meant, by comparing the generating pattern of onomatopoeias of "perceptionimitation generation" both in Chinese and English, to advocate that the generation of onomatopoeia is governed by the phonetic and phonological systems of that language.象声词是对自然界声音的摹拟 ,是语言中的一种普遍现象 ,各种语言中都有丰富的象声词。


1.characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis.具有摹拟的特征和性质或使用摹拟的方法。

2.The actor was miming the movements of a bird.这位演员正在摹拟一只鸟的动作。

3.They are the mock-school in the poetry and prose.他们属于诗坛文坛中的蹩脚摹拟派。

4.The Application of tfae Simulation Method in the Teaching of the Secretary Business Activities;摹拟法在《秘书实务》教学中的运用

5.Between “Imitating" and “Non-imitating" - Yao Nai s Theory of Imitation and its Realistic Significance;“法”与“非法”之间——姚鼐“摹拟论”的现实取向

6.I couldn"t speak Chinese, but I showed in mime that I wanted a drink.我不会讲汉语,但我作摹拟动作表示要一杯饮料。

7.Some spiders mimic insects such as ants.有些蜘蛛摹拟成如蚂蚁一类的昆虫的样子。

8.Experience, however, might supply us with very creditable imitations of it.然而经验能给我们提供非常可靠的摹拟品。

9.Instance Pratic Exercitation──Mimic Teaching Method of Application Seyle;实例·实验·实习──应用文写作摹拟教学法初探

10.At the end I covered everything with a custom brush dirt layer.最后我在每一样东西上用自定义的摹拟污迹笔刷覆盖上一层。

11.a naval spectacle; a mock sea battle put on by the ancient Romans.海军的一种公开展示;古罗马举行的一种摹拟海战。

12.A computer simulation on the relationship between body weight and total basal metabolism in human growth人生长期间体重与总基础代谢关系的计算机摹拟

13.The chariots, horses and soldiers were imitations of real ones, and they were arranged o stand in a combat formation.它摹拟真人真车真马,制成群塑,再按军卫序列排编成行,

14.Within another year the boy"s gift for mimicry had become slave row"s favorite entertainment.乔治天才的摹拟表演已成为大奴隶巷最受欢迎的消遣。

15.Mimesis in Dialektik der Aufklrung--A Potential Anthropologic Perspective;《启蒙辩证法》中的摹拟概念——对一种可能的人类学视角的梳理

16.Study of simulating the method of biodynamics to test the jiggle of the armor plate fixed fracture broken end采用摹拟生物力学法对钢板固定的骨折断端微动试验研究

17.In the seventh place, there are peacocks and parrots and skylarks and canaries singing inimitable songs, and there is nothing better than that.第 七,这里有孔雀、鹦鹉、云雀和金丝雀唱着不可摹拟的歌儿:宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。

18.The cnomatopoeic words,exclamatory and modal words are all imitative of words论拟声词、叹词、语气词皆“摹声”


imitative portrait摹拟画像

1.As an important manner in criminal investigation and solving the cases,imitative portrait becomes more and more important and it already has been an effective measure of striking criminals.目前在我国的刑事侦查破案中,摹拟画像技术正发挥着越来越重要的作用,已成为打击犯罪的一种有效手段。

3)mimetic schemas摹拟图式

4)figurative activity摹拟活动


6)animal-like mimicry动物摹拟


