100字范文 > 模仿 Imitation英语短句 例句大全

模仿 Imitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 06:03:34


模仿 Imitation英语短句 例句大全



1.The imitation and innovation of the model of the Silicon Valley:taking Hsinchu and Bangalore as an example;硅谷模式的模仿与创新——以新竹和班加罗尔为例

2.Progress and Decline:Imitation and Creation of Contemporary Architecture in China;二十年艰辛话进退——中国当代建筑创作中的模仿和创造


1.A mimic or an imitator.模仿者模仿人动作的动物或模仿者

2.One that closely imitates or mimics another.模仿者死板地模仿或仿效他人的人

3.imitative or emulative consumption spending模仿或仿效的消费支出

4.A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell.仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品

5.canonic imitation卡农式模仿(音乐)

6.Relating to, characteristic of, or exhibiting mimicry.模仿的与模仿有关、有模仿的特征或表现出模仿的

7.make a burlesque of...滑稽[讽刺]地模仿…

8.To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture; ape.模仿,仿效非常逼真的模拟或模仿,尤指谈吐、表情和手势;仿效

9.Relating to, acting as, resembling, or characteristic of a mimic or mimicry.模仿的关于、体现、类似或表现为模仿或仿效的

10.Of or involving imitation.模仿的属于或关于模仿的

11.not marked by or given to imitation.不具有模仿的特点或者不惯于模仿。

12.He takes that comedian off beautifully.他模仿那喜剧演员,模仿得非常像。

13.His imitation of that singer is perfect.他模仿那位歌唱家模仿得维妙维肖。

14.The act, practice, or art of mimicking.模仿模仿的行为、作法或艺术

15.Analysis on the Character and Mode of the Firms Imitation in Cluster;集群企业的模仿特征及模仿方式探析

16.Firm s Imitation Cost and its Impact on Imitation Result;企业模仿成本及其对模仿结果的影响

17.imitation theory of crime犯罪模仿论 犯罪模?论

18.Jim is a real copycat.He can say anything you say just the way you say it.吉米很会模仿人。你说什么他模仿什么,模仿得维妙维肖。



1.It was adapted,commented,performed,orimitated from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty,leaving a far-reaching impact.其中对浙江曲坛的影响尤大,或改编,或评点,或演出,或模仿,影响之深远,自明至清,未曾稍减。

2.In the intertextual play,Curse of the Starving Class and Buried Childimitate and parody the contents and forms of traditional realistic plays,thus,activating the sub-significance,bestowing multi-interpretations on texts and encouraging the audience to judge and reflect on the truth of "reality".在文本的互文游戏中,《饥饿阶级的诅咒》与《被埋葬的孩子》对传统现实主义戏剧的内容与形式进行了模仿与戏仿,从而激活了文本的潜在意义,赋予文本多重解释,促使观众去判断与反思"现实"的真实性。

3.The most part of narration base on history,its plot,characters,battle descriptionimitate Three Kingdoms,so we can say that Ling Nan Yi Shi is a Three-Kingdoms-ized romance.书中所叙大多于史有征,在情节、人物、战争等描写上模仿《三国演义》的痕迹十分明显,因此可以说《岭南逸史》是一部《三国演义》化的才子佳人小说。


1.This article discusses the theme ofmimicry in V.奈保尔在小说中突出地刻画了后殖民社会时代非洲丛林地区"大人物"(BigMan)和普通非洲人对西方社会的盲目模仿。

2.Bhabha and Elleke Boehmer, Two famous post-colonial critics, assume that themimicry is not merely a passive imitation and the colonized can subvert the colonial domination bymimicry.小说中包含一系列前殖民地人物对宗主国语言、生活方式、宗教等方面的模仿。


1.Simulacrum has three grades,that is,simulation,production and sign.鲍德里亚思想中的关键术语,"仿像"有三个等级,即模仿、生产、符号。

2.Through the analysis and understading of thesimulation behaviour in vocal music education, it is helpful to improve the standard of vocal music teaching and learning.模仿是人的天性 ,是人生成长过程中经验和能力获得的重要手段 ;模仿是学习声乐的起点。


1.His ideas on the enigmatic quality of art aims at the disenchantment of nature,and hismimesis,an organic view of nature,recognizes and values the "being-in-itself" of nature,and points to the inter-subjectivity of nature and human relation.阿多诺反对美的终极性的本体论式定义,主张艺术和美的开放性;其艺术的谜语特质理论致力于自然的"返魅";其模仿理论倡导有机自然观,认可自然的本源生命力的自在存在,主张人与自然的主体间性。

2.From a post-colonialist perspective,analyzing the othering of ethnic characters and the otherized subjectsmimesis for the elitical spirit attribution in this text,researchers can understand post-colonialist ideology hidden at the heart of American culture.菲茨杰拉德的代表作,运用后殖民主义理论分析小说中对少数族裔者的客体他者化现象以及他者化主体自身为寻求主流精神归属的种种模仿行为,可以揭示隐匿在美国文化深层的后殖民主义意识形态。


1.This paper states the essential ofimitating and discusses it from Chinese culture.本文阐述了“模仿”行为的实质,从中国大的文化背影中探讨了“模仿”的问题,“模仿”就是面对现实最有效的选择,我们的建筑优秀标准即是“成熟,独到,新意。

2.Based on a preliminary analysis of the dominant and recessive stylistic features, two basic techniques of representing the original style-imitating and recasting are discussed.探讨风格的显性特征和隐性特征 ,归纳提出两种再现风格的基本方法 :模仿和转换。


