100字范文 > 模仿性 imitation英语短句 例句大全

模仿性 imitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 05:09:54


模仿性 imitation英语短句 例句大全



1.In the view of cultural anthropology,the ancient people s thinking in Shu Kingdom was "imagery thinking",which made the cultural modeling art in Sanxingdui having the characteristics ofimitation,specification and symbolism.从文化人类学的角度看,古蜀人的思维以原始"意象思维"为主,这决定了三星堆文化造型艺术的模仿性、具体性、象征性。

2.This paper points out that during the elementary educational stage English teachers should help students build up their confidence in learning oral English well and emphasize oral English teaching andimitation of the native speakers pronunciation.本文提出在进行基础教育阶段英语教学时 ,教师应当重视英语口语教学 ,帮助学生树立能学好口语的自信心和注重口语的模仿性以及如何突破英语口语的语音语调关、词汇短语关、句型关、流畅度节奏感关、句型转换关、自说自话关和复述关。


1.Acting is an imitative art.表演是种模仿性艺术。

2.Reflection of Imitation in Japanese Culture;由日本文化的模仿性引发对模仿的思考

3.A feminine narrative of the feminine imitation survival of Tie Ning;论铁凝对女性模仿性生存的女性叙事

4.being or given to servile imitation.没有创造性的模仿或者惯于没有创造性的模仿。

5.Waveforms of the simulation and the experiment are analyzed to verify correctness of the simulation model.仿真与实际波形分析验证了仿真模型的正确性。

6.The Establishing of Simulation Models and Procedureson Reliability of Industry Product Systems;工业产品系统可靠性仿真建模方法及仿真算法

7.A Research into the Rationality and Legality of the Parody Copy;论滑稽模仿“引用”的合理性与合法性

8.Mimetic traits may include morphological structures, color patterns, behaviors or other attributes of the mimic that promote its resemblance to a model.被模仿特征包括形态结构、色彩花纹、动作习性或其它模仿者实现它与被模仿者相似的特点。

9.And the accuracy of the model is proved by simulation computation.通过仿真计算,验证了模型的正确性。

10.Simulation of Extremely High Order RC Interconnect Model by MatLab用MatLab仿真高阶RC模型的互连线特性

11.The text is a tissue of mocking echoes这本书充满了一连串讽刺性的模仿

12.A fraudulent imitation or facsimile.摹本诈骗性的模仿或摹真本

13.a burlesque of a novel, poem, etc对某小说、 某诗等的讽刺性模仿.

14.Research on the Weldability of X80 Pipeline Steel and Simulation Technology;X80高强管线钢的焊接性及其模拟仿真

15.Study of Theory, Model, Simulation and Characteristic of RF-MEMS Antennas;RF-MEMS天线理论、建模仿真及特性研究

16.Research on Nonlinear Vibration Model and Simulation of Fluid-conveying Pipes;输流管道非线性振动模型及仿真研究

17.Characteristic Modeling of the Electro-Hydraulic Control Valve for DCT and the Simulation and Analysis;DCT电液控制阀特性建模与仿真分析

18.Modeling and Simulation of Charging and Discharging Characteristics of MH-Ni Batteries;MH-Ni电池充放电特性的建模与仿真



1.Inter-peer psychological counseling on campus,featuring psychological demonstrativeness,behavioralimitativeness,amicable atmosphere,etc.校园朋辈心理辅导具有心理的示范性、行为的模仿性、氛围的共融性以及解决心理问题的启示性、疏导性等特点,对解决校园心理问题具有特殊的作用。

3)easy imitation易模仿性

1.Results showed that cooperative development can achieve maximal profit and minimal cost due toeasy imitation of the financial products;Meanwhile the cooperative development can encourage the financial organ to enlarge capital investment to stimulate financial innovation; And the cost can be reduced with the increase of the coo.结果表明,由于金融产品创新具有易模仿性的特点,金融机构采取合作开发新产品的方式,更有利于实现利润最大化和生产成本最小化双重目标;同时,也能鼓励金融机构加大金融产品开发资金的投入,刺激金融创新;随着合作开发金融机构数目的增多,越有利于降低生产成本。


5)creative imitation创造性模仿

1.Thecreative imitation is not only a basic method and basic spirit of ancient literature, but also a major motive power for the spreading of ancient literature.创造性模仿不仅是古代文学创作的基本方法、基本精神,而且是古代文学传播的一种主要的动力。

2.The thinking pattern ofcreative imitation,to a large extent,liberates modern conception of art.创造性模仿的思维方式在很大程度上解放了当今的艺术观念,为杜尚以来被观念冲击的架上绘画提供了一个既古老又崭新的选择。

6)fuzzy paracompact-ness模糊仿紧性


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
