100字范文 > 人本化 humanism英语短句 例句大全

人本化 humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 01:46:48


人本化 humanism英语短句 例句大全



1.Construction of continuing education system of P.E. teachers in light ofhumanism对构建体育教师继续教育体系的人本化思考

2.Humanism Constructing for Library of Higher Vocational College略论高职院校图书馆人本化建设

3.This article probed into the meaning ofhumanism concept and put forword personalized reference services.本文探讨了人本化理念的基本内涵以及在此基础上参考咨询个性化服务的提出。


1.The Study of Humanity Problems in Undergraduate Teaching Management in Higher Institutions;高校本科教学管理的人本化问题研究

2.The Nature of City Management and the Human-orientation of City Management;城市经营的本质与城市经营的人本化

3.Reference the Humanism Thought, Explore the Writing Teaching That People Originally Melted借鉴人本主义思想,探索人本化的写作教学

4.On the Human Oriented Innovation in the Management Modes of Personnel Archive;试论人事档案管理模式变革的人本化

5.This article mainly discuss the connotations and the principles of mordern library"s humanistic management, as well as the humanism of its serving the readers and its inner management.本文主要探讨现代图书馆人本管理的内涵、则,图书馆为读者服务的人本化及内部管理的人本化。

6.Human Nature·Human Center·Humanization--The Nature of Human-Centered Management and Its Realization;人性·人本·人化——人本管理的实质及其管理实现

7.The essential connotation of enterprise culture is people oriented.企业文化的本质内涵是“以人为本”。

8.Intensifying Human-oriented Management,Constructing Intrinsic Safety Mine;强化人本管理 创建本质安全型矿井

9.Essential Direction of the University s Management: The Idea of Human-Centered;"以人为本"——大学管理现代化的基本向度

10.Constitutionalized Human Rights--the Essence of Fundamental Rights;宪法化的人权:公民基本权利的本质

11.Giving State-Owned Capital Management with Personality of Self-Generating Capitalization;赋予国有资本经营者内生资本化人格

12.Karl Marx s "The Capital" and Human-capitalized;马克思的《资本论》与人力的资本化

13.Theory of Evolution in Liang Qichao s Humanity Perspective:from Dynamic to Non-linear Evolution;“力本”转向“人本”:梁启超人文视野中的“进化”

14.People-centred Concept s the Sinicized Humanism of Marxism;以人为本:新时期马克思主义中国化的人本观

15.The Trend of Personality Theory:from Localization to Popularization;人格理论的走向:从“本土化”到“大众化”

16.Man s Modernization--the Hypostasis of the Special Education Modernization;人的现代化——特殊教育现代化的本质

17.Social Security,Aging and Human Capital Investment;人口老龄化、社会保障与人力资本投资

18.Strengthening the Human Resource Management and Demonstrating the "People-based Thought";强化人力资源管理 彰显“以人为本”思想



1.It is suggested in this article that the universities teaching management should follow the humanistic idea of management,positively explore and carry out thehumanization management,and construct the pattern of individual as well as diverse teaching management.本文对高校教学管理现状及存在的问题进行分析,表现最突出是缺乏人性化管理,由此提出高校教学管理应体现人本管理理念,并积极探索和推行人本化管理,构建个性化与多样化的教学管理模式。

2.After making a comprehensive survey of moral educational reformation direction,we can find thehumanization developmental trend.综观西方各国德育理论和育实践的改革走向,我们可以发现其人本化的发展趋势。

3.There are concrete measures in applying psychological laws to promote thehumanization of college student Party members education:applying need psychological laws to enhance consciousness in learning theory;applying motivation psychological laws to straighten students motiv.应用心理规律,促进大学生党员教育人本化的具体措施有:应用需要心理规律,提高理论学习的自觉性;应用动机心理规律,端正学生的入党动机;应用情感心理规律,培养贡献社会的责任感;应用意志心理规律,树立理想信念的坚定性;应用行为心理规律,体现学生党员的先进性。


1.In combination with the practical education in the higher schools,this paper discusses thehumanistic management of library service under the condition of library network.结合高等院校教学实际讨论高校图书馆网络化条件下图书馆服务管理的人本化命题。

2.In other words,humanistic education is the fundamental part of education in itsmodernization process in China.当今,人本化教育已成为一种国际性的共识,它不仅是个体人文精神形成和发展的主导力量,还是我国全面实施素质教育和贯彻全面发展教育方针的理念支撑,已成为我国实现教育现代化的教育内容的基本组成部分。

3.Ahumanistic training mode for credit system based on Chinese situation is the need of current high education.高等教育"以人为本"教育教学理念的确立呼唤一个符合当前中国国情的人本化学分制培养模式。


1.Opinions about Humanity in the Goal of Teachers Training;关于教师培训目标人本化的几点思考

2.It is a necessary tendency for the development of aud itmanagement to puthumanity into aud itmanagement.将人本化思想移植于审计管理之中,使审计管理更具人性化,是现代审计发展的必然趋势。


1.Exploration of Human-centered Management of Undergraduates;大学生“人本化”管理探究

6)Humanism Culture人本文化

1.Discussion on the Construction of EnterpriseHumanism Culture in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州企业人本文化建设浅析


