100字范文 > 人本思想 humanism英语短句 例句大全

人本思想 humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 06:41:33


人本思想 humanism英语短句 例句大全



1.The Enlightenment and Application of Humanism in Libraries of Higher Vocational Institutions;谈高职院校图书馆人本思想的启示和应用

2.Humanism and Chinese Teaching Practice in Chinese Curriculum Standards;语文课程标准中的人本思想与语文教学实践

3.In this paper, the author discusses the option in current school management with the views of system, effectiveness andhumanism.本文从系统思想、效能思想和人本思想三个方面论述了当代学校管理的价值取向 ,这三者在整体上构成了当代学校的发展理


1.Human-centered Thinking & Chinese Economy Politics Thinking;人本思想与中国经济政治思想的诉求

2.Enlightenment from Confucianist Thought to Mordern Management;儒家人本思想对现代人本管理的启示

3.Contemplation of people orientated ideology under the competitive sports system in China对我国竞技体育体制人本思想的思考

4.The Connotation of Human-oriented Thought and the Empirical Mode of Political and Ideological Education in Universities;高校思想政治教育人本思想的内涵与工作范式

5.The Humanism Theory and the High School Politics Teaching;“人本主义”思想与中学思想政治教学

6.On Deng Xiaoping’s Patriotic Principle Thought in “Taking People’s Benefit as Essence”;论邓小平爱国主义思想中的“人本”思想

7.Marx s Essential Way of Thinking of the Thought on the Essence of People;马克思关于人的本质思想的基本理路

8.Marx Idea of "Consider the Value of Human First" and the Doctrine of Western Anthropologicalism;马克思的“以人为本”思想与西方人本主义思潮

9.Transformation from the Thought of Deity in Xia, Shang, Zhou Dynasty to Confucian s Humanity Thought;论夏、商、周“神本”思想向孔子“人本”思想的转变

10.Marx s Thought of Human Nature and Human Development in All-Round Way;马克思人的本质和人的全面发展思想

11.Property Rights of Human Capital、Thoughts of Human Based Management and Human Based Finance;人力资本产权、人本管理思想与人本主义财务学

12.The Humanistic Tradition in the West and Marx Treatment of Human Beingsas the Foundation of All Values;西方人本主义的传统与马克思的“以人为本”思想

13.The Theory of Human Nature by Marx and its Value for Modern Times;试论马克思人的本质思想的当代价值

14.The Historical Continuity and Change of Marx s "People-Oriented" Thought;马克思“以人为本”思想的历史嬗变

15.Marx Multi-dimensional Ideas on Human Nature;马克思关于人的本质思想的多维考察

16.Contemporary Explanation of Marx on "Human s Essence" Thought;马克思“人的本质”思想的当代解读

17.Thinking on the teaching of morals and politics lessons based on human-targeted principle;思想政治课教学坚持“以人为本”的思考

18.Humanism Essence of Maxist Ecological Thought;马克思主义生态思想之人文本质浅议


humanistic thought人本思想

1.Thehumanistic thought of Marx and Engles and its features——Based on the understanding of the important works of Marx and Engles;马克思恩格斯的人本思想及其特征——基于对马克思恩格斯重要著作的理解

2.This paper briefly introduces the developing situation of the human relation theory, and emphatically discusses on the significance, methods and fun ctions of putting thehumanistic thought into the equipment management.简要介绍了人际关系学说的发展现状,重点论述了将人本思想、人际关系学说引入设备管理工作的意义、方法和作用。

3.This paper introduces the humanistic management principle, expounds the connotation ofhumanistic thought and humanistic management, and discusses on the practical significance and the concrete practicing method of the management of university library s manpower resources.引入了管理学中的人本管理原则,阐述了人本思想和人本管理的内涵,并论述了运用人本管理思想管理图书馆人力资源的现实意义及其具体的实施办法。

3)humanism thought人本思想

1.This paper explains theirhumanism thoughts and its realistic significance from the three aspects of natural man,social man,and historical man.马克思、恩格斯运用唯物史观,建立了科学的人本思想体系。

4)thought of human basis人本位思想

1.The paper regards that the system of classification of network information is a kind of breaking and deviation from traditional classification system,and is the reflection of thethought of human basis in the system of classification of network information.文章认为网络信息分类体系是对传统分类体系的突破与背离 ,属于人本位思想在网络信息分类体系中的具体体现。

5)Marx"s thoughts on human-oriented马克思人本思想

6)humanistic thinking人本主义思想

1.The application ofhumanistic thinking in clinical nursing teaching;人本主义思想在临床护理教学中的应用


人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people"s army, thought ofrenmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j
