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人本精神 humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 10:16:29


人本精神 humanism英语短句 例句大全



1.The Classical Sources, Humanism and Modern Ideas in Renaissance Play;论文艺复兴戏剧中的古典源流、人本精神和近代观念

2.Liu Zongyuan took off the theological coat of the Confucianism and carried forward thehumanism of the original Confucianism.柳宗元针对中唐儒学义理被淹没在章句训诂中的情况,重申原始儒学的经世致用特征;柳宗元剥落笼罩在儒学头上的天人感应、鬼神迷信等神学外衣,弘扬原始儒学的人本精神;柳宗元倡导“大中之道”,端正了儒学学风;柳宗元统合儒释、融合诸家,拓展了儒学视野。


1.Promote Scientific Development of Public Security Work Based on Humanism;树立人本精神 推动公安工作科学发展

2.Zhuangzi s natural and people -oriented ideas and the ideas of Ecological Ethics;生态伦理意义上的庄子自然人本精神

3.On the Integration of Personnel System Reform and Humanism in High Schools;论高校人事制度改革与人本精神的统一

4.Human spirit is the basic element of education.教育的人文精神是教育的基本精神。

5.the Best Embodiment of Chinese Political Culture--People-oriented Spirit;中国政治文化中人文精神的最高表现——民本精神

6.On the Comparison of Personality Theory between Psychoanalysis and Humanism;精神分析与人本主义人格理论之比较

7.Obviously, these people are concerned only with numbers, not people.在这里,以人为本的精神不见了。

8.Humanistic spirit is the soul of a nation and the base of a person.人文精神是民族之魂、立身之本。

9.The view of development of humanism is full of scientific spirit.以人为本的发展观充满了科学精神。

10.A Study on "People First" Spirit in University s Moral Work;论高校德育工作的“以人为本”精神

11.Human-oriented Management: The Development and Utilization of Corporate Spirit Resources;人本管理:企业精神资源的开发和利用

12.Original Confucianism of LiZhi s Historian Figure Appraisement in the People-basis Field of Vision;民本视野下李贽人物史评的原儒精神

13.On the Person in Modern Civil Law from the Perspective of the Spirit of Capitalism;从“资本主义精神”透视近代民法中的人

14.Feuerbach s Humanitarianism Spirit and Its Modern Significance;费尔巴哈人本主义精神及其现代意义

15.On the Humanitarianism of Shen Jiaben s Thought of the Legal System;论沈家本法制思想中的人道主义精神

16.The Spirit of Utopia: the Core of Marx’s Ontology of Manology;乌托邦精神:马克思人学本体论的核心

17.Economic Level Complements Humanism in Integration of Medicine医学整合:人文精神为本,经济杠杆为用

18.Humanity is also about making the well-being of mankind as the starting point. What is the ultimate aim of our education?人文精神也是一种以人为本的精神,我们的教育的终极目标是什么?


humanistic spirit人本精神

1.In this way,it is easy for us to distinguish the humanistic theory of education and various theories which are characteristic ofhumanistic spirit.本文通过对人本主义的词源和内涵进行探讨,并将其同易与人本主义相混淆的一些理念进行对比,将各种具有人本精神的理念与人本主义教育理论区分开来,为人本主义验明正身,以此证明在教育理论中,人本主义并不等同于以人为本。

2.To express human spirit beauty,imaginative creating idea in Chinese painting was formed under the influence ofhumanistic spirit of Chinese philosophy.中国画以表现人的精神情致美为主的写意创作观念,主要是中国哲学的人本精神影响下所形成的。

3)humanism spirit人本精神

1.There are three aspects—legends of mythology and totem worship andhumanism spirit.以《说文》中与神鸟文化相关的字词解说为对象,从汉字文化学的角度,在神话传说、图腾崇拜、人本精神等众多方面考察了中国先民的神鸟文化意识,从中发现《说文》鸟部字存有一个"凤"神字族系列,它体现的中国先民的神鸟文化意识源于上古的原始神话,进而上升到图腾崇拜,最终构筑了"凤"神字族独特的人本精神。

parising the similarities and differences between Lu Xun and Hugo s writings themes,despite that they have temporal and spatial differences and different national features,the themes created by the two masters are full ofhumanism spirit,the core and essence of which is value judgment and behavioral rules of humanism.比较鲁迅与雨果文学创作母题的异同,两位大师的文本话语尽管具有不同的时空差异和各自的民族性特征,但其文本语义都浸透着人类不可或缺的基本精神,即人本精神;而人本精神的核心和本质即是"以人为本"的价值判断和行动准则。

4)Human-Oriented Spirit人本精神

1.Discussion onHuman-Oriented Spirit in Enterprises Management;试论企业管理的人本精神

5)human spirit人本精神

1.the philosophy of practice,which is established on the logic base of the worldly position,with the rational world as the value purpose and the self-awareness as the pursuit ofhuman spirit.马克思所建构的实践哲学,其逻辑底蕴是世俗立场,价值旨归是理性世界,人本精神是自我意识。

6)ecological and humanistic spirit生态人本精神


精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。(赵亚忠撰刘协和审)
