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秩序 order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-24 18:30:27


秩序 order英语短句 例句大全



1.Drug Price Policy and Medical Market Order;浅谈药品价格政策与医药市场秩序的关系

2.Study on formation mechanism of cyberspaceorder based on evolutionary games theory;基于进化博弈理论的网络秩序生成机理研究


1.New International Order, World Order and New World Order;国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序

2.Ordnung und Ordnungspolitik Ordo--ausgehend vom Jahrbuch für die Ordnung;论奥尔多秩序与秩序政策——从秩序年鉴谈起

3."Quiet down a bit, fellows. Order. We must keep order!" one of the deputies shouted.“同学们,安静点,秩序,我们要保持秩序

4.Rule of Law and Rule of Law in China’s Countryside;论法治秩序与中国乡村社会法治秩序

5.Randomize the order of the numbers.打乱这些数码的秩序。

6.OMA (orderly marketing agreement)有秩序的市场销售协定

7.Perfect discipline prevailed ashore and afloat.岸上、船上秩序井然。

8.someone who patrols the borders of a country.巡视一国边境秩序的人。

9.To make clean or orderly.清理使清洁或有秩序

10.Good order is the foundation of all things. ----E Burke, British statesman良好的秩序是一切的基

11.Parliamentarians for World Order议员促进世界秩序协会

12.To fall into disorder, as a formation of soldiers.秩序混乱,如士兵的队列

13.The teaching order in the school is very good.学校的教学秩序非常好

14.a systematic orderly arrangement.系统的有秩序的排列。

15.Please call in police to restore order.请调警察来恢复秩序。

16.Genovian Order of the Rose.捷诺亚秩序的玫瑰。

17.There have be a complete breakdown of law and order法律与秩序已荡然无存

18.Third, financial order will be thoroughly rectified.三是深入整顿金融秩序。



1.The Reasons of Enterprise Accountancy Existed Sequence Confusion and Information Distortion;企业会计秩序混乱及会计信息失真的原因

2.Authority and Sequence in the Hui Minority Village;回族村落中的权威与秩序

3.Centering on main tasks,the Party s basic organization should do the following things:feeling hospital s main pulse,sustaining hospital ssequence and stability,participating actively in showing the direction,daring to make decisions,grasping ideological trend,skillfully taking advantages,devoting to public welfare affairs,bui.作为基层党组织,必须紧紧把握医院中心脉搏,维护医院秩序稳定。


1.To construct a generous culture and establish an opensystem;打造城市核心竞争力——构筑宽容文化,建立开放秩序

4)circulation order流通秩序

1.The author believes that medicine logistics" development can standardized medicinecirculation order,lower cost of medicine circulation,promote sustainability of medicine circulation industry,and promote separation between clinic and medicine.本文认为,发展医药物流有利于规范医药流通秩序,降低医药流通成本,提升医药流通产业持续发展能力,推进"医药分业"。

5)exploitation order开发秩序

1.Try to establish and use the evaluation index inexploitation order of mineral resources试论矿产资源开发秩序评价指标的建立与应用

6)social order社会秩序

1.New Conception on Communication Study: Impact of Information Stability on Social order;信息稳定及其对社会秩序的影响

2.Reconstruction of thesocial order and social harmony;社会秩序重塑与和谐社会构建


