100字范文 > 整体秩序 Entirety order英语短句 例句大全

整体秩序 Entirety order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-31 04:38:35


整体秩序 Entirety order英语短句 例句大全

整体秩序,Entirety order

1)Entirety order整体秩序


1.Individual Behavior and Aggregate Order--Analogy of economic and scientific systems;个体行为与整体秩序——经济系统与科学系统的类比

2.Spontaneous Order from Countryside to the Center:An Overall Interpretation of Rural Legal Order in China从边陲到中央的“自生”秩序——对中国乡村法律秩序的整体性阐释

3.The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole.宇宙被认为是一个有秩序和协调的整体的世界

4.Exploring Exploitation Order and the Integration of Coal Resources from System and Mechanism;从体制机制探究煤炭资源开发秩序及资源整合

5.Integration of Market-centered Economy and Constructi on of an Ordered Market;市场主体的行为整合与良好市场秩序的构建

6.Third, financial order will be thoroughly rectified.三是深入整顿金融秩序。

7.To rectify and regulate the import and export order整顿和规范进出口秩序。

8.4. We should bring order to industrial management.四、整顿企业管理秩序。

9.We should put the society in order.我们必须整顿社会秩序。

10.We will make great efforts to rectify the order of the tourism market.大力整顿旅游市场秩序。

11.Order, cleanliness, seemliness make a structure that is half support, half ritual秩序、整洁和庄重带来一半是支持、一半是敷衍了事的体系

12.To put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.组织使组成一个有秩序的、发挥作用的与有结构的整体

13.We must rectify and standardize the order of the market economy and establish a social credit system compatible with a modern market economy..整顿和规范市场经济秩序,健全现代市场经济的社会信用体系.

14.The drug manufacture and trade should be reorganized to promote the reform of drug manufacturing and trade system.整顿药品生产流通秩序,推进药品生产流通体制的改革。

15.System and Order--On the Development of City Harmonizing with Region from the View of Philosophy;系统·秩序——关于我国城市与区域整体协调发展的哲学思辨

16.Orderly and neat in appearance or procedure.整洁的外表或步骤有秩序而整齐的

17.On the construction of sports industrial order: an analytical perspective of "social order dualism"“社会秩序二元观”视野下的体育行业秩序建构

18.marked by good order and cleanliness in appearance or habits.外表或习性显示出好秩序或整洁的。


sequence of the whole national law order国家整体法秩序

3)administering the order秩序整治

4)order of adjustment秩序调整

5)reconstruction of social order秩序整合

6)the holistie national order of law国家的整体法秩序


