100字范文 > 法秩序 legal order英语短句 例句大全

法秩序 legal order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-23 19:15:29


法秩序 legal order英语短句 例句大全

法秩序,legal order

1)legal order法秩序

1.There are two knowledge systems in terms of keepinglegal order during Yuan-Ming-Qing Dynasty in grass-roots society,one is State Law,another is Folk Law.国家法对基层的治理和渗透一直与少数民族乡约的发展交织,基层法秩序呈现二元单维、三元交融的结构状态。

2.The system will restore thelegal order and the benefit balance between the offender and the victims.该制度通过对犯罪被害人进行补偿,回复由于发生犯罪而失衡的法秩序及国民对刑事司法的信赖,由此安定社会秩序。

2)legal order法律秩序

1.A research onlegal order of commercial exploitation of geographic name resources;地名资源商业化开发的法律秩序研究

2.On higher school education legal relation and educationlegal order;论高等学校教育法律关系和教育法律秩序

3., to establish an ecologicallegal order.同时 ,为了保护生态安全 ,还必须建立全面控制机制 ,依靠法律维护人与自然的生态秩序 ,即建立生态法律秩序。


1.order ruled in the streets; law and order.维护国家的法律秩序。

2.The girls get to administer their own brand of justice女士们则维持她们自己的法律秩序

3.A research on legal order of commercial exploitation of geographic name resources;地名资源商业化开发的法律秩序研究

4.The Theory of Social Stratification and Legal Order;试论社会分层与法律秩序的理论逻辑

5.The Social Construction Is Self-contradict and the Growth of the Modern Law Order;社会结构性矛盾与现代法律秩序生长

6.On Formation of Legal Order in Chinese Rural Community;现代乡村法律秩序的生成:一个过程

7.Transition Economy:Governmental Setting Direction and"New Legal Order";经济转轨 政府定位与“新的法律秩序”

8.There have be a complete breakdown of law and order法律与秩序已荡然无存

9.There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.法律与秩序已荡然无存。

10.The law charges policemen with keeping law and order法律委予警察维持法律与秩序的责任。

11.Law is order , and good law is good order.--Aristole, Ancient Greek philosopher法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德

12.Law is order, and good law is good order.--Aristotle法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德

13.Law is order, and good law is good order. ---- Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有 好的秩序。----古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德

14.Lay heavy stress on law and order.主要重点放在法律和秩序上。

15.Law and order is necessary for a peaceful society.法律和秩序对于社会安宁是必需的。

16.After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order.暴乱过后,军队被调来重建法律和秩序。

17.The maintenance of law and order be of vital Importance法律与秩序的维持是至关重要的

18.The government have give the maintenance of law and order top priority .政府最优先考虑的是维持法律的秩序。


legal order法律秩序

1.A research onlegal order of commercial exploitation of geographic name resources;地名资源商业化开发的法律秩序研究

2.On higher school education legal relation and educationlegal order;论高等学校教育法律关系和教育法律秩序

3., to establish an ecologicallegal order.同时 ,为了保护生态安全 ,还必须建立全面控制机制 ,依靠法律维护人与自然的生态秩序 ,即建立生态法律秩序。

3)order law秩序法则

1.On deoxidization theory in modern education and its criticism——Also onorder law in modern education;现代教育的还原论及其批判——兼论现代教育的秩序法则

4)Li-fa order礼法秩序

1.Starting with the research significance,this paper briefly discusses the "business" in the sight of the traditional legal culture and the Jin merchants under the "Li-fa order".该文通过讨论中国古代法律文化视野中“商”的观念,以及“礼法秩序”影响下的山西商人,认为晋商与传统法律文化之间存在千丝万缕的联系,传统的法律文化是影响晋商兴衰成败的重要因素之一。

5)the clansman宗法秩序

1.From the 80 s, the restoration ofthe clansman sequence has been an important event in Chinese Village, and different scholar have different views on this phenomenon.20世纪80年代以后,宗族秩序的回潮成为乡村社会的大事件,对于这一现象,学术界存在不同的看法,存在着宗族秩 序的正反向两个维度之争,本文认为虽然宗法秩序相当成分的增长有悖于社会现代化,但村落宗族文化尚有其正面的因素,也有 其能为现代化进程所运用的潜能,基层组织应对复兴的宗族秩序进行价值性的开掘,使其成为乡村社会的秩序转型的有利因素。

6)constitutional order宪法秩序

1.The relationship between government powers and citizen rights manifests aconstitutional order in the practice constitution and constitutional politics.政府权力与公民权利的关系在宪法与宪政实践中表现为一种宪法秩序 ,它是宪法秩序的核心内容之一。

2.The main purpose of this paper is to sum up the lessons pertaining to theconstitutional order in China drawn from the experience in the past century.创建民主、稳定的宪法秩序是中国人民奋斗了百年而未竟的事业。


