100字范文 > 起源 Origin英语短句 例句大全

起源 Origin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 12:01:07


起源 Origin英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the origin of tea culture;试论茶文化的起源——和“原始茶道”论者商榷

2.The origin of the term "ecological environment (eco-environment)" in Chinese and its connotation;“生态环境”概念的起源与内涵

3.5000 Years of wines fragrance——the origin, development and prospects of wine;酒香五千年——酒的起源、演变与展望


1.derive:To issue from a source; originate."起源于,来自:从某一源泉产生;起源."

2.Origin of the Whistle -- Origin of language;啸的起源——兼论语言的起源张应斌

3.Primary Studies on the Origin of Law--Rethinking of the Marxist View on the Origin of Law;法的起源探源——再论马克思主义的法起源观

4.To trace the origin or derivation of.溯源追溯…的源头或起源于…

5.The Researches on the Resources and Acknowledgement of Culture between the East and the West--Studies on the Relations between the Resource of Arts and the one of Culture;中西“文化”起源与认同——兼论文化起源与艺术起源之关系

6.grow out of, have roots in, originate in.由……而来,根于,起源于。

7.located or originating from above.位于或起源于上面的。

8.meteorite hypothesis陨星假说-太阳系起源

9.Partly of Germanic origin.部分起源于日尔曼语。

10.encounter hypothesis偶遇假说 -太阳系起源

11.Jazz probably comes from Africa.爵士乐可能起源于非洲。

12.nativeness by virtue or originating or occurring naturally (as in a particular place).自然起源或发生于某地。

13.It is meaningful to study the origin of life.研究生命起源很有意义。

14.The Origin of Life and Future of Humans生命起源及人的未来

15.Where does the Nile rise?尼罗河起源于何处?

16.Yoga originated in the East.瑜伽起源于东方国家.

17.The bullfight originated in Spain.斗牛起源于西班牙。

18.theory of centres of cultivated plant origin栽培植物起源中心说



1.TheOrigination, Development and Challenge of Green Belt Policy in the UK;英国绿带政策的起源、发展和挑战

2.Per Unit Yield of Stand with DifferentOrigination and Its Development Trend;不同起源林分单产及其发展动态

3.Advance on Endemics in Floristics——concept,type,origination and studied significance;植物区系学中特有现象的研究进展(Ⅰ)——概念、类型、起源及其研究意义


1.Press Thought in Modern China: Its Origins and Structural Transformation中国近代报刊思想的起源与转折


1.English Balladsoriginated from 12thand 13thcentury, flourished in 14thand 15thcentury, and revived in 18thand 19th century.英语民谣起源于12、13世纪,兴盛于14、15世纪,复兴于18、19世纪,对英语诗歌的发展产生了深远影响。


1.This paper discusses thesource and basic views of constructivism and the advantages and problems of multimedia assisted English leaching.本文探讨了建构主义理论的起源、主要思想,阐述了多媒体辅助教学的特点和优势及存在的问题。

2.With the development of relationship marketing in all over the world, but many essays have different opinions on itssource, this passage will introduce the process ofsource of the relationship marketing, and will tell it development simply, at last, we will emphatically illustrate its social value.本文考证了关系营销的起源过程,并简单介绍其发展,重点对其社会价值进行阐述,一方面分析了关系营销对企业本身的价值,另一方面强调了关系营销对消费者也存在着价值,毕竟在关系营销中,消费者也很重要,并希望大家能对其有所进一步的认识。

3.Although the conflicts law in China is transplanted from abroad in the modern sense,it had a history as long as Chinese civilization by comparing with thesource of the conflicts law in ancient Greek and ancient Roman law.虽然现代意义上的中国冲突法是舶来品,但通过与古希腊、古罗马冲突法思想起源的比较,可以发现中国的冲突法思想和中华文明一样源远流长,最早能够追溯到夏滴、周三代时期,并且经过历代的积淀逐渐成熟和完善。


1.Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Aves:Genesis and Evolution;鸟类的昨天、今天和明天:起源与演化

2.OBJECTIVE: To review the histogenesis of mammary Paget disease (MPD)and extramammary Paget disease(EMPD), the conception of primary or secondary PD, and reliable diagnostic marker for the evaluation of MPD and EMPD.目的:探讨乳房Paget病(MPD)和乳房外Paget病(EMPD)的起源分化、原发和继发性Paget病(PD)的概念以及诊断有价值的免疫标志。


起源1.事物产生的根源。 2.发源。
