100字范文 > 历史起源 historical origin英语短句 例句大全

历史起源 historical origin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-21 03:45:18


历史起源 historical origin英语短句 例句大全

历史起源,historical origin

1)historical origin历史起源


1.The historical origin and development of a word;an etymology.词源一个词的历史起源及演变;(某字的)语源

2.Investigating on Quyuans knowledge of history from Tianwen;由《天问》看屈原对历史起源的认识

3.The Origination of England s "King Under Law" Idea;英国“王在法下”法治观念的历史起源

4.A Study of Historical Sources of Literary Discourses of Modernity after"the Cultural Revolution;“文革”后文学现代性话语的历史起源研究

5.On the Origin of Historiography and the Early Forms of Write History;论历史学的起源和早期历史记载的方式

6.The beginnings of music are lost in the mist of the past.音乐的起源迷失在历史的浓雾之中。

7.Historical Inspection of the "5·7" Cardre School: The Origin and the General Picture;“五七”干校的历史考察:源起与概貌

8.Study on the origins of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine;中西医学差异起源的历史比较与分析

9.The Pre-Zhou History and the Origin of the Tale of Niulang and Zhinu;先周历史与《牛郎织女》传说的起源

10.A Discussion About the Historic Origin of the Viewpoint of Peasant Uprising on Water Margin;论《水浒传》“农民起义”说形成的历史根源

11.On "Historical a Priori"--Reading of Husserl"s Origin of Geometry论“历史先天”——读胡塞尔《几何学的起源》

12.Speaking Matching Writing": A Probe Into the Origin of the Form of Modern Japanese Literature With Perspectives From Historicalism and Historicism;言文一致":日本近代文学的形式起源——从历史主义到"历史化

13.The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth.地质学对地球起源、历史和结构的科学研究

14.the branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names.词汇学中研究专有名词起源与历史的分支。

15.Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) has a history of several years.中医有着几千年的历史,起源可追溯至远古时代。

16.On Historical Significance of Anyuan Meeting in Autumn Harvest Uprising at the Provincial Border of Jiangxi and Hunan;论安源会议在湘赣边界秋收起义中的历史意义

17.History of Sense and its Reduction;意义的历史及其回溯——胡塞尔《几何学的起源》解读

18.A Historical Analysis of the Four Propositions about the Origins of Capitalism in a Multipluralism;多棱镜中的历史——四种资本主义起源说评述


the original of the history历史的起源

3)historical starting point历史起点

1.Opinions have been quite divided in the academic circles about thehistorical starting point of socialism with Chinese characteristics over recent years,focusing on 1921,1927~1934, 1956,1978,and 1982.近年来学术界对中国特色社会主义的历史起点问题分歧较大,主要有"19说"、"1927~1934年说"、"1956年说"、"1978年说"、"1982年说"。

2.This theory marks thehistorical starting point from which Deng Xiaoping began to explore the socialist developing road adaptable to the reality of Chinese society.20世纪60年代邓小平支持农业生产责任制的实践及其“猫论”观点、70年代中期旨在纠正“文化大革命”错误之“全面整顿”实践和理论,是邓小平探索适合中国国情社会主义发展道路的历史起点,是邓小平理论体系萌芽的根本性标志。

3.To profoundly understand and accurately grasp the essence of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,we have to clear up a series of major issues,among which,historical starting point,the formation and development of the dynamic mechanism,historical orientation are the most important dimensions.深刻认识和准确把握中国特色社会主义道路的实质,必须深入廓清一系列重大问题,其中历史起点、形成与发展的动力机制、时代方位是三个最重要的维度。

4)historical origin历史渊源

1.The paper discusses thehistorical origin and the progress of Qilou based upon the investigation and analysis results of its origin,form,function,structure and culture styles.在对骑楼的由来、形态、功能、结构及文化风格的调查分析基础上,对骑楼的历史渊源进行了探讨,提出了广东骑楼建筑是基于印度“外廊式”殖民建筑、地中海“柱廊”宗教建筑、欧洲“敞廊式”市场建筑、中国“檐廊式”店铺建筑、中国“干阑式”居住建筑等不同形式发展融合而成。

2.The generation and development of administrative compensation have their thought roots andhistorical origin.行政补偿的产生和发展有其思想根源和历史渊源。

3.This paper aims at analyzing thehistorical origin and tradition of the consciousness of suffering by way of the study of Lu Xun s litera.本文从鲁迅先生的文学创作与翻译思想着手来论说鲁迅的忧患意识,进而分析其历史渊源及传统,以及在新世纪继续保持忧患意识的重大现实意义。

5)Historical origins历史渊源

1.In terms of historical origins,Redactology & Publishing Science in China has distant sources,long streams, tendencies of development as a science and a system.中国的编辑出版学在历史渊源上,具有绵长的研究源流与强烈的学术化、体系化倾向。

2.This article discusses this phenomenon and its historical origins of the sexism language in English from the angle of social psychological linguistics,and then goes to talk about the influ.从社会心理语言学角度探讨英语中性别歧视语存在的诸多表现及其产生的历史渊源,女权运动对性别歧视语的影响,号召人们特别是女性正确地认识和理解语言中的性别差异,并通过不断地努力来逐步改变这一不合理的现象。

3.Studies on the historical origins of Chinese metropolis films indicate the close relationship between metropolis films and popular literary works.中国的都市电影或多或少都具有一种平民化色彩 ,追溯其历史渊源 ,不难发现 ,其发展历程与平民文学有着密切的联系。

6)History origin历史渊源

1.The culture context and history origin of education development in central area of China;中部地区教育发展的文化背景和历史渊源

2.This article first investigated its basic theories of "QingZhong",then explained the inheriting relation between the price management thinkings in QingZhong and the preceding thinkings,thereby proved up its history origin.本文考察了其基本理论范畴“轻重”概念的历史由来 ,在论述其前人有关价格管理思想的基础上 ,说明了《轻重》篇价格管理思想与前人思想的承继关系 ,从而初步探明了《轻重》篇价格管理思想的历史渊源。

3.There is important valuable to cap out the standard in Chinese criminal procedure that we lucubrate the international standards history origin.刑诉人权保障国际标准发端于西方近代保障人权的刑诉制度,本文深入研究了该标准这一历史渊源的主要内容、特点及其对标准的深刻影响,认为要在中国刑诉领域中贯彻该国际标准必须借鉴西方相关制度和理论,进行更为广泛的基本制度的改革。


