100字范文 > 交通资源配置 Transportation Resources Allocation英语短句 例句大全

交通资源配置 Transportation Resources Allocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-27 07:21:48


交通资源配置 Transportation Resources Allocation英语短句 例句大全

交通资源配置,Transportation Resources Allocation

1)Transportation Resources Allocation交通资源配置

1.Research on Timing Evaluation ofTransportation Resources Allocation Programming;交通资源配置规划建设时序评价研究


1.Research on Timing Evaluation of Transportation Resources Allocation Programming;交通资源配置规划建设时序评价研究

2.Analysis of the Traffic Resources Allocation"s Influence on Regional Economies交通资源配置对区域经济的影响分析

3.An Experimental Study on Human Resource Placement of Air Traffic Controllers;空中交通管理班组人力资源配置实证研究

4.The Analysis and Evaluation of Chinese Transportation System Resources Allocation;我国交通运输系统资源配置分析与评价

5.Resource Allocation of Signaling System Construction Enterprise for Urban Rail Transit;浅析城市轨道交通信号施工企业的资源配置

6.Discussion on Effect of Institution on Resource Allocation Efficiency of Transportation Planning论制度对交通规划资源配置效率的影响

7.Research on Resource Allocation of Space and Development of Rural Traffic and Transportation资源空间配置与农村交通运输发展研究

8.Optimal Allocation of Emergency Resource for Urban Rail Transit Network城市轨道交通网络化应急抢险资源优化配置

9.Evaluation on the Resource Allocation of the Transportation System Based on DEA基于DEA的交通运输系统资源配置效果评价

10.Rethinking the Policy of Giving Priority to Public Transport in China: The Planning Intervening of Resources Allocation for Transport Infrastructure;我国公共交通优先发展政策再认识——交通设施资源配置的计划干预

11.Study on the Highway Traffic Emergency Aid System and Support Decision-making of Aid Resources Allocation高速公路交通事故紧急救助系统与救助资源配置辅助决策研究

12.allocation of resources资源分配,资源配置

13.The Research of the Resources Allocation with CAPEX and OPEX for Mobile Communication Operaters;移动通信企业CAPEX与OPEX资源配置研究

14.Optimal allocation of macro-economy water resources in Tongliao City;通辽市宏观经济水资源优化配置研究

15.Social allocation of college sports resources in China论我国普通高校体育资源社会化配置

16.Research on Adaptive Resource Allocation in Wireless OFDMA System;无线正交频分多址系统中自适应资源配置研究

17.Study on Optimize Methods of Space-time Recourse in the Urban Intersection;城市平面交叉口时空资源优化配置方法研究

18.A Tentative Juridical Studies on Relationship Between the Trading of Emission Right and Distribution of the Environment Capacious Resources;环境容量资源配置和排污权交易法理初探


Resource allocation资源配置

parative study on resource allocation efficiency of urban wastewater treatment plants in China.;中国城市污水处理厂资源配置效率的比较

2.Data envelopment analysis in evaluation of resource allocation efficiency in military institute for drug and instrument control;运用数据包络分析法评价军队药品仪器检验所资源配置效率

3.Study on standard of primary military health anti-epidemic human resource allocation;部队卫生防疫人力资源配置标准的研究

3)resource distribution资源配置

1.Strengthen tariff signal guidance and optimize powerresource distribution--Search and practise for TOU price in Shenzhen;增强电价信号引导 优化电力资源配置——深圳市峰谷电价的探索与实践

work Construction and Resource Distribution of the Multi-medium Electronic Reading Rooms;多媒体电子阅览室的网络建设与资源配置

3.Calculated and analyzed financialresource distribution on the basis of mathematic programming model;基于数学规划模型的金融资源配置测算分析

4)resources distribution资源配置

1.Pollution discharge has caused external uneconomic characteristic for environment,the article analyzes cause of external uneconomic characteristic for environment and also gives a minute description of this caused unreasonableresources distribution,It raise some ideas to decrease external uneconomic characteristics and in order to realize optimum distribution of resources.污染排放对环境造成了外部不经济性,本文对环境的外部不经济性的起因进行了分析,并对由此引起的资源配置失误作了详细解释。

2.The rational space order is the concrete behavior ofresources distribution of forest land.林业可持续发展必然要求建立与之相适应的林地空间秩序,合理林地空间秩序是林地资源配置的具体表现,林地资源配置具有经营主体的自愿性、经营目标的明确性、配置方式的多样性以及林地空间秩序的可建设性等特征。

3.Unreasonableresources distribution and business processes have raised operation cost,which make the business operate only at a little profit under the prem.资源配置不合理、业务流程不合理等抬高了经营成本,使国营外贸企业处于巨量资金运转前提下方能维持微利经营的地步,经营风险日渐增大。

5)Allocation of resources资源配置

1.Improve the technology of community sanitation serving, enlarge the community hygiene fund throwing into dynamics; Put into effect two-way examine revolution; sanitation serves the community making great efforts to perfect medical treatment allocation of resources.目前我国医疗资源配置存在医疗资源利用效率不高、布局结构不合理等诸多问题。

2.The process and degree of the integrated development of urban and rural depends on the allocation of resources in urban and rural.统筹城乡发展问题,说到底是资源配置问题。

3.This paper suggests that the key factor restricting the China s economy and society development is un- balanced allocation of resources.我国经济社会发展的根本矛盾是资源配置的失衡。

6)resources allocation资源配置

1.On Building up Central Oil Depots and Optimization of Resources Allocation,;构建中心油库及资源配置优化框架的思考

2.Evaluation Method Studies on Equity of Resources Allocation for Community Health Services in Living Areas.;社区卫生服务资源配置评价方法研究

3.Analysis of county and county level above medicalresources allocation in Zhejiang Province;浙江省县及县以上医疗机构资源配置分析


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
