100字范文 > 信息资源配置 information resources allocation英语短句 例句大全

信息资源配置 information resources allocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 06:31:14


信息资源配置 information resources allocation英语短句 例句大全

信息资源配置,information resources allocation

1)information resources allocation信息资源配置

1.This thesis,based on the analysis of the present situation ofinformation resources allocation in China,discusses the achievements and problems in this field.本文从我国信息资源配置的现状出发,探讨了近几年来我国信息资源配置所取得的成就和存在的问题,剖析了造成这些问题的主要原因,并在此基础上提出了未来我国信息资源配置的发展对策。

2.This article has proposed the overall objectives and requirements on supply chaininformation resources allocation based on the theories oninformation resources allocation;has defined the utility of supply chaininformation resources allocation based on the concept of information utility in the information economics;has create.为满足供应链信息资源配置的总目标和要求,供应链信息资源配置是由时间、空间、类型组成的三维模型,时间配置模型和空间配置模型是供应链信息资源有效配置的重点,供应链信息资源配置还应考虑与供应链战略的匹配。


1.Research on Theory and Method of Agricultural Information Resource Allocation;农业信息资源配置的理论与方法研究

2.Application of DES Model in Accounting Information Resource Collocation;DES模型在会计信息资源配置中的应用

3.Study on Self-Organization of Information Resources Allocation Based on CAS基于CAS的信息资源配置自组织研究

4.On Resources Configuration in University Libraties under Impact of Electronic Resources电子资源冲击下的高校图书馆信息资源配置

5.Research on Theory and Method of Enterprise"s Information Resource Allocation and Strategy Planning;企业信息资源配置理论方法与战略规划研究

6.The Study on Agriculture Information Resource Disposition Benefit and Its Appraisal Method;农业信息资源配置效益及其评价方法研究

7.A Review of the Effects of Enterprise s Information Resources Allocation to Enterprise Performance;企业信息资源配置对企业绩效影响研究述评

8.Research on the Application of the Pareto Principle in Agricultural Information Resource Allocation;帕累托法则在农业信息资源配置中的应用研究

9.First Application of DES Model in the Accounting Information Resource;DES模型在会计信息资源配置中的应用初探

10.Market Allocation of Public Information Resources:Practices and Problems;公共信息资源市场配置的实践与问题

11.Study on the Strategies of Regional Network Information Resources Optimizing Allocation;区域网络信息资源优化配置策略研究

12.On the Formation and Effective Disposition of File Information Resources;论档案信息资源的形成及其有效配置

13.The Evaluation about the Configuration Efficiency of Information Human Resource in Enterprise;企业信息人力资源配置效率评价研究

14.On the Hybird Libraries and the Combination of Their Collections略论复合图书馆及其信息资源的配置

15.The Obstacles and Government Policies of Information Resources Allocation论信息资源合理配置障碍及政府决策

16.Strengthening the Property Information Management to Increase Scientific Resource Collocation Decision-Making Ability;加强资产信息管理 提高资源配置科学决策能力

17.Ways to Improving the Disposal of Information Resourcesfor the Referencerooms of Local College;地方高校资料室合理配置信息资源的对策

18.The Research on the Optimization Allocation of Information Resource in the Port Enterprise Based on the Portal;基于门户的港口企业信息资源优化配置研究


information resource allocation信息资源配置

1.Based on the present situation ofinformation resource allocation,the paper discusses the accomplishments,shortcomings ofinformation resource allocation in recent years in China and analyses the main causes.从我国信息资源配置的现状出发,探讨了近年来我国信息资源配置所取得的成就和存在的问题,剖析了造成这些问题的主要原因,并在此基础上提出了未来我国信息资源配置的发展对策。

2.The paper puts forward content and principle ofinformation resource allocation,confirms the content of the CIO mechanism and the relationship of relevant factors,and figures out the CIO mechanism based on resource allocation should include: organizational structure,decision-making mechanism,communication mechanism an.提出了组织信息资源配置的内容及其原则,确定了CIO制度的内容以及相关因素之间的关系。

3.The modern port is the center of international trade transportation and the logistics base, andinformation resource allocation in the port enterprise is an active essential factor in the overall strategy to remain competitive.现代港口是国际贸易的综合运输中心和后勤基地,港口企业中的信息资源配置是组织为了保持竞争力而必须制定的整体战略中的一个活跃的参与因素。

3)information resource disposition信息资源配置

1.This paper discusses the role,function of government and some problems that should be paid attention in theinformation resource disposition.本文论述了在社会信息资源配置中,政府的角色、作用和应该注意的问题。

2.This paper puts forward seven mechanisms for the optimal operation of the Internetinformation resource disposition system:national macro control,policies and regulations,information resource development and infrastructure security,market competition,multi channel money raising,information sharing,and human resource development.在分析网络信息资源配置的必要性的基础上,提出了构建网络信息资源配置体系的七大机制:国家宏观调控机制、政策法规机制、信息资源开发和基础设施保障机制、市场竞争机制、多渠道资金投入机制、信息资源共享机制、人才培养机制,以期为网络信息资源的有效、合理配置提供保障。

4)allocation of information resources信息资源配置

1.A talk on theallocation of information resources in the libraries of small and medium-sized cities;浅议中小城市图书馆的信息资源配置

5)pattern of information resource allocation信息资源配置模式

6)information resources allocation efficieny信息资源配置效率


