100字范文 > 公共资源配置 allocation of public resources英语短句 例句大全

公共资源配置 allocation of public resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-01 22:11:58


公共资源配置 allocation of public resources英语短句 例句大全

公共资源配置,allocation of public resources

1)allocation of public resources公共资源配置

1.Marketallocation of public resources is the substitute and sublation for traditional way of administrative examination and approval,but it also faces political risk,economic risk and social risks,and the key of market-orientedallocation of public resources is to reinvent idea,system,institution and mechanism.公共资源配置的市场化是对传统行政审批方式的替代和扬弃,但它同时也面临着政治风险、经济风险和社会风险,而实现公共资源配置的市场化的关键在于理念再造、制度再造、体制再造和机制再造。


1.Economic Analysis on the Apportion of Public Resources in Administrative Permission;行政许可中公共资源配置的经济分析

2.The Reasonable Choice of Auction Pattern in the Allocation of Public Resources论公共资源配置中拍卖方式的合理选择

3.Urban Management: a New Collocation Mechanism of City Public Resources and Pattern of City Governance;城市经营:一种新的城市公共资源配置机制与城市治理模式研究

4.Rotating Bidding: A Mechanism to Allocate Common Pool Resource,Comparing with Bargaining Solution;轮流拍卖在公共资源配置中的应用——兼与讨价还价模型比较

5.Ethics Research on the Equity of Public Health Resources Distribution;公共卫生资源公平配置的伦理学研究

6.Market Allocation of Public Information Resources:Practices and Problems;公共信息资源市场配置的实践与问题

7.On Realizing University Publicity and Optimizing Deployment of Common Resources;大学公共性的实现在于公共资源的优化配置

8.Research on the Allocation Patterns of Water Resource as Viewed from Public Management;公共管理视野下的水资源配置模式研究

9.Risk Analysis and Path Choice of Market Allocation of Public Resources;公共资源市场化配置的风险分析及路径选择

10.Study on Public Reform and Relocation of National Audit Resources;公共财政改革与国家审计资源重新配置研究

11.Reform of Land Resource Allocation and Adjustment of Public Policy;土地资源配置方式改革与公共政策转变

12.Influence of TWO Entry on Public Human Resource Dispositionand the Counter measures;加入WTO对公共人力资源配置的影响与对策

13.Research on Evaluation Index of Reasonable Allocation of Government Public Information Resources政府公共信息资源合理配置评价指标问题探讨

14.Public Policy Design of Promoting Information Resource Allocation促进信息资源合理配置的公共政策设计

15.Allocation of Public Education Resources in China for General Higher Education我国公共教育资源对普通高等教育的配置

16.A difficult problem should be resolved urgently:Equitable allocation of the investment resources for public higher education;一个亟待破解的难题:公共高等教育投资资源的公平性配置

17.Some Thoughts on the Allocation of Public Higher Education Investment Resources Under the Visual Threshold of the Fairness Theory;公平理论视阈下我国公共高等教育投资资源配置若干思考

18.The West education always gets behind and it has direct relation with public policies which collocate education resource.西部教育一直比较落后,这与其资源配置的公共政策直接相关。


public educational resources allocation公共教育资源配置

3)fair allocation of education resource资源配置公平

4)public allocation公共配置

5)Public resource公共资源

1.Scenic Sites Conservation——An Economic Interpretation from the Public Resource Management;风景名胜区保护——公共资源管理的经济学原理

2.The Study on Collusion Prevention in Auction of Public Resource;公共资源拍卖中的共谋防止研究

3.The article also points out more Similar problem of over development in public fishery resource in present public resource development.本文以“公地悲剧”理论,讨论了渔业公共资源的市场配置导致的悲剧现象,指出了当前公共资源开发利用中存在着极多相类似的渔业公共资源过度开发的问题。

6)public resources公共资源

1.Public resources issued as the key factor is considered to decide the future development of the organizations and the overexploitation ofpublic resources will make the organizations cannot have a real sustainable development.基于博弈理论,探讨了企业公共资源的合理利用。

2.Thepublic resources are divided into reproducible and non-producible resources.公共资源分为可再生资源和不可再生资源 ,可再生资源如果利用不当 ,有可能转化为不可再生资源。

3.Management ofpublic resources is the core area of national public administration in modern society.公共资源管理是现代社会国家公共管理的核心领域,也是我国现代化建设和政治文明建设的一个十分重要的领域。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
